Examples of the the word, upload , in a Sentence Context

The word ( upload ), is the 9063 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To 1.5 GB of data per month for Rs. 500/- (US$ 5 approx.) at speeds of 256kb, upload , /1 Bit/s download. Charge for each additional 1 MB is Rs. 0.35 (35 Cents).
  2. Plans. Otero also provides HDSL: a 2.3 Bit/s account for the download and, upload ,traffic with an 8 GB/month limitation for $200/month. There are current
  3. V64 without having to create a CD backup each time. It also allowed users to, upload ,game images taken from the Internet. Era considerations V64s appeared during
  4. Permitting users to drop an entire folder of photos into the web page to, upload ,them. * On October 4,2006,AOL released a free Internet suite called AOL
  5. Fonts from which the user could select, and some models allowed users to, upload ,their own custom glyphs into the printer. Dot matrix printers also introduced
  6. Was updated with the release of system software version 3.40 allowing users to, upload ,and browse photos on Facebook and Picks.; PlayMemories is an
  7. By Okla Net Metrics, Lithuania has the second-fastest internet download and, upload ,speed in the world. In early 2009 at least two ISPs in Lithuania offered
  8. Of the others, with the main communication between processors being the, upload ,of the initial source material, such as models and textures, and the download
  9. On the network after upload ing a file or group of files. Instead, during the, upload ,process, the files are broken into chunks and stored on a variety of other
  10. And add mailbox management functionality (create, delete,rename, message, upload , ) that was absent in IMAP2. This experimental revision was called IMAP2bis; its
  11. Program. LexisNexis was one of the first customers, and bought the program to, upload ,paper legal and news documents onto its nascent online databases. Two years
  12. To show current status during operation or via simulation. The software will, upload ,and download the PLC program, for backup and restoration purposes. In some
  13. A PC via the parallel port. This allowed developers and Homebrew programmers to, upload ,their game images to the Doctor V64 without having to create a CD backup each
  14. Sending a notice to the developers and the caring maintainer (so that their, upload ,authorization can be revoked). Development procedures Software packages in
  15. A flash-based web player to stream and show video files. Registered users may, upload ,an unlimited amount of video and build their own personal profile. YouTube
  16. Just features on-screen text of a link to the site being promoted. Others may, upload ,videos presented in an infomercial-like format selling their product which
  17. Quality of education. With an open format similar to Wikipedia, any teacher may, upload ,their courses online and a feedback system will help students choose relevant
  18. To a PDA or other electronic device. Various applications are able to directly, upload ,and read GPX files without further conversion. Newer GPS devices released by
  19. Personal profile. YouTube claims that its users watch hundreds of millions, and, upload , hundreds of thousands of videos daily. Access The prevalent language for
  20. Genealogists to share data and build their family trees online. Members can, upload ,their family trees and contact other family historians to fill in gaps in their
  21. In sync. Announced at World Expo 2009,work. Com allows work users to, upload ,documents for sharing and collaboration. Culture Corporate Apple was one of
  22. Airsoft pistols and courses of fire downloaded from a central hub. Shooters, upload ,shooting times to a website to resolve competitions. * There are also a vast
  23. Transmissions via satellite. Canberra had a facsimile machine that was used to, upload ,202 pictures from the South Atlantic over the course of the war. The Royal Navy
  24. Their equipment to allow for bidirectional signals, thus allowing for greater, upload ,speed and always-on convenience, though these upgrades are expensive. In North
  25. Few weeks following is upload ed in case of transmission updates that delay data, upload , Satellite frequencies: All satellites broadcast at the same two frequencies
  26. VHS as a means of distribution. Often, people will collect these fan subs and, upload ,them to websites which they also put advertisements on to earn money
  27. Length of time (the exact duration depends on the" urgency" of the, upload ,) * It must not have a greater number of" release-critical" bugs filed
  28. Could record themselves giving their reactions to the Teletubbies program and, upload ,it onto the website. Pop-up shop A Pop-up shop opened in New York City's West
  29. Apocalypse (or apocalypse of any kind). The CDC challenges contestants to, upload ,imaginative videos to YouTube showing preparation to survive any emergency
  30. As the transport mechanism for the files. This eliminated the time required to, upload ,the DVD ROMs to the local hard drives and provided the ability to switch
  31. Sites with links to One-click hosting websites and other sites where one can, upload ,files that contribute to the growing amount of warez. Distribution via
  32. Fishnet and Usenet newsgroups could be received. The local BBS only needed to, upload ,new outgoing messages via the modem network back to the satellite service. This
  33. One month. Players are often encouraged to take pictures at the dash points and, upload ,them to the site. Terminology There are various acronyms and words commonly
  34. For more. Amateur animation The popularity of websites which allows members to, upload ,their own movies for others to view has created a growing community of amateur
  35. In, launched Botnet, a video-publishing website; the website lets users, upload ,video content, which is sold to mobile users for A$1,the money is divided
  36. As of 1 December 2010 Lithuania ranks second in the world by the internet, upload ,speed and download speed, schools and corporations ignored. Demographics Since
  37. It to the" incoming" directory of the Debian package archive (or an ", upload ,queue" which periodically batch-transmits packages to the incoming directory)
  38. Version 3.40 which allows users to edit videos on the PlayStation 3 and, upload ,them to the Internet. The software features basic video editing tools including
  39. IP address, all provided by the network operator. Coding schemes and speeds The, upload ,and download speeds that can be achieved in GPRS depend on a number of factors
  40. At https://pause.perl.org pause. Perl. Org, or the PAUSE ftp server to, upload ,files to their directory and delete them. PAUSE will warn an administrator if a
  41. MTA, which combine sending a copy and storing a copy in the Sent folder in one, upload ,operation. The reason for using SMTP as a standalone transfer protocol is
  42. With personal computers for managing and documenting pump programming and/or to, upload ,data from the pump. This simplifies record keeping and can be interfaced with
  43. Icons known as avatars that are provided by the website, as players cannot, upload ,their own. To comply with COPPA, players under 13 years of age cannot access
  44. BBSes often had multiple modems and phone lines, allowing several users to, upload ,and download files at once. Most elite BBSes used some form of new user
  45. Cable and dial into the Game. Com-exclusive ISP. From there, the user could, upload ,saved high scores, or check e-mail and view the web if they had the Internet
  46. Through firewalls and proxies. Uploading distributions with PAUSE Authors can, upload ,new distributions to the CAN through the Perl Authors Upload Server (
  47. RFCs added capabilities:: * November 25, 1995: RFC 1867 (form-based file, upload ,)::: :In June 2000,all of these were declared obsolete/historic by RFC 2854.;
  48. The charge. * AOL Video featured professional content and allowed users to, upload ,videos as well. The original user-orientated video service was called Uncut
  49. Game mechanics such as the wireless interactivity features and the ability to, upload ,game data to the internet and the player's computer. Pokémon Black and White
  50. Larger file sizes are being created and traded, many users are either forced to, upload ,and download their files using an FTP server, or more popularly, use online

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