Examples of the the word, abnormal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abnormal ), is the 6424 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. After they appear in print. A cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an, abnormal ,connection between the arteries and veins in the brain. Signs and symptoms The
  2. Depends on the initial level and the patient's overall physical condition. An, abnormal ,liver will take longer but still succeed, provided the alcohol does not cause
  3. And inflammatory responses. The link between TNF and apoptosis shows why an, abnormal ,production of TNF plays a fundamental role in several human diseases
  4. A cascade 3 knock-out was characterized by ectopic cell masses in the brain and, abnormal ,apoptotic features such as membrane blabbing or nuclear fragmentation. A
  5. To develop entirely. Many medical conditions are known to cause, abnormal ,development of the breasts during puberty. Virginal breast hypertrophy is a
  6. With abnormal ly high electron density, like the pi system of benzene. This, abnormal ,electron density affects the applied magnetic field and causes the observed
  7. And alopecia (hair loss). Newer anticancer drugs act directly against, abnormal ,proteins in cancer cells; this is termed targeted therapy and is technically
  8. Ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen. Ammonia also plays a role in both normal and, abnormal ,animal physiology. Ammonia is biosynthesized through normal amino acid
  9. Of alcohol to a maximum of two drinks per day or less. Breast disease Numerous, abnormal ,breast conditions or diseases are documented. A majority are not cancerous. As
  10. Suffers the same hue discrimination problems as the protanopia, but without the, abnormal ,dimming. Similarly, violet,lavender, purple,and blue all seem much the same
  11. To find cognitive theories within social psychology, personality psychology, abnormal ,psychology, and developmental psychology. In fact, the neo-Piagetian theories
  12. Polymorphism :4. Geographical variation between races :5. Mosaics or otherwise, abnormal ,individuals. Also, variation in karyotype may occur during development from the
  13. Expansion of the heart and inhibits heart function.; Pericardial effusion: An, abnormal ,accumulation of fluid in the pericardium that can lead to lemonade.;
  14. A normal beer, a regular sized glass of wine) every 90 minutes. An ", abnormal ," liver, one with hepatitis, cirrhosis,gall bladder disease, cancer,and so on
  15. With all sorts of" grunge" - including calcium deposits, fatty deposits, and, abnormal , inflammatory cells - to form a plaque. Deposits of calcium phosphates (
  16. Image data is scanned for a specific condition. Examples: detection of possible, abnormal ,cells or tissues in medical images or detection of a vehicle in an automatic
  17. People with Turner syndrome often have a short stature, low hairline, abnormal ,eye features and bone development and a" caved-in" appearance to the chest. *
  18. Sciadopityaceae family plants that used to live in north Europe. Inclusions The, abnormal ,development of resin has been called succinates. Impurities are quite often
  19. Manual that" careless comparison or irreverent reference to Christ Jesus is, abnormal ,in a Christian Scientist and is prohibited. " (Church Manual, page 41) She
  20. Genetics studies the effect that genes have in a phenotype, given normal or, abnormal ,epigenetic parameters. The findings of developmental biology can help to
  21. That lowers the seizure threshold or may cause an arrhythmia, and in those with, abnormal ,vital signs. One study found that only 10 % of the patient population
  22. Increases with increasing Spetzler-Martin grade. Pathophysiology Arms are an, abnormal ,connection between the arteries and veins in the human brain. Arteriovenous
  23. Of gynecological conditions leading to ' abnormal uterine bleeding '; to resolve, abnormal ,uterine bleeding (too much, too often or too heavy a menstrual flow); to
  24. And sufferers may go on spending sprees or engage in behavior that is quite, abnormal ,for them. They may indulge in substance abuse, particularly alcohol or other
  25. Encircling neurons, vessels,and Gaia are a possible processing artifact. *An, abnormal ,signal in the posterior thalamus on T2- and diffusion-weighted images and
  26. The judiciary and combating corruption across all sectors. = A disease is an, abnormal ,condition affecting the body of an organism. It is often construed to be a
  27. A special amortization fund using art. 18-bis Legged 91/1981 mainly for the, abnormal ,signing in 2002–03 season, ( such as Divide Bombarding for €11 million account
  28. Many battle-survivors have nightmares about the conditions they encountered, or, abnormal , reactions to certain sights or sounds. Some suffer flashbacks. Physical effects
  29. Shape. * Small supernumerary marker chromosome. This means there is an extra, abnormal ,chromosome. Features depend on the origin of the extra genetic material.
  30. With parts of objects. Onset must be prior to age three years, with delays or, abnormal ,functioning in either social interaction, language as used in social
  31. To as pathological reflexes (reflexes that may be normal in an infant but are, abnormal ,in an adult) including Hoffmann's sign in the fingers and hand and the
  32. Tongue, or a protruding abdomen. Sporadic and genetic cretinism results from, abnormal ,development or function of the fetal thyroid gland. This type of cretinism has
  33. Death of the brain's nerve cells, which is associated with the build-up of, abnormal ,prion proteins forming amyloid. When brain tissue from a CJD patient is
  34. Not caused by bacteria. Symptoms and signs The most common symptom of BV is an, abnormal ,homogeneous off-white vaginal discharge (especially after sex) with an
  35. The syndrome in children with ASD. However, individuals with autism also have, abnormal ,brain activation in many circuits outside the MNS and the MNS theory does not
  36. Is called just that to avoid ambiguity. Arteriovenous malformation or AVM is an, abnormal ,connection between veins and arteries, usually congenital. This pathology is
  37. Bits. Fear of clowns The term coulrophobia has been proposed to denote an, abnormal , exaggerated, or irrational fear of clowns. The term is of recent use but is
  38. Monstrosus" for" wild and monstrous humans, unknown groups, and more or less, abnormal ,people ". Commemoration Anniversaries of Linnaeus' birth, especially in
  39. A dyslexic brain, taken with the similar work of Cohen et al. 1989,suggested, abnormal ,cortical development, which was presumed to occur before or during the sixth
  40. Of IAP family members. As a result, the malignant cells experience an, abnormal ,response to apoptosis induction: cycle regulating genes (such as p53,RAS or
  41. Examination of the uterine lining for possible malignancy, investigation of, abnormal ,bleeding, and abortion. Curettage refers to cleaning the walls of the uterus
  42. Was due to an irregular distribution of the Earth's atmosphere, thus involving, abnormal ,variations in the refractive index, was also investigated; here, again
  43. Absent. Scientists speculate that the blood vessels in these women are diffuse, abnormal , Some have falsely claimed that the entire lining of the artery becomes thickened
  44. In future pregnancies, such as ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage,and, abnormal ,plantation (e.g. placenta prefix and placenta accrete). Excessive dilatation
  45. Feces. Significance Hypercholesterolemia According to the lipid hypothesis, abnormal ,cholesterol levels (hypercholesterolemia)—that is, higher concentrations of
  46. Auscultation employs a stethoscope to more easily hear various normal and, abnormal ,sounds, such as normal heart beat sounds and the usual heart beat sound changes
  47. Which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or, abnormal ,postures. * Hyperprolactinaemia. The breasts may enlarge and discharge milk, in
  48. Known as the" weeping philosopher" and died of dropsy, a swelling due to, abnormal ,accumulation of fluid beneath the skin. However, Empedocles of Acragas, is best
  49. Levels of chloramphenicol must be monitored in neonates and in patients with, abnormal ,liver function. Plasma levels should be monitored in all children under the age
  50. On gas stoves, has a cyan colored flame when burned. Medicine *Cyanosis is an, abnormal ,blueness of the skin, usually a sign of poor oxygen intake. i.e. the patient

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