Examples of the the word, upside , in a Sentence Context

The word ( upside ), is the 8413 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Into the camp. When back in the barracks, the other prisoners would suspend him, upside ,down until all the spirit had been drained out. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn records
  2. And Petacci's bodies were taken to the Piazza Loreto in Milan and hung, upside ,down in front of a petrol station. The bodies were photographed as a crowd
  3. The album is notable for Lynch's unusual guitar playing style: he plays ", upside ,down and backwards, like a lap guitar ", and relies heavily on effects pedals.
  4. It does not need to consider shapes where the ships are laying sideways, upside ,down, or at an unusually high-pitched angle out of the water. The volumetric
  5. Clubs, squats and Hangouts are famous for their graffiti. In the late 1980s the, upside ,down Martini glass that was the tag for punk band
  6. Command module struck the water forcefully. Initially the command module landed, upside ,down but was righted in several minutes by flotation bags triggered by the
  7. They are intentionally shot out of focus, or underexposed, or cut into the film, upside ,down. Symbolism art and literature from the turn of the century also had a more
  8. Up File: European flag, upside down. SVG | Incorrect way to fly flag. Emblem is, upside ,down File: European flag, incorrect star rotation. SVG | Incorrect design of
  9. Times of war the flag is turned upside down. Bulgaria's flag is also turned, upside ,down during times of war. These are also considered war flags, though the
  10. Gravity to coat the ball with ink, most ballpoint pens cannot be used to write, upside ,down. However, certain special pens have been invented that do work upside -down
  11. As a result, the headstock was changed to the typical ESP style, but flipped, upside ,down. * ESP M-II Standard - EMG and Seymour Duncan, Kirk used this a lot in the
  12. Marshal. Another variation is that Apollo played his instrument (the lyre), upside , down. Marshal could not do this with his instrument (the flute),and so
  13. Color handheld, with a backlit display, a switchable right-handed/left-handed (, upside ,down) configuration, and the ability to network with up to 17 other units via
  14. That they were either symmetric or in useful pairs so that inserting a tape ", upside ,down" did not result in problems for the equipment and the resulting printout
  15. Way up. " It's upside down, Sir. " " I know that, I turned it, upside ,down for a reason. " " Sorry, Sir,only trying to help. " " If
  16. That allowed the zooming and scaling of sprites. The Lynx could also be turned, upside ,down to accommodate left-handed players. However, all these features came at a
  17. Use their standard national flag, but during times of war the flag is turned, upside ,down. Bulgaria's flag is also turned upside down during times of war. These
  18. Observers in the Northern Hemisphere through the whole year, although sometimes, upside ,down (the constellation Cassiopeia). * A maiden, chained up, facing/turning
  19. May have felt the initial sting of disappointment, there was tremendous, upside ,in the loss: Schottenheimer's team, with Solar at quarterback, reached the
  20. Libretti with" topsy-turvy" situations in which the social order was turned, upside ,down. After a time, these subjects were often at odds with Sullivan's desire
  21. When he was drafted into the army in 1894,his gift for turning notions, upside ,down defeated attempts to instill military discipline. The sight of the small
  22. Which forces the ink toward the point. This design allows the pen to write even, upside ,down or in zero gravity environments. A graphite pencil can also be used in
  23. Lt. Burden is looking studiously at his map, the wrong way up. " It's, upside ,down, Sir. " " I know that, I turned it upside down for a reason. "
  24. Inversion: The inverse of a given fragment of melody is the fragment turned, upside ,down—so if the original fragment has a rising major third (see interval),the
  25. Replicated an experiment which involved placing a tube filled with mercury, upside ,down in a bowl of mercury, Pascal questioned what force kept some mercury in
  26. Lions win 17–7,frustrating the Browns for the second consecutive year. On the, upside , Ray Reno became a star with 722 yards receiving and 322 yards rushing. The
  27. Of positive growth since 1995. Nominal economic growth has continued to the, upside ,approximately in line with US growth since. This is the result of the
  28. Wings level dive, climbs,without any rolling, to the apex where the glider is, upside ,down, wings level (heading back where it came from),and then returning to
  29. Off the stalks when the seed is beginning to ripen. The seed heads are placed, upside ,down in a paper bag and left in a warm dry place for a week. The seeds then
  30. Inversion: where the imitative voice sounds notes both backwards and, upside ,down. *Augmentation: when in one of the parts in imitative counterpoint the
  31. Crossbones as opposed to the horizontal ones featured on today's KH's, and an, upside ,down Jackson Guitars style headstock which is what Hammett originally intended.
  32. Killer whales can induce tonic immobility in sharks and rays by holding them, upside ,down, rendering them helpless and incapable of injuring the whale. Some sharks
  33. To go, Earnhardt was taken out of contention by a late crash which sent his car, upside ,down on the backstretch. Earnhardt hit the low point of his year when he
  34. Specify exactly what powers it would have, not the other way around. This was, upside ,down from what had been the norm in world history. Prior to the Constitution
  35. Murders. Independence The October Revolution of 1917 turned Finnish politics, upside ,down. Now, the new non-Socialist majority of the Parliament desired total
  36. Safe amount of washout when the wing is unloaded or even negatively loaded (, upside ,down). Flying faster than trim speed is accomplished by moving the pilot's
  37. Was the one Hendrix had played there. Hendrix used right-handed guitars, turned, upside , down and restrung for left-hand playing. This had an important effect on his
  38. Of the few crew patches without the crew's name. It is able to be displayed ", upside ,down" but is correctly shown with the spacecraft to the right. It was designed
  39. The inversion of the tone row, which is the so-called prime series turned, upside ,down. ) (Note: in invertible counterpoint, including double and triple
  40. The Southern Cross, and from the perspective of the Southern Hemisphere viewer, upside ,down, the long axes of the two crosses being close to parallel. Carina also
  41. The guitar is shown right-side up, rather than the way Hendrix played it, upside ,down (left-handed). The memorial is a granite dome supported by three pillars
  42. Remarked that" Rand's particular genius has always been her ability to turn, upside ,down traditional hierarchies and recast the wealthy, the talented, and the
  43. When it hit the water, the parachutes dragged the spacecraft over and left it, upside ,down, in what was termed Stable 2 position. As they were buffeted by a swell
  44. Naked eye, the constellations are rendered as: * A large man wearing a crown, upside ,down with respect to the ecliptic (the constellation Cepheus). * A smaller
  45. Philosophy against Hegel's idealism; he" turned Hegel's dialectics, upside ,down. " However, Marx also criticized classical materialism as another idealist
  46. Some very low notes, some players may, as an emergency measure, use a bridge, upside ,down. Of course, such an arrangement is unstable, and the bridge would have a
  47. Κύπελλον Mellon) small cup (Latin cup) indicating a vault resembling an, upside ,down cup. Cupolas often appear as small buildings in their own right. They
  48. The word inverse is related to the word invert meaning to reverse, turn, upside , down,to do the opposite. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/inverse Instead of
  49. Pheasants, roost in trees. A few parrots of the genus Oculus roost hanging, upside ,down. Some hummingbirds go into a nightly state of torpor accompanied by a
  50. SVG | Correct way to fly flag. Emblem is the right way up File: European flag, upside ,down. SVG | Incorrect way to fly flag. Emblem is upside down File: European

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