Examples of the the word, principally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( principally ), is the 9067 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the true Church, the " apostolic" mark has historically been understood, principally ,as a reference to apostolic succession. Even so, the practice of the ancient
  2. It had yet to be validated in combat. Dreadnought sparked a new arms race, principally ,between Britain and Germany but reflected worldwide, as the new class of
  3. Examples. In Mahayana Buddhism Bodhisattva ideal Mahayana Buddhism is based, principally ,upon the path of a Bodhisattva. According to Jan Nattier, the term Mahayana ("
  4. The Milky Way and other galaxies, where very energetic celestial events occur (, principally ,the interaction of relativistic jets with the interstellar medium). The
  5. Of St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix. The British islands were considered, principally ,a strategic possession, but were planted when economic conditions were
  6. Of Neuchatel ", and that he proposed to use it in a variety of ways - ", principally ,in the construction of air-proof granaries, and in protecting, by means of the
  7. Anglican worship services are open to all visitors. Anglican worship originates, principally ,in the reforms of Thomas Cranmer, who aimed to create a set order of service
  8. Nuremberg and sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in the Nazi regime, principally ,for the use of forced labor. He served his full sentence, most of it at Spandau
  9. That work we learn that the higher education of the youth of Baghdad consisted, principally ,in a minute and careful study of the rules and principles of grammar, and in
  10. University of Andorra from developing a full academic program, and it serves, principally ,as a center for virtual studies, connected to Spanish and French universities.
  11. Medical Few biological or medical applications exist for antimony. Treatments, principally ,containing antimony are known as nationals and are used as emetics. Antimony
  12. Of the Pequot War, and King Philip's War. Several thousand expatriate workers, principally ,from the UK, Canada,the West Indies, South Africa and the U. S., also reside
  13. The faithful departed. In Western Christianity, this day is observed, principally ,in the Catholic Church, although some churches of the Anglican Communion and
  14. Was impossible. For a small category of votes a quorum of 6000 was required, principally ,grants of citizenship, and here small colored stones were used, white for yes
  15. Passage. Thither he retired in 1798,and there he continued for about a year, principally ,employed in painting, of which art also he had some knowledge. Events in the
  16. Its use. Examples of continuous numbering include counting by regnal year, principally ,found in the writings of German authors, for example Mommsen's History of Rome
  17. Commercial contracts by using her charms to hoodwink visiting British envoys, principally ,Colonel Ogham and Duncan Mince. *Big White Car stairs: Buchanesque Empire
  18. Airframe. This led to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with European allies (, principally ,the UK and Germany for development) for the US to develop an Advanced Medium
  19. Of solids and stripes, and are smaller than the American-style; they are used, principally ,in Britain, Ireland,and some Commonwealth countries, though not exclusively
  20. Flame atomizers The oldest and most commonly used atomizers in AAS are flames, principally ,the air-acetylene flame with a temperature of about 2300 °C and the nitrous
  21. That, while art has sometimes been oriented towards beauty and the sublime (, principally ,in post-Renaissance European art) these qualities, as the wider history of art
  22. Is held in the hand. The most common style of kicking seen in today's game, principally ,because of its superior accuracy, is the drop punt (the ball is dropped from
  23. Order. Alexander Jagiellon never felt at home in Poland, and bestowed his favor, principally ,upon his fellow Lithuanians, the most notable of whom was the wealthy
  24. Vowels nor punctuation) and exegetically. The Oral Torah has different facets, principally ,Malacca (laws),the Agenda (stories),and the Kabbalah (esoteric
  25. Of the surface, is the basin of Lake Chad - a flat-shored, shallow lake filled, principally ,by the Chart coming from the southeast. West of this is the basin of the Niger
  26. Spotted, clouded,agatiform, and others. The finest kind, obtained, principally , from Castellini, is sent to Florence for figure-sculpture, while the common
  27. Mesolimbic dopamine system. Amphetamine and other amphetamine-type stimulants, principally ,act to release dopamine into the synaptic cleft. Amphetamine, unlike dopamine
  28. Their offspring. Differences from crocodiles Alligators differ from crocodiles, principally ,in having wider and shorter heads, with more obtuse snouts; in having the
  29. To that of oil-producing areas of Mexico and Guatemala prompted oil companies, principally ,from the United States, to explore for petroleum at both offshore and on-land
  30. Appeared between 3600 and 2600 BC. What is now central Burkina Faso was, principally ,composed of Moss kingdoms. These Moss Kingdoms would become a French
  31. 1st and 3rd major producers of copper in the world. The Bolivian Andes produce, principally ,tin although historically silver mining had a huge impact on the economy of
  32. In exchange for speed. Throughout the First World War, the battlecruiser was, principally ,used to provide a fast and hard-hitting addition to a battleship fleet.
  33. And known as" The Queen's House ". During the 19th century it was enlarged, principally ,by architects John Nash and Edward Bore, forming three wings around a central
  34. Attractions. However, the presence of a vigorous population of Celtic lineage, principally ,of Irish origin, has supported the creation of other celebrations of beer
  35. Regulated by a number of homeostatic mechanisms, which exert their influence, principally ,through the respiratory system and the urinary system in order to control the
  36. To his immense reputation as a scholar and philosopher. Albert us was educated, principally ,at Padua, where he received instruction in Aristotle's writings. A late
  37. The traditional forms of Anglicanism. The modern Continuing movement, principally ,dates to the Congress of St. Louis in the United States in 1977,at which
  38. In the wider Greek world where wars were fought. In the 5th century BC, principally ,as seen through the figure of Pericles, the generals could be among the most
  39. Cracking. Raw materials are mostly natural gas condensate components (, principally ,ethane and propane) in the US and Mideast and naphtha in Europe and Asia.
  40. S sacred writings: Ecclesiology Augustine developed his doctrine of The Church, principally ,in reaction to the Donatist sect. He taught a distinction between the" church
  41. The source of Aegina's greatness, and her trade, which appears to have been, principally ,with the Levant, must have suffered seriously from the war with Persia. Her
  42. And tourism, though its economic mainstay has long been resource extraction, principally ,logging and mining. Etymology The province's name was chosen by Queen Victoria
  43. Continent nearest its source. The Ovum, Rufiji, Tana, Jubba and Web Shebeli, principally ,drain the outer slopes of the East African highlands, the last of these losing
  44. Small steamers, the Monarch, the Mario and Rio Negro. At first, navigation was, principally ,confined to the main river; and even in 1857 a modification of the government
  45. Moreno, due to its morphology and the acidic content of its rocks, developed, principally , relatively poor, shallow soils, suitable only for forests. In the valleys and
  46. Numerals" ( Kebab phi EISTI'MAL all'Add Hindi) about 830. Their work was, principally ,responsible for the diffusion of the Indian system of numeration in the Middle
  47. To create a range of brasses with varying properties. In comparison, bronze is, principally ,an alloy of copper and tin. Bronze does not necessarily contain tin, and a
  48. Strabo. Many fragments were supplied in quotes by Athens, principally ,on the subject of wine-drinking, but for.333," wine, window into a man ", was
  49. Andes and receives tributaries from a basin that covers 45.7 % of the country, principally ,the north and west. The main Amazon River system is the
  50. Nesting seabirds may also affect the ecology of islands and surrounding seas, principally ,through the concentration of large quantities of guano, which may enrich the

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