Examples of the the word, obligate , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Convex or concave belly button shape). Adaptations maybe generally more, obligate ,(robust in the face of typical environmental variation) or more facultative (
  2. In lower termites. As with endosymbiosis in other insects, the symbiosis is, obligate ,in that neither the bacteria nor the insect is viable without the other.
  3. Of both. For an individual, even strongly genetically influenced, or ", obligate ," traits, such as eye color, assume the inputs of a typical environment during
  4. Dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex that existed during the Mesozoic Era were ", obligate ,carnivores ". List of extant carnivores; Mammals * All coliforms, such as
  5. Vegetation specifically as an emetic. The domestic cat is a prime example of an, obligate ,carnivore, as are all the other fields. The ability to produce synthetic
  6. Today primarily eat meat. Some, such as cats, pinnipeds, and weasels, are, obligate , carnivores. Others, such as raccoons and bears, depending on the local habitat
  7. A question that may be asked about an adaptation is whether it is generally, obligate ,(relatively robust in the face of typical environmental variation) or
  8. As fibronectin, vitronectin, collagen,and lamina. Structure Integrity are, obligate ,heterodimers containing two distinct chains, called the α (alpha) and β (
  9. Are, to some degree, omnivorous,except the Felipe and Wikipedia, which are, obligate ,carnivores. Most have highly-developed senses, especially vision and hearing
  10. Of oxidative metabolism. Nearly all living things (specifically, all, obligate , and facultative heroes) possess enzymes known as catalyze peroxidases, which
  11. Their respiration: Bacillus is a facultative anaerobe, while Clostridium is an, obligate ,anaerobe. Gram-negative bacteria are bacteria that do not retain crystal violet
  12. Or fully submersed in their natural habitat. Although there are a handful of, obligate ,aquatic plants that must be grown entirely underwater, most can grow fully
  13. By Montana State University. Classification Thermophiles are classified into, obligate ,and facultative thermophiles: Obligate thermophiles (also called extreme
  14. Is native to much of eastern and southern Asia, and is an apex predator and an, obligate ,carnivore. The larger tiger subspecies are comparable in size to the biggest
  15. And the pain of hitting one's knee against concrete are the result of fairly, obligate ,psychological adaptations; typical environmental variability during development
  16. And serves as a means of delivery of that genome into cells it targets as an, obligate ,parasite, and constitutes the infection. Once in the host's cell, the RNA
  17. Nigrum (Black Pepper),P. Methysticum (Lava),and P. beetle (Betel). The, obligate ,and facultative ant mutualists found in some Piper species have a strong
  18. Required female rabbinical students wishing to train as rabbis to personally, obligate ,themselves, but synagogue rabbis, unwilling to inquire into individual
  19. Bird species, including honeyguides, icterids, estrildid finches and ducks, are, obligate , parasites,though the most famous are the cuckoos. Ecology Birds occupy a wide
  20. Bancrofti and Antonella Persians thrive in their hosts because of an, obligate ,endosymbiosis with Malachi SPP. They can both be eliminated from their host
  21. Hands and knees. This article therefore avoids the terms" facultative" and ", obligate ,", and focuses on the range of styles of locomotion normally used by various
  22. Much fluid as possible. And can even rehydrate by drinking seawater. Cats are, obligate ,carnivores: their physiology has evolved to efficiently process meat, and they
  23. The host at the expense of the host's own brood. Brood parasites may be either, obligate ,brood parasites, which must lay their eggs in the nests of other species
  24. For example, in the conifer Fractions calciferous asexual reproduction (, obligate ,parthenogenesis) can be inherited by a recessive allele, which leads to loss
  25. Of years (from 10 to several hundred million years in some cases),they form, obligate ,associations (see below),and display speciation with their insect hosts.
  26. That is commonly found in soil. All species in this genus are Gram-positive, obligate ,heroes that are rods during exponential growth and cocci in their stationary
  27. In general. Some marine oligochaeta (e.g. Flavius or Inanidrillus) have, obligate ,extracellular endosymbiosis that fill the entire body of their host. These
  28. With several species (Callithrix Bacchus and Cruella pygmies) considered, obligate ,exudativores. Callitrichids typically live in small, territorial groups of
  29. Of the insects (not specialized bactericides, see below),and are not, obligate , Among primary endosymbiosis of insects, the best studied are the pea aphid (
  30. By treatments that target this bacterium. However, not all endosymbiosis are, obligate , Also, some endosymbiosis can be harmful to either of the organisms involved.
  31. Bacteria and a member of the division Fornicates. Bacillus species can be, obligate ,heroes or facultative anaerobes, and test positive for the enzyme catalase.
  32. Instrument. According to the Cato Institute, these treaties only bind (legally, obligate ,) the United States to comply with them as long as that nation agrees to remain
  33. Fish quickly retreat into the burrow. One of the most spectacular examples of, obligate ,mutualism is between the siboglinid tube worms and symbiotic bacteria that live
  34. Of the person whose life is insured for reasons not excluded from the policy, obligate ,the insurer to pay the entire policy amount to the beneficiary. Most business
  35. When month is written in Arabic numerals, a leading zero is common, but not, obligate , The name of the month always begins with a lower-case letter (not in the
  36. Example, the rewarding sweet taste of sugar and the pain of bodily injury are, obligate ,psychological adaptations—typical environmental variability during development
  37. Behaviors, including bipedalism, as " facultative" ( i.e. optional) or ", obligate ," (the animal has no reasonable alternative). Even this distinction is not
  38. And PED- 'foot ', as contrasted with quadruped 'four feet '. Facultative and, obligate ,bipedalism Zoologists often label behaviors, including bipedalism, as "
  39. Environmental stability inside the host. Genome sequencing reveals that, obligate ,bacterial endosymbiosis of insects have among the smallest of known bacterial
  40. Horizontally (i.e. by escaping the host and entering a new host). Attacking, obligate ,bacterial endosymbiosis may present a way to control their insect hosts, many
  41. Underprocessing) and poor hygiene allowing contamination of canned food by the, obligate ,anaerobe Clostridium botulinum, which produces an acute toxin within the food
  42. Get nutrition from their endosymbiotic bacteria. The most common examples of, obligate ,endosymbiosis are mitochondria and chloroplasts. Some human parasites, e. g.:
  43. A Conservative Jew would believe that the presence of three adult Jews would, obligate ,the group to say a communal form of the Grace After Meals, while an Orthodox
  44. Proximate mechanisms that interact with the environment in either a generally, obligate ,or facultative fashion (see above). Evolutionary psychologists are also
  45. Symbiotic. Mutualistic relationships may be either obligate for both species, obligate ,for one but facultative for the other, or facultative for both. Many biologists
  46. Hard fruits and seeds that other monkeys cannot. Carriers are the only extant, obligate ,carnivorous primates, exclusively eating insects, crustaceans,small
  47. Inoculum level will lead to complete destruction of a rice crop. Beyond being, obligate ,parasites, they also decrease the vigor of plants and increase the plants '
  48. And heads of Cameroon's parasitical (about 100 state-controlled) firms, obligate ,or disburse expenditures, approve or veto regulations, declare states of
  49. Mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic). Some symbiotic relationships are, obligate , meaning that both symbionts entirely depend on each other for survival. For
  50. Can properly be considered symbiotic. Mutualistic relationships may be either, obligate ,for both species, obligate for one but facultative for the other, or

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