Examples of the the word, absurdity , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Her bosom; She secures the sacred rights of every individual; and (astonishing, absurdity ,to Europeans!) she sees a thousand discordant opinions live in the strictest
  2. Standard of characterization where the characters were never aware of their own, absurdity , Gilbert insisted that his actors know their words perfectly and obey his stage
  3. Between the work of each man. Measuring the work by its results leads us to, absurdity ,; dividing and measuring them by hours spent on the work also leads us to
  4. With Jewish life, shall be forever pudenda. Irony would thus be pushed to the, absurdity ,of claiming that Article 49 (6),designed to prevent repetition of Nazi-type
  5. Ad absurdum of his arguments for atheistic rationalism, demonstrating their, absurdity , Burke claimed that Bolingbroke's arguments against revealed religion could
  6. Of the black population in America, Dickens railed against" the mechanical, absurdity ,of giving these people votes ", which " at any rate at present, would glare out
  7. Which is inconsistency:" Natural sense and imagination, are not subject to, absurdity ," and" For error is but a deception ... But when we make a general assertion
  8. Kierkegaard coined the term" leap of faith ", arguing that life is full of, absurdity , and one must make his and her own values in an indifferent world. One can live
  9. So Marx added the greasepaint to his eyebrows and headed for the stage. The, absurdity ,of the greasepaint was never discussed on-screen, but in a famous scene in Duck
  10. That bridges the gap between serious symbolic meaning and the type of critical, absurdity ,with which Carry would soon become associated. Using the biblical Book of
  11. Regardless of the concerns of mainstream studies of Kafka with redemption and, absurdity , and what jurists such as Judge Poster might think relevant to law and legal
  12. Sartre and Albert Camus contain descriptions of people who encounter the, absurdity ,of the world. Albert Camus studied the issue of" the absurd" in his essay The
  13. Work The Courage to Be follows Kierkegaard's analysis of anxiety and life's, absurdity , but puts forward the thesis that modern humans must, via God, achieve selfhood
  14. Of this case. In a case at Tyrant (Nagyszombat, today Tanaka, Slovakia ),the, absurdity , even the impossibility, of the statements forced by torture from women and
  15. Christian woman, Anežka Arizona, with a slash to the throat. Despite the, absurdity ,of the charge and the relatively progressive nature of society in
  16. Materials and forms (as in architecture) or by ironic self-reference and, absurdity ,(as in literature) ", or,finally" of, relating to, or being a theory that
  17. To grasp the truth about himself. This contradiction leads to the recurring, absurdity ,of his life: the desire to destroy those on whom his life depends, and the
  18. Instead strive to be" heroic nihilists ", living with dignity in the face of, absurdity , living with" secular saintliness ", fraternal solidarity, and rebelling
  19. Thesis that modern humans must, via God, achieve selfhood in spite of life's, absurdity , Rudolf Bultmann used Kierkegaard's and Heidegger's philosophy of existence
  20. The chapters on Machines as an attempt to reduce Mr. Darwin's theory to an, absurdity , Nothing could be further from my intention, and few things would be more
  21. Verse, wildly absurd plots and a formal, dramatic structure. *Fantasy and, absurdity ,: Fantasy in Old Comedy is unrestricted and impossibilities are ignored.
  22. Spite of many existential obstacles and distractions including despair, angst, absurdity , alienation, and boredom. Subsequent existential philosophers retain the
  23. The absurdity of individual experience, while Kierkegaard explains that the, absurdity ,of certain religious truths prevent us from reaching God rationally. Camus
  24. Ever be proven to exist through an a priori demonstration:: There is an evident, absurdity ,in pretending to demonstrate a matter of fact, or to prove it by any arguments
  25. Of Moldova, Ion Barbuda, described the dictionary as a politically motivated ", absurdity ,". In contrast, spoken languages of Han Chinese are usually referred to as
  26. Guilty, but all are responsible. " *"Remember that there is a meaning beyond, absurdity , Be sure that every little deed counts, that every word has power. Never forget
  27. The words, created fanciful" topsy-turvy" worlds for these operas where each, absurdity ,is taken to its logical conclusion—fairies rub elbows with British lords
  28. On contemporary manners, or a reduction of the theory of self-interest to an, absurdity , or the application of irony to the ethics of ordinary convention, or a mere
  29. Being to exchange value. The French philosopher Albert Camus asserts that the, absurdity ,of the human condition is that people search for external values and meaning in
  30. Of Hindus wrote about the" ridiculous practices" of the Jews and of the ", absurdity ,of their Law" and how Ptolemy Lagos was able to invade Jerusalem in 320 BC
  31. Happen to a" good" person as to a" bad" person. Because of the world's, absurdity , at any point in time, anything can happen to anyone, and a tragic event could
  32. This interpretation of the concept is often related to the insistence on the, absurdity ,of the world and the assumption that there exists no relevant or absolutely
  33. Absurd is and what comprises its importance. For example, Sartre recognizes the, absurdity ,of individual experience, while Kierkegaard explains that the absurdity of
  34. Translations woven into plays. The playwright’s apparent familiarity with the, absurdity ,of humanity and both the comedy and tragedy that stem from this absurdity have
  35. And even illuminates ... existentialism" by examining the" necessary, absurdity ,of the human condition" and the" horror of war ". The film tells the story of
  36. Argument cleverly highlights basic flaws in protectionism by demonstrating its, absurdity ,through logical extremes. Bastiat's the most famous work, however,is undoubtedly
  37. For order, collides with the Other's lack of order, a third element is born:, absurdity , The Absurd The notion of the Absurd contains the idea that there is no meaning
  38. General welfare of the country. The Macedonians countered that it would be an, absurdity ,to have bothered to write up a specific list of federal powers if the preamble
  39. A players strike wiped out the rest of the season. The strike also led to an, absurdity ,: The Minnesota Twins traded Winfield to the Cleveland Indians at the trade
  40. And relatives in various specified locations, often incorporating exercises in, absurdity , physicality, costuming,spontaneous nudity, and various random or seemingly
  41. Expanded Les Polonaise of his school days. ABU ROIs savage humor and monstrous, absurdity , unlike anything thus far performed in French theater, seemed unlikely to ever
  42. Namely suicide, would entail another kind of leap, where one attempts to kill, absurdity ,by destroying one of its terms (the human being). Camus points out, however
  43. To the pet shop to confront the shopkeeper for deceiving him. Adding to the, absurdity ,of it all is the fact that most parrots live in tropical climates, and none are
  44. Of any age have denied the facts of other investigators on a priori grounds of, absurdity ,or impossibility, the deniers have always been wrong. Wallace began
  45. Dividing and measuring them by hours spent on the work also leads us to, absurdity , One thing remains: put the needs above the works, and first recognize
  46. Such as modernism, magic realism and so on. The apparent hopelessness and, absurdity ,that seem to permeate his works are considered emblematic of existentialism.
  47. Studies of Kafka's works normally present his fiction as an engagement with, absurdity , a critique of bureaucracy or a search for redemption, failing to account for
  48. Sag as if they are melting. Evocations of time and its compelling mystery and, absurdity , The characteristics of this style - a combination of the depicting, the
  49. Upon" ). He goes on to define error as self-contradiction of definition (" an, absurdity , or senseless Speech" ) or conclusions that do not follow the definitions on
  50. Spite of many existential obstacles and distractions including despair, angst, absurdity , alienation, and boredom. Subsequent existentialist philosophers retain the

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