Examples of the the word, shove , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shove ), is the 9055 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He had sufficient loyal military units mobilized to back him if push came to, shove , he went on the radio the following day (the national television service was
  2. Lastly, a trickier method is to stand behind the first-timer and give them a, shove , enough for them to put one foot forward to stop themselves from falling. Most
  3. Aggression, or we’re going to bomb them back into the Stone Age. And we would, shove ,them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power—not with ground
  4. Blacks, when Johnson famously told his comrades in the scrum to" get down and, shove ,". When asked about what was going through his head in the scrum he replied "
  5. Because of this, players usually wear long sleeves. Players within the Bully, shove ,and push each other, mostly with their bodies but also by placing their fists
  6. As well many other tricks including, the 360 Kickflip, which is a 360 pop, shove ,it and a kickflip in the same motion. The flat ground Ollie allowed
  7. For example, when internally deciding whether to perform an action, one may, shove ,aside the dialogue with a simple," Eh, why not? " Or" What the hell? "
  8. Man (said to mean" Not Available For Fucking" ); naff off: (dated slang), shove , it,get lost, go away – a much less offensive alternative to" fuck off" (
  9. Could be gone! 74 yards for Marcus Allen ... and the Raiders are starting to, shove ,this one in the winners' column! " CBS Sports' Pat Summerall's call of the
  10. Ramps it up as the tone of the humor changes, which allows Elaine to really, shove ,a person into another room for comic effect, most memorably" The Engagement "
  11. Example of the wrang-wrang's own life, to an absurdity. * India - a sudden, shove ,in the direction of Bourbonism * duffle - the destiny of thousands of people
  12. Himself" Joe" so as not to confuse his earlier self. Just as he is about to, shove ,Bob through the Gate, another version of himself shows up. The fight happens as
  13. Used while actually playing on only one. The most flexible system is the French, shove ,coupler, in which the lower manual can slide forward and backward, so that in
  14. Task to find speakers for prize-giving day. When called, Bertie would rather, shove ,it off on to his friend Aussie Fink-Nottle (and not" Spink-Bottle ", as
  15. Responding to his famous last words with" You'll be gone forever matey! Now, shove ,off! " Also, Robinson appeared from nowhere when Jesus and his disciples (only
  16. In shooting right across the interspace of air in the direction imparted by the, shove , " – On the nature of the Universe Despite being similar to later particle
  17. N't need to worry about stepping on anyone's toes; they will stand aside and, shove ,you to the front. " — As quoted by former Grammy staffer Wayne A. Abernathy;
  18. Commented" He wasn't interested in racing or greyhounds or pub crawling or, shove ,ha'penny. He just did not have much in common with people who did not share his
  19. Are derived from another root, PIE *sub-" push, thrust ", related to English, shove , shuffle, and the Oxford English Dictionary favors association of with that
  20. The intertwining" tendrils" of people's lives. * India - a sudden, shove ,in the direction of Bourbonism * duffle - the destiny of thousands of people
  21. And unwelcome) sexual advances towards Topanga, causing Cory to, shove ,him through a glass door at the Student Union. Cory is suspended, ( by the
  22. Ohio. Still try to get signatures, with one person even claiming," If you, shove ,something close enough in front of his face,he'll sign. " He has also stopped
  23. Late-inning burst of power from Adrián Before in one game—to win the series and, shove ,the Padres deeper into their early-season hole. After sweeping the New York
  24. Are tongueless, toothless and completely aquatic. They use their hands to, shove ,food in their mouths and down their throats and a hyobranchial pump to draw or
  25. Kind of character that nobody would like, none of our readers would like, and, shove , him down their throats and make them like him .... And he became very popular.
  26. The development from the Old English strong verb Cuban to modern English, shove ,: Many hundreds of weak verbs in contemporary English go back to Old English
  27. He's also quick to call others by insulting nicknames. But when push comes to, shove , he's genuinely fond of and defensive of his pals Goofy and Mickey. Bruno (
  28. On Pluto's tail after they fight. He pulls the mussel up and attempts to, shove ,it off his tail, but instead he pulls the mussel up and down like a yo-yo. The
  29. The announcer then proceeds to tell her to take the little pieces of corn and, shove ,them up into her nose. She asks why, and the reply is," Because the Soup Man
  30. Plot against him). His own guard Song Dan (宋典) then arrived and gave him a, shove , pretending that they were just construction workers. The guards then allowed
  31. Retain and practice all of their cultural traditions but" when push comes to, shove ," they will put their host nation's interests first. If this can be
  32. Were boarding the bus," Hey, quit shoving! Nah,I'm just kidding, you can, shove ,all you want! " According to the episode" The Took, the Chef, the Wife and Her
  33. The World Series, told New York fans they could" take this championship and, shove ,it. " When the Phillies moved to Veteran's Stadium, they hired a group of
  34. Will give him something to work with. This is what we'll keep. They want to, shove ,the whole affair under the carpet. Later in the conversation Detach states
  35. She has an infant sister. This leads to another altercation, in which a violent, shove ,from Darrell exacerbates Sally's smoldering appendicitis, forcing Darrell's
  36. Suspension ever levied for an on-field incident involving a manager. The, shove ,caused a near-riot at Riverfront Stadium, and fans showered the field with
  37. Working class focus, and featured pub games such as darts, bar billiards, shove ,ha'penny, skittles and arm-wrestling. Truman anchored the program with a
  38. This opening line is repeated before" When Ian Moore scores a goal you can, shove ,your Hector up your hole, and we'll all go mad when Derby go down again" This
  39. And engaging headlines and must know Quark. But, often,when push comes to, shove , we will let every single one of those requirements slide except the last one
  40. An action board game similar in various ways to pitch nut, carrom, marbles,and, shove ,ha'penny, with elements of shuffleboard and curling reduced to table-top size.
  41. Lights a cigar, revealing Scrooge's name on the tombstone, and gives him a, shove ,into his grave calling him" THE RICHEST MAN IN THE CEMETERY ". Scrooge falls
  42. Wonderful offer of letting me sing a song as a guest on some other program and, shove ,it," said Connors. Honors He received a Doctor of Laws degree honors cause
  43. A. D.’D. D. S., F. L. D., F-F-F- and F, should walk around?!! " He tries to, shove ,the piano out of his path by force, and Stan retaliates by knocking off his hat
  44. Leave. During the argument Mitch insults Steve and he, infuriated,starts to, shove ,Mitch around. John intervenes, and Mitch, taking John by surprise, maces him
  45. Freedom. We weren't going to be walking meekly in the night and letting them, shove ,us around—it's like standing your ground for the first time and in a really
  46. It was rumored that the Cosa Nostra raised $100,000 to bribe Reles's guards to, shove ,him out the window. With Buchalter's death, Albert " Lord High Executioner "
  47. Column on slavery. It was seized upon as the first of several pretexts to, shove ,him out the door. First, Sam lost his staff columnist title—and soon thereafter
  48. To unseat the rider as he leaned over. They would grab you by the shoulder to, shove ,you off. There weren't many rules. " Popular culture Burkas is portrayed in
  49. Car in the process. The Newman-Haas driver then charged at Tracy and gave him a, shove , Although Tracy invited Bourdieu to confront him, the latter chose to walk away
  50. Toppled directly into the pit in front of the stage. He does not recall any ", shove ," from Townshend, and discounts both men's accounts. Underground In 1971

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