Examples of the the word, usher , in a Sentence Context

The word ( usher ), is the 9064 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1975. He encouraged his wife to quit her work as a waitress, cook and theater, usher ,in order to devote herself full time to her writing, who both eventually
  2. Jewish leader and king who will redeem Israel in the End of Days and who will, usher ,in a messianic era of peace and prosperity for both the living and the deceased
  3. Of ICANN's board of directors stated after the vote:" Today's decision will, usher ,in a new Internet age. We have provided a platform for the next generation of
  4. Bob Dylan's 1965 albums Bringing It All Back Home and Highway 61 Revisited, usher ,in album focused rock and the" folk rock" genre. *Simon and Garfunkel release
  5. A human descendant of David will occupy the throne of a restored kingdom and, usher ,in a messianic age. David is also viewed as a tragic figure; his acquisition of
  6. To join the army. He also worked as a cartoonist, illustrator,disc jockey, usher ,and dishwasher before selling his first story to Amazing Stories in 1950. In
  7. A discursive formation continually generates new statements, and some of these, usher ,in changes in the discursive formation that may or may not be adopted.
  8. Entered into a secret betrothal with the young man. Thomas Wolsey's gentleman, usher , George Cavendish, maintained the two had not been lovers. If Cavendish is to
  9. As a divine monarchy with himself as the benevolent despot at its head. To, usher ,in the new era, he embarked on ambitious economic, military and cultural
  10. Him: He walked on one side. He had a big nose. *Mr. Well – The" poor pinched, usher ," of Salem house. Near the end of the novel, Copperfield discovers in an
  11. Centuries the apocalyptic and heavenly who would deliver Israel and, usher ,in a new kingdom. This was the background to the concept of Messiah ship in
  12. The feast. In some congregations, small straws of honey are given out to, usher ,in the new year. The Hebrew Bible contains many references to honey. In the
  13. Career at the newspaper The Daily Bugle. The Lee-Ditko era continued to, usher ,in a significant number of villains and supporting characters, including Doctor
  14. Of King David will one day appear to restore the Kingdom of Israel and, usher ,in an era of peace, prosperity,and spiritual understanding for Israel and all
  15. From the Davidic line, who will rule and unite the people of Israel and will, usher ,in the Messianic Age of global and universal peace. In sharp fundamental
  16. Where he briefly held various jobs, including an apothecary's assistant and an, usher ,of a school. Perennially in debt and addicted to gambling, Goldsmith produced a
  17. In debt and had lost much of his standing in Litchfield. Johnson hoped to get an, usher ,'s position which became available at Stockbridge Grammar School, but as he did
  18. Modern, rabbinical Judaism asserts that a unique future physical messiah will, usher ,in the messianic age of peace to the world. In Judaism today, as always, the
  19. Democracy within the one-party framework. Nevertheless, the regime refused to, usher ,in a full fledged democratic system. However, by 1990,there was growing
  20. Of twelve children of Françoise B. Grandblaise and Nicolas Messier, a Court, usher , Six of his brothers and sisters died while young and in 1741,his father died.
  21. Camera ta. We have already noted some of the musical developments that helped to, usher ,in the Baroque, but for further explanation of this transition, see antiphon
  22. Of power with him. He took the consulship in 5 and 2 BC, so he could personally, usher ,them into their political careers, and they were nominated for the consulship
  23. In Aristophanes, it had a master craftsman who lived long enough to help, usher ,it into a new age. Indeed, according to one ancient source (Plutonium, c.9th
  24. Success of Steven Spielberg's realistic Saving Private Ryan in 1998 helped to, usher ,in a revival of interest in World War II films. A number of these, such as
  25. Importance, such as the two candles that are traditionally kindled to, usher ,in the Shabbat, recalling the two different ways Shabbat is referred to in the
  26. Will be shut in again. Rocco, Leonore, Jacquino, and Maybelline reluctantly, usher ,the prisoners back to their cells. (LEB wool, du warmer Sonnenlicht" Adieu
  27. Based on his beliefs, as a Fifth Monarchist, that the rule of the Saints would, usher ,in the reign of Christ on Earth. A modified version of this proposal was
  28. Relations. This idea occurred to Boole in his teenage years, working as an, usher ,in a private school in Lincoln, Lincolnshire. For example, let x and y stand
  29. Manner as the European civil service. The President is allocated a personal, usher , President and organization The President, currently Jerry Bulk MEP of the EPP
  30. That they believed Jesus Christ was coming to earth in their lifetime to help, usher ,in a thousand-year kingdom of peace on earth. This is perhaps why they believed
  31. Polyphase system of electrical distribution and the AC motor. This work helped, usher ,in the Second Industrial Revolution. Born an ethnic Serb in the village of
  32. Components analyses and convolution. If successful,this effort could, usher ,in a new era of neural computing that is a step beyond digital computing
  33. Shall move against God's chosen people for a short while. This will then, usher ,in the ending of this" world" ( not the earth, but the removal of all those
  34. That its easternmost landmass, uninhabited Caroline Island, is the first to, usher ,in the New Year. The Northern Territory is a federal territory of Australia
  35. Extracting plutonium. It firmly believes this agreement" has the potential to, usher ,in an era of responsible nuclear-energy development throughout the Middle East.
  36. If the groom or the bride cannot drink, it is the best man, bridesmaid,or, usher ,group’s responsibility to drink for them. Very often, the bride will change
  37. The second Monday episode was introduced in 2002 and was broadcast at 20:30 to, usher ,in the return of Bet Lynch. The Monday 20:30 episode was used intermittently
  38. The small divided Communist party in Afghanistan alarmed the Soviets and would, usher ,in the series of events which lead to the Soviet invasion. In Kabul, the
  39. Trying the Labour Party had completely convinced the electorate that they would, usher ,in a new age of prosperity, their policies, organisation and tone of optimism
  40. The far-flung nature of the empire, and the limited communication across it and, usher ,in the administrative changes to keep order. While the Byzantine Empire was
  41. Tries to disperse the non-violent" Ghost-Dance" which was promised to, usher ,in a new era of power and freedom to Native Americans but was feared as a
  42. The feast. In some congregations, small straws of honey are given out to, usher ,in the new year. *In the Coptic Orthodox Church, the New Year, called Farouk
  43. Viewed the policy as a lot of fizz without substance and as an attempt to, usher ,in Western products in deals there with the old elites. Pepsi, as one of the
  44. Globe as the start of the day usher s in the New Year. The first time zone to, usher ,in the New Year is just west of the International Date Line. At that time the
  45. 1968) and" The Blue Marble" ( 1972),are thought to have helped to, usher ,in the environmentalist movement which gained great prominence in the years
  46. Airlines Flight 93 at the last minute, on his way to San Francisco to be an, usher ,in his fraternity brother Joseph Salama's wedding. Death It is believed that
  47. The group debuted in The Fantastic Four #1 (November 1961),which helped to, usher ,in a new level of realism in the medium. The Fantastic Four was the first
  48. National country music scene in 1989,singer and songwriter Clint Black would, usher ,in a new sound that would define much of country music for the 1990s and beyond
  49. Learn them without expense to himself and his family, he took a position as an, usher ,in a school in Brussels, which position made him the tutor of thirty boys.
  50. Although Hamlin narrowly missed becoming President, his vice presidency would, usher ,in a half-century of sustained national influence for the Maine Republican

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