Examples of the the word, motif , in a Sentence Context

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  1. S relationships with family and classmates. Hobbes' dual nature is a defining, motif ,for the strip: to Calvin, Hobbes is a live anthropomorphic tiger; all the other
  2. Lettering. One of the potential helmet designs Brown rejected was a striped, motif ,that was similar to the helmets adopted by the team in 1981 and which is still
  3. Topologies for single Loops as cited by Hutchinson et al. (1990). This, motif ,is rare as the process resulting in its formation seems unlikely to occur
  4. S mortuary complex, include post and lintel supports in the papyrus and lotus, motif , The earliest preserved ancient Egyptian temples, such as those at Giza
  5. Loops that may contain alpha helices or even entire protein domains. Greek key, motif ,The Greek key motif consists of four adjacent antiparallel strands and their
  6. Including barrels and propellers. Psi-loop motif The psi-loop, Ψ-loop, motif ,consists of two antiparallel strands with one strand in between that is
  7. Of appearing to be one image, while hiding the reality from the world. A visual, motif ,is present in the scene of Batman's first major act of vigilantism at Axis
  8. Of the buildings. Nāga Mythical serpents, or nāgas, represent an important, motif ,in Khmer architecture as well as in freestanding sculpture. They are
  9. Him from his hermitage in the mountains to the city of Trento. This recurrent, motif ,was used by the Church as a symbol of the victory of Christianity over Paganism
  10. Molecule to act as a basis for the earliest forms of life. In graphene the PAH, motif ,is extended to large 2D sheets. Occurrence and pollution Polycyclic aromatic
  11. Of a lion, a crocodile, or a dragon. In Khmer temple architecture,the, motif ,of the Madeira is generally part of a decorative carving on a lintel, tympanum
  12. Most commonly observed protein tertiary structure, the TIM barrel. Β-meander, motif ,A simple super secondary protein topology composed of 2 or more consecutive
  13. To decorate the interiors of caves. Therefore, shell forms became the principal, motif ,in Rococo. The society women competed for the best and most elaborate
  14. In F major, Op. 168,No. 1 (I: Moderate cantabile),provides the title and a, motif ,for the French novella Moderate Cantabile by Marguerite Dumas. Anita Faye Hill
  15. As a lion or serpent, emerging from its gaping maw. The Madeira is a central, motif ,in the design of the famously beautiful lintels of the Roles group of temples:
  16. Sheets. It is rare to find less than five interacting parallel strands in a, motif , suggesting that a smaller number of strands may be unstable, however it is
  17. Paul's persecution for his preaching of Christianity. Prayer is a major, motif ,in both the Gospel of Luke and Acts. Both books have a more prominent attention
  18. Consists of two neighboring cysteines, as part of a highly conserved CXXC, motif , that can cycle between an active vitriol form (reduced) and an oxidized
  19. Art and what art could be. His cow wallpaper (literally, wallpaper with a cow, motif ,) and his oxidation paintings (canvases prepared with copper paint that was
  20. Noncommittal—the novella is a bildungsroman, if not a very serious one. Garden, motif ,Gardens are thought by many critics to play a critical symbolic role in Candide
  21. With its winter advertising campaigns illustrated by Haddon Sunbeam,the, motif ,was already common. Coca-Cola was not even the first soft drink company to use
  22. Can be seen with empirical formula B12C3 (i.e., with B12 dodecahedra being a, motif ,), but with less carbon as the suggested C3 units are replaced with B-C chains
  23. Gadgets in his war against crime, the designs of which usually share a bat, motif , Batman historian Les Daniels credits Gardner Fox with creating the concept of
  24. Which case it is called a β-α-β motif . A closely related motif called a β-α-β-α, motif ,forms the basic component of the most commonly observed protein tertiary
  25. A third major nuancing of the covenant theology resurgence today is the, motif ,of ecumenical dialogue in this task which now includes evangelical Protestants
  26. By adding this episode, Kubrick establishes dueling as the film's central, motif ,: the film begins with a duel where Barry's father is shot dead, and duels
  27. Sacred items. The Chinese inscribed all kinds of bronze items with three main, motif ,types: demons, symbolic animals, and abstract symbols. Some large bronzes also
  28. Early example of cyberpunk concepts expanding into film. Eyes are a recurring, motif , as are manipulated images, calling into question reality and our ability to
  29. Loop frequently contains a helical region, in which case it is called a β-α-β, motif , A closely related motif called a β-α-β-α motif forms the basic component of
  30. A helical region, in which case it is called a β-α-β motif . A closely related, motif ,called a β-α-β-α motif forms the basic component of the most commonly observed
  31. J. Connolly makes a similar observation, stating that the husband-wife, motif ,reflects marriage as it was understood at the time. Connolly also suggests that
  32. Empire),by the late Hellenistic or early Roman period, the star and crescent, motif ,had been associated to some degree with Byzantium. For example, some Byzantine
  33. Gucci to design the patch, who came up with the basic idea of the three-bird, motif , The crew changed the colors from blues and greens to more patriotic red, white
  34. Frenzy' ( λύσσα),tore him apart as they would a stag. " This is the iconic, motif ,by which Actaeon is recognized, both in ancient art and in Renaissance and
  35. More consecutive antiparallel strands linked together by hairpin loops. This, motif ,is common in sheets and can be found in several structural architectures
  36. A pattern common to Greek ornamental artwork (see meander (art) ). The β-α-β, motif ,Due to the chirality of their component amino acids, all strands exhibit a "
  37. And de Nova (from scratch) physics-based modeling. See also: structural, motif ,and structural domain. Molecular Interaction Efficient software is available
  38. The caps of this structure. Common structural motif s A very simple structural, motif ,involving β sheets is the β hairpin, in which two antiparallel strands are
  39. Been popular in art since classical times, as well as the princess and dragon, motif ,in general. From the Renaissance interest revived in the original story
  40. To β strand 5,the other edge strand. In the same system, the Greek key, motif ,described above has a 4123 topology. The secondary structure of a β sheet can
  41. Ruby Bridges, opened for the 2006–2007 school year. Sister cities A common, motif ,in the secondary structure of proteins, the alpha-helix (helix) is a
  42. Alpha helices or even entire protein domains. Greek key motif The Greek key, motif ,consists of four adjacent antiparallel strands and their linking loops. It
  43. Genitive of" ἀνήρ" ( anger)," man ". It is an example of the widespread, motif ,of Greek (or Indo-European more generally) names expressing" battle-prowess
  44. Is signalled by the introduction of the trombones, with the use of the main, motif ,from all three movements used in the central section around that point. It can
  45. Several structural architectures including barrels and propellers. Psi-loop, motif ,The psi-loop, Ψ-loop, motif consists of two antiparallel strands with one
  46. Never feature boron with coordination number greater than four. A typical, motif ,is exemplified by the tetra borate anions of the common mineral borax, shown at
  47. Learned of the project. He pursued the commission, interested in the medieval, motif ,and patriotic theme. The mayor of Calais was tempted to hire Rodin on the spot
  48. Interfere with the operation of a bow and arrow). The legend was a popular, motif ,in art during Greek and Roman antiquity and served as an antithetical
  49. Using the backbone and the Asp side chain oxygen of a GGXGXD sequence, motif , This fold is called a beta-roll in the STOP classification. Β sheets in
  50. Numerologist Samuel Noah Kramer presented a Sumerian text treating the" Job, motif ," of the righteous sufferer. The Sumerian text is known as" A man and his god

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