Examples of the the word, excise , in a Sentence Context

The word ( excise ), is the 9058 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To be smuggled to the continent in the 17th century, under the pressure of high, excise ,taxes. In 1724 Daniel Defoe wrote of Lexington, Hampshire,on the south coast
  2. Of income tax collections,60 % of customs duty collections,20 % of central, excise ,tax collections,40 % of India's foreign trade and in corporate taxes. As of
  3. The United States). On May 11, 2008,the Australian Government increased the, excise ,tax on alcopops by 70 %, to bring it inline with the tax on spirits. There is
  4. Protection of the environment. A special form of hyphenation arises where an, excise ,is used to compensate a party to a transaction for alleged uncontrollable abuse
  5. Uses — this addition of methanol exempts industrial ethanol from liquor, excise ,taxation. Methanol is often called wood alcohol because it was once produced
  6. And provincial courts and tribunals such as Services court, Income tax &, excise ,court, Banking court and Boards of Revenue's Tribunals are as well established
  7. Land Transport Fund. Road user revenue directed to the fund includes all fuel, excise ,duty on LPG and CNG, around 55 % of revenue from fuel excise duty on petrol
  8. Tax wedge of 70 % (60 % income tax plus 25 % VAT, not counting elevated, excise ,duties on certain goods) are hurting productivity and in turn the country's
  9. To Congress, proposed a 2 % federal income tax on corporations by way of an, excise ,tax and a constitutional amendment to allow the previously enacted income tax.
  10. Actual bodily harm, on UN staff. Abolished offense:; Assault on customs and, excise ,officers, etc.: Section 16 (1) (a) of the Customs and Excise Management Act
  11. At the hands of the government. To pay the costs of the war, Congress passed an, excise ,tax on long-distance phone service. At the time, it affected only wealthy
  12. Involvement in World War II, the United States levied a 30 percent federal, excise ,tax against" dancing" nightclubs. Although the tax was later reduced to 20
  13. Bureau (TTB),a division of the Department of the Treasury, enforces Federal, excise ,tax laws related to alcohol, tobacco,and firearms. TTB is organized as six
  14. Used to modify consumption patterns (social engineering). For example, a high, excise ,is used to discourage alcohol consumption, relative to other goods. This may be
  15. English porter had a net duty of three pence per barrel because there was an, excise ,bounty of a shilling recoverable on the English duty of fifteen pence per
  16. States. Millions of tourists contribute to the tax take by paying the general, excise ,tax and hotel room tax; thus not all taxes come directly from residents.
  17. Or custody of the funds from which payment should have been made. Sales and, excise ,taxes Sales and use tax There is no Federal sales or use tax in the United
  18. The pamphlet also claimed that" the tendency of people in Australasia is to, excise ,the u, and one of the Sydney morning papers habitually does this, while the
  19. Expenditure. The combination of import duties, a 20 % value-added tax and, excise ,taxes on imported goods (especially automobiles, alcoholic beverages, and
  20. Whether under the name of toll, tribute,tillage, gabel, impost,duty, custom, excise , subsidy, aid,supply, or other name. " May be imposed on the non-paying entity
  21. In 1735-7,after Friedrichshain’s expansion was complete,a custom or, excise ,wall,17 km long and 4.2 m high, was erected around Berlin’s new perimeter.
  22. Includes all fuel excise duty on LPG and CNG, around 55 % of revenue from fuel, excise ,duty on petrol, all revenue from road user charges (a prepaid distance/weight
  23. The purchaser, however legal incidence and burden apply to the business, as an, excise ,tax. GRT is imposed by the state and there may an additional locality component
  24. Agricultural estates and special imposts and taxes to reliance on customs and, excise ,taxes and, after 1790,an income tax. Working with bankers in the City, the
  25. This arrangement, South Africa has collected levies from customs, sales,and, excise ,duties for all five members, sharing out proceeds based on each country
  26. Printed to the Parliament and others. In spring of 1774,he was fired from the, excise ,service for being absent from his post without permission; his tobacco shop
  27. In fuel outlets for sale as standard vehicular fuel. Toluene attracts no fuel, excise , while other fuels are taxed at over 40 %, so fuel suppliers are able to profit
  28. Plastic cup). As for tobacco, as of May 2010 Missouri has the lowest cigarette, excise ,taxes in the United States, and the electorate voted in 2002 and 2006 to keep
  29. Consumed, per capita, relatively large quantities of liquor. After the, excise ,tax, the backwoodsmen complained the tax fell on them rather than on the
  30. At an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 94.8 % * Wholly matured in an, excise ,warehouse in Scotland in oak casks of a capacity not exceeding 700 liters for
  31. It is the final consumer who pays the tax. Excises Unlike an ad valor em,an, excise ,is not a function of the value of the product being taxed. Excise taxes are
  32. Have often been specialized to varying degrees for their field of use, such as, excise , proof calculation, engineering,navigation, etc., but some slide rules are
  33. Purchased. For example, in the United States, the Federal government imposes an, excise ,tax of 18.4 cents per U. S. gallon (4.86¢/L) of gasoline, while state
  34. Are imposed by the Federal and most state governments. The estate tax is an, excise ,tax levied on the right to pass property at death. It is imposed on the estate
  35. Distinctions of Coal and Cult which successfully helped to obtain relief from, excise ,duty on carrying small coal. Theory of rock formations Hutton hit on a variety
  36. U. S. law was organized as the United States Code. Income, estate,gift, and, excise , tax provisions, plus provisions relating to tax returns and enforcement, were
  37. Which means that a diner in Mobile would pay an 11 % tax on a meal. Sales and, excise ,taxes in Alabama account for 51 % of all state and local revenue, compared with
  38. In a referendum 2–1. Finally, in May 1990,Cuyahoga County voters passed an, excise ,tax on sales of alcohol and cigarettes in the county. The tax proceeds would be
  39. On particular commodities are frequently hypothesized. For example, a fuel, excise ,(use tax) is often used to pay for public transportation, especially roads
  40. The release of carbon into the atmosphere. In the United Kingdom, vehicle, excise , duty is an annual tax on vehicle ownership. Tariff An import or export tariff (
  41. Leipziger Straße. The one on the north side served as the customs house and, excise ,collection point, while its southern counterpart was a military guardhouse, set
  42. Lost most of the support they had among planters. Whiskey Rebellion The, excise ,tax of 1791 caused grumbling from the frontier including threats of tax
  43. Overseas. England was still the least taxed country in Europe, with no official, excise ,and no regular direct taxation. Without the consent of Parliament, Charles '
  44. Revenues of the U. S. federal treasury into which Guam pays no income or, excise ,taxes; under the provisions of a special law of Congress, the Guam treasury
  45. Rose from 28,935 barrels to 58,675 barrels. The root of the problem lay with, excise ,duties between the two islands. The Dublin brewers were obliged to source their
  46. Never forgave him, and never spoke to him again. In 1791,Congress imposed an, excise ,tax on distilled spirits, which led to protests in frontier districts
  47. Comprehensive library of mutant proteins. One approach of this technique is to, excise ,a portion of DNA and replaced with a library of sequences containing all
  48. Inheritance tax or tariffs). An alternative to ad valor em taxation is an, excise ,tax, where the tax base is the quantity of something, regardless of its price.
  49. Elizabeth Olive, his landlord's daughter. From 1772 to 1773,Paine joined, excise ,officers asking Parliament for better pay and working conditions, publishing
  50. To Stretford to work as a supernumerary officer. In December 1762,he became an, excise ,officer in Grant ham, Lincolnshire; in August 1764,he was transferred to Alford

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