Examples of the the word, withstand , in a Sentence Context
The word ( withstand ), is the 8424 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Their flow in a dehydrated state. These cells are also more stable in order to, withstand ,high osmotic variation without rupturing when drinking large amounts of water (
- Withstand at least 20-25 % weight loss due to sweating (most mammals can only, withstand ,about 15 % dehydration before cardiac failure results from circulatory
- Emperor Thomas. Islamic Carthage The Exarchate of Africa was not able to, withstand ,the Muslim conquerors of the 7th century. Umayyad Caliph ABD al-Walid in 686 AD
- Glass (Plexiglas),the only transparent substance identified which would, withstand ,the pressures needed, at the design hull thickness. Outside illumination for
- Body was optimized for war and enabled him to fight on a superhuman level and, withstand ,what would normally be considered fatal injuries. One of the most famous
- Materials subjected to acidic or caustic environments. Ceramics generally can, withstand ,very high temperatures, such as temperatures that range from 1,000 °C to 1,600
- Itself—to critical review, and measure their validity by how well they, withstand ,criticism. " Critical philosophy" is also used as just another name for Kant
- Provide the backbone for safe flight, the tactical systems are designed to, withstand ,the rigors of the battlefield. UHF, VHF Tactical (30-88 MHz) and Sitcom
- Of Challenger Deep, the sphere's walls were thick (it was over designed to, withstand ,considerably more than the rated pressure). The sphere weighed 13 metric tons
- Planted and before harvesting time. ) To train the kind of infantry that could, withstand ,the Muslim heavy cavalry, Charles needed them year-round, and he needed to pay
- Larger trials, then At-DBF2 genes can help in engineering crops that can better, withstand ,harsh environments. Researchers have also created transgenic rice plants that
- It was also used to test the ability of containers of radioactive material to, withstand ,impacts and other accidents. Climate Along with the rest of South West England
- Opponents are not fooled by it and few boxers possess the physical toughness to, withstand ,a prolonged, unanswered assault. Recently, however,eight-division world
- Or unable to lay healthy eggs. Female eagles laid eggs that were too brittle to, withstand ,the weight of a brooding adult, making it nearly impossible for the eggs to
- Respiration for the oxygen required to convert the fat. Their ability to, withstand ,long periods without water is due to a series of physiological adaptations.
- Missiles in underground silos was developed. These would have been designed to, withstand ,a one megaton blast at a distance of half a mile (800 m) and were a British
- The Hammer' Martel. " Martel analyzed what would be necessary for him to, withstand ,a larger force and superior technology (the Muslim horsemen had adopted the
- Generally) names expressing" battle-prowess ", in this case the ability to, withstand ,or push back an enemy battle line. The earliest attested form of the name is
- A second and many formulations can bond dissimilar substrates (materials) and, withstand ,harsh temperatures. These qualities make UV curing adhesives essential to the
- In the radial direction. Hardness Standard single-walled carbon nanotubes can, withstand ,a pressure up to 24GPa without deformation. They then undergo a transformation
- Used to investigate how cars burned. The wagon door systems are designed to, withstand ,fire inside the wagon for 30 minutes, longer than the transit time of 27
- Cavalry, he had his army fight in a formation used by the ancient Greeks to, withstand ,superior numbers and weapons by discipline, courage,and a willingness to die
- And outdoor observation deck are at. The glass floor has an area of and can, withstand ,a pressure of. The floor's thermal glass units are thick, consisting of a pane
- And we know they're very hardened to radiation. " Some organisms able to, withstand ,exposure to the vacuum and radiation of space include the lichen fungi
- The craft was provided by quartz arc-light bulbs, which proved to be able to, withstand ,the over 1000 atmospheres of pressure without any modification. Nine tons of
- Walls. Plant cell walls Many plant cells have walls that are strong enough to, withstand ,the osmotic pressure from the difference in solute concentration between the
- Currently being scrambled together by Villeroy behind Families could not, withstand ,the onslaught. " We had not got forty yards on our retreat," remembered
- Other mammal, but are present in reptiles, birds,and fish. Camels are able to, withstand ,changes in body temperature and water consumption that would kill most other
- Crops to environmental stresses Crops containing genes that will enable them to, withstand ,biotic and abiotic stresses may be developed. For example, drought and
- It was not possible to design a sphere large enough to hold a person that would, withstand ,the necessary pressures, yet also have metal walls thin enough for the sphere
- Fluids, thereby reducing the amount of water lost through respiration. They can, withstand ,at least 20-25 % weight loss due to sweating (most mammals can only withstand
- Majestic and long-lasting, but it cannot regulate people thoroughly enough to, withstand ,doubts indefinitely, especially when people learn about other societies present
- Connectors. For example, the DIN 41612 connectors used in the VME bus system can, withstand ,50 to 500 insertions and removals (called mating cycles),depending on their
- Sole and flounder swimming away, proving that at least some vertebrate life can, withstand ,the extremes of pressure in the Earth's oceans. They noted that the floor of
- Obsolete; this led to the construction of star forts, specifically designed to, withstand ,artillery bombardment though these too (along with the Martel lo Tower) would
- Shown once again: Freedom is invincible at the end. No wall can permanently, withstand ,the desire for freedom,” proclaimed President Wolff. " A burning glass or
- Into tomato and tobacco cells (see RNA interference),the cells were able to, withstand ,environmental stresses like salt, drought,cold and heat, far more than
- Under Away of Bengal, Maratha demolish much of Bengal economy and not able to, withstand ,the continuous onslaught of Maratha for too long Away Ali Verdi Khan made
- Species of red oak that have a significantly tighter grain and will be able to, withstand ,repeated impacts. Superior woods, such as American white oak, also known as
- Plastic fiber to carry tensile loads. Thereafter, the concrete is reinforced to, withstand ,the tensile loads upon it. Chemical admixtures are
- II) in three finely-machined sections (an equatorial ring and two caps). To, withstand ,the great pressure of 1.25 metric tons per cm² (110 MPA) at the bottom of
- Engineering Earthquake engineering covers ability of various structures to, withstand ,hazardous earthquake exposures at the sites of their particular location.
- Spirit of Ohio (S/N 82-1070),the B-2 used to test the design's ability to, withstand ,extreme heat and cold. * From 1989 to 2004,the South Dakota Air and Space
- The cane toad has a high tolerance to water loss—one study showed that some can, withstand ,a 52.6 % loss of body water, allowing them to survive outside tropical
- Are brittle, hard,strong in compression, weak in shearing and tension. They, withstand ,chemical erosion that occurs in other materials subjected to acidic or caustic
- Of this incident that Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center were designed to, withstand ,the impact of a Boeing 707 aircraft (although the aircraft that hit the towers
- Hamilton and other veterans, feared that the new nation was too fragile to, withstand ,an international war, or even internal revolts such as the Shays' Rebellion of
- Of the cowling. The Mitchell was also an amazingly sturdy aircraft and could, withstand ,tremendous punishment. One well-known B-25C of the 321st Bomb Group was
- Armour meant it was finally possible to build an armored cruiser which could, withstand ,the fire of 6-inch quick-firing guns. In 1896 and 1897,France and then Russia
- To bring about the withdrawal of the View Mind troops from its territory and to, withstand ,any residual impingement upon its sovereignty by external powers. Neutrality
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