Examples of the the word, discontinue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( discontinue ), is the 8412 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Procedures in the days prior to testing. Patients may also be required to, discontinue ,certain pain medications and sympathetic blockers. After a patient arrives at a
  2. On the bridge itself. In October 2007,the Board unanimously voted to, discontinue ,the proposal and seek additional revenue through other means, most likely a
  3. U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) established a regulation in 1975 to, discontinue ,the sale of turtles under 4 inches. It is illegal in every state in the U. S.
  4. With naming issues, each with specific pros and cons: # Keep one name and, discontinue ,the other. The strongest legacy brand with the best prospects for the future
  5. Former Naval Station Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico prompted the Coast Guard to, discontinue ,flying E-2Cs and to return its borrowed E-2Cs to the Navy. The U. S Customs
  6. Each mandate – constituted sufficient justification for the General Assembly to, discontinue ,the mandate review in September 2008. In the meantime, the General Assembly
  7. To Oracle to force the world's No. 3 software maker to reverse its decision to, discontinue ,software development on Intel Titanium microprocessor. Oracle has responded
  8. And may add additional instructions. Occasionally a successor design will, discontinue ,or alter the meaning of some instruction code (typically because it is needed
  9. Last version of Windows Server to support the Titanium, and that it would also, discontinue ,development of the Titanium versions of Visual Studio and SQL Server. Likewise
  10. Hill that often developed into a wrestling match. It was eventually decided to, discontinue ,Rush and, in 1905,the freshman and sophomore classes banded together in a show
  11. Train The Dominion in 1966,and in 1970 unsuccessfully applied to, discontinue ,The Canadian. For the next eight years, it continued to apply to discontinue
  12. And injuring over 80. * 2009 – Eastman Kodak Company announces that it will, discontinue ,sales of the Kodachrome Color Film, concluding its 74-year run as a photography
  13. Occupied by his protégée Vanity. In 1985 Prince announced that he would, discontinue ,live performances and music videos after the release of his next album. His
  14. Pay him as much as $100 million. The company decided in early fall 2009 to, discontinue ,the drink due to weak sales. According to Golf Digest, Woods made $769,440,709
  15. Volkswagen's dealerships. Slow sales and rising costs prompted Porsche to, discontinue ,the 914/6 variant in 1972 after producing 3,351 of them; its place in the
  16. He has the power, exercisable at his discretion, to institute, conduct or, discontinue ,any proceedings for an offense, other than proceedings before a Shariah court
  17. Not use genetically modified potatoes, and Monsanto published its intent to, discontinue ,the line in March 2001. The starch content of 'Am flora ', a waxy potato variety
  18. Of such high strength. " It is speculated that the DEA had requested Purdue to, discontinue ,manufacturing the 160 mg Tablets, however the DEA has publicly denied asking
  19. Derail the Administration's civil rights initiatives, Kennedy warned King to, discontinue ,the suspect associations, and later felt compelled to issue the written
  20. Are not psychologically addictive in most people, One should never attempt to, discontinue ,psychiatric medication without the knowledge and supervision of a medical
  21. Expensive to manufacture than the C64 itself. Although Commodore had planned to, discontinue ,the C64 by 1995,the company filed for bankruptcy a month later, in April 1994.
  22. To change religion or not to follow any religion. The freedom to leave or, discontinue ,membership in a religion or religious group — in religious terms called "
  23. Steel rolling stock. Starting in the 1960s,however, the railway started to, discontinue ,much of its passenger service, particularly on its branch lines. For example
  24. Rolling stock, equipment,and capital. In return, they received approval to, discontinue ,their passenger services, and at least some acquired common stock in Amtrak.
  25. Soup was referred to as" chicken noodle soup "; Campbell's was preparing to, discontinue ,the soup due to low sales. After the broadcast, letters began pouring in asking
  26. For the relevant programs should be curtailed ". This led to the decision to, discontinue ,publication. A part of the study has been recuperated. Available are profiles
  27. With the Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy, and ordered the military to suspend and, discontinue ,any investigation or discharge, separation,or other proceeding that have been
  28. From all media. Despite the rulings of the ASA, Tshwane Metro Council failed to, discontinue ,their" City of Shane" advertisements. As a result, the ASA requested that
  29. By Lynx Aviation); however Delta and Frontier announced that they would, discontinue ,service to Aspen before the ski season started, cutting the capacity of
  30. Transient, and not associated with a fever, etc. Women breastfeeding should, discontinue ,breastfeeding for at least a week, and likely longer, following radioactive
  31. Jean-Claude Van Damme. But the company became unprofitable and was forced to, discontinue ,the console. Meanwhile, SNK released several fighting games on their Neo-Geo
  32. May be conferred by Japan. On January 26, 2006 Sony announced that it would, discontinue ,ZIBO and several other products as of March 2006 in Sony's effort to make the
  33. 2009,the legal case against Biosocial was resolved, with Biosocial agreeing to, discontinue ,making the" Blocks" game available to the public. Variations Tetris has
  34. Specializing in audio. On August 3,2007,the company announced their plans to, discontinue ,development of Authorware, the “ visual authoring tool for creating rich-media
  35. 15th anniversary of the end of Calvin and Hobbes. Explaining his decision to, discontinue ,the strip, he said, In April 2011,a representative for Andrews McMeel received
  36. The distinct American pin striping. By the early 1980s,however, NASA decided to, discontinue ,using the American livery and replaced it with its own livery, consisting of a
  37. Outselling the Spectrum after 1985. Despite a few attempts by Commodore to, discontinue ,the C64 in favor of other, higher priced machines, constant demand made its
  38. In household products and other factors has caused most major paint makers to, discontinue ,the production of Maroger's medium. Many paint makers now offer faux-maroger
  39. Government tried using them on the Bass Strait run but eventually decided to, discontinue ,the run because of concerns over viability and the suitability of the vessels
  40. With executives of the General Electric Corporation (G. E.) and asked them to, discontinue ,selling the company's Alexander son alternators (used in the high-power AM
  41. The decline of AAU sponsored bodybuilding contests. In 1999,the AAU voted to, discontinue ,its bodybuilding events. Rise of anabolic steroids This period also saw the
  42. Was renowned for its superb coverage, In 2000 Telecom announced that they would, discontinue ,the AMPS network within 5 years (2005) to give customers an opportunity to
  43. That Romania will not migrate to digital terrestrial systems, but completely, discontinue ,this service, and sell the available spectrum for other purposes, since the
  44. Management of the withdrawal syndrome may improve the ability of individuals to, discontinue ,antipsychotics. Tardive dyskinetic can emerge as a physical withdrawal symptom
  45. Proceedings that may have been instituted by another person or authority and to, discontinue ,at any stage before judgment any criminal proceedings instituted or undertaken
  46. The condition as one of social choice. Most treatments focus on helping people, discontinue ,their alcohol intake, followed up with life training and/or social support in
  47. To discontinue The Canadian. For the next eight years, it continued to apply to, discontinue ,the service, and service on The Canadian declined markedly. On October 29, 1978
  48. http://kmeleon.blogspot.com On January 25, 2008,Hào declared his decision to, discontinue ,the unofficial K-MeleonCCF project, however,since then he (along with
  49. After the acquisition of Sun Microsystems in January 2010,Oracle decided to, discontinue ,the OpenSolaris distribution and the development model. As a result, the
  50. Anticipation for the upcoming PlayStation 2. Production for the console would, discontinue ,in most markets by 2002 and would be Sega's final console before becoming a

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