Examples of the the word, woe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( woe ), is the 9051 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And without; and there were written therein lamentations, and mourning, and, woe , Son of man here appears to be a title referring to the humanity of the author
  2. About the Beat Generation where innocent housewives are raped by beatniks! ..., woe ,unto those who spit on the Beat Generation, the wind’ll blow it back. ": :-
  3. Tolerate whimsical maestros: Bulgaria and Pasternak were never arrested. But, woe ,betide anyone, genius or hack, who insulted the person or policy of Stalin --
  4. Song (" Flow, flow,bitter tears! ") of the arrival of the enemy and of, woe ,to Russia. Principal arias and numbers * Chorus:" To whom dost thou abandon us
  5. To Tears Uncountable: NIN means 'tear (s) ', in compound ninth 'tears of, woe ,'; prefix AR- bears the sense of 'beyond' and the root nod-means 'count '
  6. The death of Bald and that:: while Frigga wept: in Fen Halls: for Valhǫll's, woe , In chapter 35 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, High tells Anglers (
  7. Does not reveal his name, choosing to call himself What,'filled with, woe ,'. When Sigmund finishes, Hunding reveals that he is one of Siegmund's
  8. With Wednesday is green. In the folk rhyme," Wednesday's child is full of, woe ,". In another rhyme reciting the days of the week, Solomon Grundy was 'Married
  9. Limited Series or a Special (Edward Hume) Tic-tac-toe, also called wick wack, woe ,(in some Asian countries) and naughts and crosses (in the UK, Australia,New
  10. And said,'That's it,that's right! ' ": :- Jack Kerouac:" But yet, but yet, woe , woe unto those who think that the Beat Generation means crime, delinquency
  11. Be lighted, that no mother shall again mourn her son in woe , mourn her son in, woe , Let us plow and build our nation, learn and work as never yet, that a free
  12. Let all paths by peace be lighted, that no mother shall again mourn her son in, woe , mourn her son in woe . Let us plow and build our nation, learn and work as
  13. Below:" Carriages without horses shall go, And accidents fill the world with, woe , Around the world thoughts shall fly In the twinkling of an eye. The world
  14. From the circles of the world entirely (for Men). There she sang a song of, woe ,before the throne of Man dos Lord of the Dead, of the tribulations and suffering
  15. That the Beat Generation means crime, delinquency,immorality, amorality ..., woe ,unto those who attack it on the grounds that they simply don’t understand
  16. That's it,that's right! ' ": :- Jack Kerouac:" But yet, but yet, woe , woe , unto those who think that the Beat Generation means crime, delinquency
  17. Kirkland. Akron Beacon Journal columnist Terry Pluto documented the decades of, woe ,that followed the trade in his book The Curse of Rocky Cavity. Despite being
  18. Of" Direct Credits ", according to which banks are the cause of all economic, woe , the oppressors of both capital and labor. Lawson believed that the government
  19. Aloud and weak: At your sweet feet, my dearest.: You look at me with wistful, woe ,: And shake your golden curls;: And stealing from your eyes there flow: The
  20. The soup dish, it fairly bursts with pride ”;“ If the Czar be a rhymester, woe ,be to the poets ”; and“ The hen of the Czarina herself does not lay swan’s
  21. Of Hades, and their symbolic meanings, are Acheson (the river of sorrow, or, woe , ),Cactus (lamentation),Phaethon (fire),Lethe (oblivion),and Styx (
  22. Forbidden tree whose mortal taste: :Brought death into the World, and all our, woe ,: :With loss of Eden, till one greater Man: :Restore us, and regain the
  23. Who drove the Trojans from the Strophes With dire announcements of the coming, woe , They have broad wings, a human neck and face, Clawed feet and swollen
  24. And that Satan was subsequently ousted from heaven to the earth, resulting in ", woe ," to mankind. They believe that Jesus rules invisibly, perceived only as a
  25. In 2002 for Dorian, in 2004 for" Dr Multi" in Dr Multi and other tales of, woe ,and in 2006 for The Book of Dave. China Oblast (, Chitinskaya oblast) was a
  26. In Sitting on this march from the Nile/To do him wanton rites, which cost them, woe , " (Paradise Lost, I.412-14) His deeds are described in the first book of the
  27. Was said to have been named after the phrase," Wednesday's child is full of, woe ," from the poem Monday's Child. Her middle name, Friday,corresponds to the
  28. And one who" wins and warms ... kindles, softens,cheers and calms the wildest, woe ,and stays the bitterest tears! " The rapidity with which American readers
  29. The same things that he does. Gina is also highly aware that she is a girl, and, woe , betide anyone who doesn't think so. *Jackson - in the late 1960s,Ketch am
  30. A crow, : With eyes, like cinders, all aglow, : Who seemed distracted with his, woe ,: Who rocked his body to and fro, : And muttered fumblingly and low, : As if his
  31. 589 BC. During this siege, which lasted about thirty months," every worst, woe ,befell the city, which drank the cup of God's fury to the dregs ". (;, ) In
  32. Philip, halting his plans to counter-attack by invading England. In 1348,a new, woe ,struck France: the Black Death, which in the next few years killed one-third of
  33. White Goddess's downfall, and thus the source of much of the modern world's, woe , He describes Woman as occupying a higher echelon than mere poet, that of the
  34. Of the death of ROBERT BURNS, the SCOT POET::: :CLAD in the sable weeds of, woe ,::::: The Scottish genius mourns, ::: :As o'er your tomb her sorrows flow, :::::
  35. Stanza 33 of the Völuspá, where the god Baldr's death is referred to as the ", woe ,of Valhalla ", and in stanzas 1 to 3 of Hyndluljóð, where the goddess Freya
  36. That they simply don’t understand history and the yearning of human souls ..., woe ,in fact unto those who make evil movies about the Beat Generation where
  37. Tree, whose mortal taste Brought death into the world, and all our, woe , With loss of Eden, till one greater Man Restore us, and regain
  38. Of Consul. She has become black and huge, and he remembers everything. Great, woe ,comes over him. Theories Rudolf Some says that the name Consul is
  39. Only knows what it is to conquer, and knowest not what it is to be defeated;, woe ,unto thee, it will fare ill with thee. Find fault with thyself rather than with
  40. M genedigaeth. The o dewy NYS a ddiffeithwyd o'm nachos i" ( 'Oh Son of God, woe ,to me that I was born! Two fair islands have been laid waste because of me! ')
  41. Isaiah 45:7" I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create, woe ,; I the LORD do all these things. " Moreover, unlike Marduk, God did it alone
  42. Less than the composition of the next generation. … It is not the weal or, woe ,of any one individual, but that of the human race to come, which is here at
  43. Bread ". This is usually sung following a sound-effect-enhanced tale of, woe ,and immediately followed by" Wouldn't this be a great time for a piece of
  44. Mad savage fight. Stay furious contests, and avenging strife, whose works with, woe ,embitter human life; to lovely Kris Aphrodite and to Lyrics Dionysus yield
  45. Too hated name, : And you will see Orange ripen: Upon the tree of Liberty.: But, woe ,to you if, wilfully, : Pursuing dreadful plans, : You turn on us: The bloody
  46. Of the text, or a superficial update of it. For example, they translate ", woe ,to you" as" damn you ". The authors of The Complete Gospels argue that some
  47. The ecstatic power of tendon and, at the same time, exposes the true, piercing, woe , of that age. " Almond also applauded Ruck's performance, going so far as
  48. With the name" elegy" derived from the Greek ε, λεγε ε, λεγε -" Woe, cry, woe , cry! " Hence, the form was used initially for funeral songs, typically
  49. Ends with the Prince's elegy for the lovers:" For never was a story of more, woe ,/ Than this of Juliet and her Romeo. " Sources Romeo and Juliet borrows from a
  50. Remembered rainy summer days from his youth and Di gory is faced with the same, woe ,in the novel. Additionally, Di gory becomes a professor when he grows up, who

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