Examples of the the word, persons , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persons ), is the 9062 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. U. S. things and persons from the adjective American, which denotes, persons ,and things from the United States but may also refer to the Americas; likewise
  2. Are deemed aliens from the time of such naturalization, unless,in the case of, persons ,naturalized before the passing of the act, they have declared their desire to
  3. Found bearing arms could be court-martialed and shot, and that slaves of, persons ,aiding the rebellion would be freed. Charges of negligence in his command of
  4. And officers were an honor to the nation. He would entertain as many as 500, persons , of rank at one time, besides relieving the poor of the vicinity twice a week.
  5. Found, give an insight into the public arrangements. The cemetery of private, persons ,began during the first dynasty with some pit-tombs in the town. It was
  6. Claim that the Chinese community in Angola might include as many as 300,000, persons , at the end of 2010,but nothing near to reliable statistics are at this stage
  7. Being threatened by illegal commercial harvesting. In South Africa all, persons ,harvesting this animal need permits that are issued on a yearly basis, and no
  8. WHO) defines an unsafe abortion as being" a procedure ... carried out by, persons ,lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to
  9. A form of discrimination because it" perpetuates unwarranted assumptions that, persons ,so isolated are incapable or unworthy of participating in community life. " The
  10. Persons' in Section 24 of the British North America Act,1867,include female, persons , " *1928 – The Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawing war is signed by the first 15
  11. Yet the general aspect of the island is now so barren and forbidding that some, persons ,find it difficult to believe that it was once all green and fertile. The cause
  12. For assault occasioning actual bodily harm or causing injury on" protected, persons ," (including Heads of State).; Attacks on UN Staff workers: Section 1 (2) (
  13. Total population were female. In 2011 Azerbaijan saw migration of −1.14/1,000, persons , The highest morbidity in 2005 was from respiratory diseases (806.9 diseases
  14. Term norteamericano (North American),is frequently used to refer things and, persons ,from the United States, but this usage is not accurate, because the term can
  15. For professionals. Healthcare in Andorra is provided to all employed, persons ,and their families by the government-run social security system, CASS (Caixa
  16. By the 2002 peace settlement has led to the resettlement of 4 million displaced, persons , thus resulting in large-scale increases in agriculture production. Although
  17. Was sued because their web designers failed to design its website to enable, persons ,with low or no vision to use it. Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama
  18. Uncut Civil Rights Act, provides for monetary damages to private plaintiffs, persons ,with disabilities do not obtain direct financial benefits from suing businesses
  19. French, étasunien, from États-Unis d'American, distinguishes U. S. things and, persons ,from the adjective American, which denotes persons and things from the United
  20. Resolutions countenancing contraception and the remarriage of divorced, persons , They led to most provinces approving the ordination of women. In more recent
  21. For Revenue and Customs Act 2005.; Attacks on internationally protected, persons ,: Section 1 (1) (a) of the Internationally Protected Persons Act 1978 (c.17
  22. Variously Alabama or Alamo in different dialects; the plural form" Alabama, persons ," is Altamaha). The word Alabama is believed to have originated from the
  23. Stated that" as a fit and necessary military measure, on January 1,1863,all, persons ,held as a slave in the Confederate states will thenceforward, and forever, be
  24. Material facts which may be dispositive of the matter at bar. Affidavits from, persons ,who are dead or otherwise incapacitated, or who cannot be located or made to
  25. That sidewalks were a" program" under ADA and must be made accessible to, persons ,with disabilities. The ruling was later appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court
  26. Condition of naturalization. By ancient common law it might be required of all, persons ,above the age of 12,and it was repeatedly used as a test for the disaffected.
  27. And social institutions. The UN estimates of 1.8 million internally displaced, persons ,(IDPs),while generally the accepted figure for war-affected people is 4
  28. Reduction of risk in the primary prevention trials of aspirin was same for, persons ,in high- and low-risk groups and did not depend on the blood pressure. The
  29. Anarcho-capitalism permits the use of force, as long as it is in the defense of, persons ,or property. The permissible extent of this defensive use of force is an
  30. Approach to airport, killing 228. *2001 – Er wadi fire incident,28 mentally ill, persons ,tied to chain were burnt to death at a faith based institution at Er wadi, Tamil
  31. Using basic scientific techniques * Protocol analysis – a means for extracting, persons ,' thoughts while they are performing a task Abner Doubleday (June 26, 1819 –
  32. Are also common among Anglo-Catholics. Eucharistic discipline Only baptized, persons ,are eligible to receive communion, although in many churches communion is
  33. The Act of Congress which prohibited a citizen from holding and owning enslaved, persons ,in the territory of the United States north of the line therein is not
  34. For home security. The sharp thorns of some species deter unauthorized, persons ,from entering private properties, and may prevent break-ins if planted under
  35. Subject to provincial taxation in addition to a variety of tax deductions for, persons ,with disabilities, students,and the aged. Alberta's municipalities and school
  36. Cannot be predicted. Occupational exposure and arsenic poisoning may occur in, persons ,working in industries involving the use of inorganic arsenic and its compounds
  37. Was threatened with excommunication by Ambrose for the massacre of 7,000, persons , at Thessalonica in 390,after the murder of the Roman governor there by rioters
  38. The oath of allegiance is an oath of fidelity to the sovereign taken by all, persons ,holding important public office and as a condition of naturalization. By
  39. In criminal law, Antoninus introduced the important principle that accused, persons ,are not to be treated as guilty before trial. He also asserted the principle
  40. A prohibition against the initiation of force, or the threat of force, against, persons , ( i.e., direct violence, assault,murder) or property (i.e., fraud
  41. Seeks to bring into proper relationship the 'justice' between God's love for, persons ,and God's hatred of sin ... it is not the satisfaction of a legal demand for
  42. Arius and his teaching and accepted the equality and externality of the, persons ,of the Trinity. Because of this centrist position, and despite their rejection
  43. All civil, judicial,and military powers shall be vested in such person or, persons ,and exercised in such manner as the President of the United States shall direct
  44. But this usage is not accurate, because the term can also denote things and, persons ,from Canada, Mexico,Greenland, Bermuda and St Pierre and Miquelon. The Spanish
  45. Hotel rooms through their websites without substantial extra efforts that, persons ,without disabilities were not required to perform. These represent a major
  46. Works and attributions Alain de Lille has often been confounded with other, persons ,named Alain, in particular with another Ala nus (Alain, bishop of Pierre)
  47. Caribbean, South American and European Spanish usages denoting U. S. things and, persons , In personal denotation," gringo" means estadounidense, in particular, and
  48. When he travelled to attend parliament his retinue amounted to upwards of 100, persons , The abbots of Clung and Genome were, by virtue of their office, cardinals of
  49. Became under the law of any foreign state subjects of such state, and also, persons ,who though born abroad are British subjects by reason of parentage, may buy
  50. Is created by section 14 (1) (b) of the County Courts Act 1984.; Cruelty to, persons ,under sixteen: Section 1 (1) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933

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