Examples of the the word, sophomore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sophomore ), is the 9056 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Life and culture, which students may choose to join in the spring of their, sophomore ,year. Eating clubs, which are not officially affiliated with the university
  2. Terms of their freshman and senior years, as well as the summer term of their, sophomore ,year. During all other terms, students are permitted to choose between studying
  3. For the Golden Gophers, earning All American honors as a shortstop for his, sophomore ,and junior years. After his junior year in college, he was selected third
  4. The spring semester). Although cadets choose their majors in the fall of their, sophomore ,year, they take the same course of instruction until the beginning of their
  5. The practice space of fellow Montano musicians the Melvin's. During his, sophomore ,year in high school, Cobain began living with his mother in Aberdeen. Two weeks
  6. Becoming a priest, Giuliani was elected president of his class in his, sophomore ,year, but was not re-elected in his junior year. Giuliani started his political
  7. Students enter a housing lottery to determine where they will live during their, sophomore ,year. They occupy one of four buildings. The first, McCoy Hall is located next
  8. Calculus sequence taught by Bob Thrall and earning himself A's. However, his, sophomore , and junior years were marred with mediocre grades, mostly BS, Cs and even an F
  9. Aggressive and spirited player on the football field. Prior to the start of his, sophomore ,year, Lombardi was projected as a starter at tackle. Lombardi was undersized
  10. On their 1974 follow-up, Second Helping, the band successfully avoided any, sophomore ,slump, with King, Collins and Washington all collaborating with Van Want on the
  11. Television channels upon its release. The song was the first single from her, sophomore ,French album 7 vies which was released on 28 January 2008 and debuted at #12 on
  12. At Kirkwood High. Bakula attended college at the University of Kansas until his, sophomore ,year. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta while attending the University. Career
  13. Semester as a living option, as opposed to waiting until second semester or, sophomore ,year. This system works very well for the University and the students, with the
  14. In the state of Texas. On the morning of September 28, 2010,19-year-old, sophomore , Colton Cooley opened fire on campus with a semi-automatic rifle, resulting in a
  15. States, the words freshman (or the gender-neutral term frosh or first year), sophomore , junior and senior refer to the first, second,third, and fourth years
  16. Players production of The Jest, by SEM Bengali, when Joshua Logan, a young, sophomore ,at Princeton who had been double-cast in the show, gave Fonda the part of
  17. Good for the country: I know all about that. In the late Twenties, when I was a, sophomore ,at USC, I was a socialist myself — but not when I left. The average college kid
  18. So on. ) In the U. S., the four years of high school are termed the freshman, sophomore , junior, and senior years (terms also used for college years); in Canada, the
  19. Marcus was attending. Marcus transferred to Whitney Young High School after his, sophomore ,year at Loyola Academy and graduated in 2009. He began attending UCF in the
  20. He was the first to earn a Ph.D. from that department.:" At the close of my, sophomore ,year ... my Greek professor ... asked me to teach the course in elementary
  21. It was eventually decided to discontinue Rush and, in 1905,the freshman and, sophomore ,classes banded together in a show of unity to build the Big" C ". Owing to its
  22. Who chooses to participate. Occupying two classes a semester during freshman and, sophomore ,years, the program has four humanities sections which start with Gilgamesh and
  23. To compile an acceptable portfolio of written work before completion of the, sophomore ,year. Candidates for an undergraduate degree must also pass oral and written
  24. 1987,students have not been permitted to join Greek organizations until their, sophomore ,year. Dartmouth College was among the first institutions of higher education to
  25. School property, and referred to teachers by their first names. In his, sophomore ,year, Hoffman was expelled from Classical High School, a now-closed public high
  26. Graduating first in his class. Foster met Elizabeth (Lisa) Braden during his, sophomore ,year at Davidson; she was the daughter of an insurance broker from Nashville
  27. Lyndon B. Johnson during a White House ceremony. Midlife In 1968,during his, sophomore ,year at MIT, Kurzweil started a company that used a computer program to match
  28. Early 20th century campus event called" Rush," which pitted the freshman and, sophomore ,classes against each other in a race up Charter Hill that often developed into
  29. Races because of a broken collarbone, winning Rookie of the Year honors. In his, sophomore ,season, Earnhardt,now with 20-year-old Doug Richest as his crew chief, began
  30. Was suspended during his freshman year. He did not return to Marshall as a, sophomore , staying back in New York with his future wife. He instead attended Nassau
  31. George H. Brooke as starting quarterback in 1915,an unusual occurrence for a, sophomore , He also played as a defender, punter,and punt returner. He started the first
  32. Unitas completed 106 of 198 passes for 1,540 yards and 12 touchdowns in his, sophomore ,year. The team won their first game in 1953,against Murray State, and lost the
  33. Reuther grew up Roman Catholic and attended Catholic schools through her, sophomore ,year of high school. She was a classics major at Scripts College, worked for
  34. A specialized and competitive class, lasting from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. In her, sophomore ,year at Rutgers, Flockhart met aspiring actress Jane Krakow ski, the best friend
  35. The SR 5 bypass on SR 45. It offers programs in 170 majors at the freshman and, sophomore ,level, as well as 18 certificates and 15 associate degree programs. In addition
  36. Football season and a Cotton Bowl victory over Texas. The team featured, sophomore ,running back Ernie Davis who, in 1961,became the first African-American to win
  37. Live on campus. Ninety-seven percent of Amherst freshmen return for their, sophomore ,year; ninety-six percent graduate, among the highest retention and graduation
  38. Held in the fall. The event centers on cane wrestling, where a freshman and a, sophomore ,will grapple for control of a cane. This commemorates a historic freshman
  39. With Dr. Sanjay, who recently removed the appendix of Kim, who dumped you, sophomore ,year. So you see,we're practically brothers. " The concept was also presented
  40. To accept me as a veteran of the Vietnam War, which ended when I was a, sophomore ,in high school. " Carrier was intended to join the principal cast of the show
  41. Football team. When he was not promoted to the varsity football team in his, sophomore ,year, Rose was dejected and lost interest in his studies. At the end of the
  42. Up in a poor family, Aaron attended Central High School as a freshman and a, sophomore , where he played outfield and third base on the baseball team and helped lead
  43. Made many of her skating costumes. She stopped attending high school during her, sophomore ,year, and later earned a GED as she had started receiving invitations to
  44. He met Steve Ballmer, who later succeeded Gates as CEO of Microsoft. In his, sophomore ,year, Gates devised an algorithm for pancake sorting as a solution to one of a
  45. Considerably less than Jagged Little Pill, many labelled it an example of the, sophomore ,jinx. However, it received positive reviews, including a four-star review from
  46. Area. The academy has the cadets change companies after their freshmen or, sophomore ,years. This process is known as scrambling, and the method of scrambling has
  47. The University of Florida, leading them to the 2000 NCAA Championship game his, sophomore ,year and won the 2001 NBA rookie of the year award. Mark Ellis of Rapid City
  48. Houdini," the third single from the Move to Move album. Also, Cutting Crew's, sophomore ,album The Scattering contained track number 5 entitled" Handcuffs for Houdini
  49. And was admitted into the University of North Carolina as a second-semester, sophomore , The Polk's had connections with the university, then a small school of about
  50. A student at New York University; the wedding was held in the summer of her, sophomore ,year of college. He later worked as a lawyer, while she briefly supported her

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