Examples of the the word, wrestle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wrestle ), is the 8411 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is possible between the Lead and Follow. A general rule here is do not, wrestle ,and never stop dancing. Techniques of the recovery of connection and
  2. Return. It's important to me. " She further said," It's something that I, wrestle ,with a lot. It preoccupies me a lot, and I think that's very obvious within
  3. Tiebreaker round wins. However, the most common way to resolve a tie is to arm, wrestle ,for the win. Whoever can win an arm wrestling match shall be considered the
  4. Yūshō) for his division. If two wrestle rs are tied for the top, they, wrestle , each other and the winner takes the title. Three-way ties for a championship
  5. And brainwash the populace. To" see the fjords" would imply an attempt to, wrestle ,back individual autonomy. The word makes its first appearance in The
  6. Keenan bragged were unbeatable—challenge Andre and a partner of his choosing to, wrestle ,Study and Bundy in a televised tag-team match. When Andre failed to show, WWF
  7. A large container filled with various substances in which the two women will, wrestle , Substances can include anything from mud to chocolate milk. Sometimes
  8. And remains an important work in Scorsese's canon: an explicit attempt to, wrestle ,with the spirituality which had under-pinned his films up until that point. The
  9. Face with his foot, elbowed another one in the side of the face. They had to, wrestle ,him down and handcuff him. When he was in the police car, he used his head as a
  10. In Heaven ". He is introduced to Hell after he leads a failed rebellion to, wrestle ,control of Heaven from God. Satan's desire to rebel against his creator stems
  11. Source of social interaction is with their mothers. Mothers and infants often, wrestle , chase, and play" peek-a-boo" for entertainment. After 13 weeks, infants are
  12. In light of the fear ignited by 9/11,flight crew and passengers were quick to, wrestle ,the man to the ground and subdue him. Additionally, a distress signal was sent
  13. Highly effective, as he summoned the attending nobility and the people to, wrestle ,the Holy Land and the eastern churches generally from the Seljuk Turks. There
  14. And spake: 'I see no such man here within, who would not hold it a disgrace to, wrestle ,with thee;' and yet he said: 'Let us see first; let the old woman my nurse be
  15. In height, weight or strength. On very rare occasions, men and women will, wrestle ,each other. Women's wrestling The women’s division of professional wrestling
  16. The rest of the NSA was unhappy with Mont because he rarely allowed Rogers to, wrestle ,outside the Northeast. Mont and McMahon wanted Rogers to keep the NSA World
  17. Chinese singer active in Japan *Alan ( wrestle r),aka NATO EverReady who, wrestle ,in Asistencia Astoria y Administration *Alan IV, Duke of Brittany, aka Alan
  18. Of a woman besieged by excruciating bouts of mental illness. As you watch her, wrestle ,with the demon of depression, it is as if its torment has never been shown on
  19. Fine athlete, and taught and encouraged the children to swim, run,dive, ride, wrestle , golf and play tennis. She was a fan of movies from a young age, and would go
  20. To get even. Then said Thor: 'Little as ye call me, let anyone come up now and, wrestle ,with me; now I am angry. ' Then Útgarda-Loki answered, looking about him on the
  21. To 1967 during a turbulent period in the British economy in which he had to, wrestle ,with a balance of payments deficit and speculative attacks on the pound
  22. Sending a" raider" to the opposite team's half, where the goal is to tag or, wrestle ,(" confine" ) members of the opposite team before returning to the home half.
  23. Number of males, as their superior size compared to the females allows them to, wrestle ,their prey to the ground more effectively. The grizzly bear can also pose a
  24. Wrestler, where all means of victory are removed (that is, wrestle rs simply, wrestle ,each other for a fixed amount of time, without victory taken into consideration
  25. Do not let anyone go who approaches you until you have forced him to strip and, wrestle ,with you in argument. *Socrates: Your comparison with... Antics pictures my
  26. Was the case with Victor Mature in Samson and Delilah, when Mature refused to, wrestle ,the lion, though the lion was tame and toothless. (Demise remarked that
  27. Mob ",R2-D2 and C-3PO are presented as" the gay robots from Star Wars" who, wrestle ,the Pylons from the original Battlestar Galactica. In a clip of the battle, it
  28. Even certain shrines carry out forms of ritual dance where a human is said to, wrestle ,with a Kali (a Shinto divine spirit). It was an important ritual at the
  29. 1189–91) which saw the kings Richard I of England and Philip II of France, wrestle ,for control of the city with Saladin's forces. The only pictorial evidence of
  30. Underlying how we perceive objects). In a later period, Husserl began to, wrestle ,with the complicated issues of intersubjectivity, specifically,how
  31. Fechtbuch (combat manual) author, writes that young knights should learn to ", wrestle ,well, ( and) skillfully wield spear, sword,and dagger in a manly way. " It is
  32. Over whether the slide is, on the whole, positive or negative. The books also, wrestle ,with the idea of individualism. Hard Seldon's plan is often treated as an
  33. Associated with an aging population. While countries with young populations may, wrestle ,with problems of crime, poverty,and social unrest, countries with older
  34. Be dominated; second, when Corwin faces the demon Strygalldwir, it is able to, wrestle ,mentally with him when their gazes meet; and third, when Fiona is able to keep
  35. Northern Nigeria. Despite Borno's hegemony the Hausa states continued to, wrestle ,for ascendancy. Gradually Borno's position weakened; its inability to check
  36. To continue working as he had been for the last decade or more. Unwilling to, wrestle ,with the complexities of dividing up the going concern, the owners issued a
  37. The scenes. As it turned out, this tactic briefly allowed the emperors to, wrestle ,power back from the Fujiwara clan, only to see it fall to the Area warrior
  38. S weakness. Útgarða-Loki then calls for his nurse Ellis, an old woman. The two, wrestle ,but the harder Thor struggles the more difficult the battle becomes. Thor is
  39. Responses to the situation as it was understood, and the attempt to, wrestle ,universal principles from it. In the end science and scientific rationality
  40. A screenplay about a graduate student who recreates a dinosaur; he continued to, wrestle ,with his fascination with dinosaurs and cloning until he began writing the
  41. They try to escape, one boy is shot dead as they flee. She and the other boy, wrestle ,for the food, and they end up having what the script describes as" crude
  42. And they bare their breasts to him. He averts his eyes, and the Ulster men, wrestle ,him into a barrel of cold water, which explodes from the heat of his body. They
  43. Over other females. Any interpretation of this portion of Scripture must, wrestle ,with the theological, contextual,syntactical, and lexical difficulties
  44. Cervus is this word, plus Corvus, deer. Male stag beetles use their jaws to, wrestle ,each other for favored mating sites in a manner that parallels the way stags
  45. A championship are rare, at least in the top division. In these cases the three, wrestle ,each other in pairs with the first to win two in a row taking the tournament.
  46. Flair match, in October 1994,at WCW's Halloween Havoc, and then went on to, wrestle ,again, defeating Kevin Sullivan at that year's Staircase. Another seven years
  47. Allow wrestle rs the convenience to use any objects they may find wherever they, wrestle , A variation of the rules state that once a pinball takes place, the pinned
  48. Stand up to so formidable an opponent. In legends the hero would often have to, wrestle ,the drug back to his grave, thereby defeating him, since weapons would do no
  49. But killed him after Linus corrected his mistakes. He learned how to, wrestle ,from Autofocus. He killed the famous boxer Very of Sicily in a match. *
  50. Her parents distrust him, so he writes to them in protest. He and Gilbert, wrestle ,and he has an orgasm. Gilbert invites him to tea, and he becomes a regular at

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