Examples of the the word, tuck , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tuck ), is the 8423 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The tuck and shoot is also not considered the conventional method. A successful, tuck ,and shoot is exemplified by former American record-holder Jeff Hart wig. The
  2. See something sagging, bagging,and dragging,I'm going to nip it, suck it and, tuck ,it. Why should I look like an old barnyard dog if I don't have to? " And" It
  3. Position. * Tuck axel, an axel jump in which the skater lifts both knees into a, tuck ,position at the height of the jump. * Inside axel (also known as a" Becky "
  4. Although they often suffered from control problems when doing so, such as Mach, tuck , Modern aircraft can transit the" barrier" without it even being noticeable.
  5. Knot is commonly taught as left over right, tuck under then over left, tuck ,under. The granny knot is the first step repeated twice, left over right, tuck
  6. Most prevalent aesthetic/cosmetic procedures include: *Abdominoplasty (" tummy, tuck ,"): reshaping and firming of the abdomen *Blepharoplasty (" eyelid surgery "
  7. By French vaulter Jean Halftone. A third form of swing is called the, tuck ,and shoot. This is accomplished by tuck ing both legs in toward the chest rather
  8. Was the all-moving sailplane, giving extra control to counteract the Mach, tuck ,which allowed control to be maintained to and beyond supersonic speeds. This
  9. The point of the hocks. The tail is carried down when relaxed but must not, tuck ,between the legs. When the dog is in motion or is excited, the tail is carried
  10. Can be either a half turn or a turn and a half. Some teachers teach that the ", tuck ," is no longer led because it is difficult to follow. In theory, the Tuck
  11. Of Australia for suburban local shops or general stores. They are known as, tuck ,shops, delicatessens or delis in South Australia and Western Australia, and as
  12. The Abbey precincts on Great College Street are Sutcliff's (named after the, tuck ,shop in the building in the 19th century),where Geography, Art,Theology
  13. Schools (percentages higher in urban and suburban areas) require students to, tuck ,in shirts, although the degree of enforcement varies. * Sports - More common in
  14. The neck of the other. The reef knot is commonly taught as left over right, tuck ,under then over left, tuck under. The granny knot is the first step
  15. To wear their locks in neat ponytails, rather than be forced to" painfully, tuck ,in their long hair" in their uniform caps. Rastafarian associate dreadlocks with
  16. Of Difficulty of the dives. Some divers may find pike easier in a flip than, tuck , and most find straight the easiest in a front/back dive, although it is still
  17. Half somersault is performed in the straight position, and then the pike or, tuck ,shape is assumed). No flying dive has been competed at a high level
  18. Dives, the aircraft's tail would begin to shake violently, and the nose would, tuck ,under, steepening the dive. Once caught in this dive, the fighter would enter a
  19. Can make it more difficult to use larger poles than with a longer axis,the, tuck ,and shoot is also not considered the conventional method. A successful tuck and
  20. Fathoms of ground line, with gangions and hooks attached. A tuck seine or, tuck ,net about 70 fathoms long (), and very deep in the middle, was used to take
  21. To the side, and the legs are brought straight out with a bend in the hips. *, tuck ,– body folded up in a tight ball, hands holding the shins and toes pointed. (
  22. Stand the incredibly difficult vault of her own invention, full twist on front, tuck ,off. Jackie Fie, the US Head Judge on vault at the 81 World championships wrote
  23. Tucking. A woman's kimono has additional length to allow for the ashore,the, tuck ,that can be seen under the obi, which is used to adjust the kimono to the
  24. In the fourth quarter that would cause this game to commonly be known as the ", tuck ,rule game ". While the Patriots possessed the ball, trailing the Raiders 13–10
  25. With long hair opt to leave it down and styled in a masculine way, others, tuck , their hair into stocking caps and wear a variety of men's hats as part of
  26. And safety. Many sleeping birds bend their heads over their backs and, tuck ,their bills in their back feathers, although others place their beaks among
  27. Foot, which allow more flexibility in the sliding foot for curlers playing with, tuck ,deliveries. When a player is not throwing, the player's slider shoe can be
  28. List in 1966 for a thumb injury on his throwing hand. The mitt allowed Bench to, tuck ,his throwing arm safely to the side when receiving the pitch. ), Bench also
  29. Dance done by Buffalo Bill in The Silence of the Lambs, complete with the ", tuck ,", although it is alleged Jay has been doing this in real life before Silence
  30. Using instant replay, Coleman reversed the call on the field pursuant to the ", tuck ,rule ", where a ball is ruled an incomplete pass after the quarterback starts
  31. The noun derives from a verb to kilt, originally meaning" to gird up; to, tuck ,up (the skirts) round the body ", itself of Scandinavian origin. Scottish
  32. The Village (Griffin's sub-Post Office, The Blenheim Steps (Mill Hill School, tuck ,shop),Cook & Son (sweets and groceries),Hawks Brothers (grocers) and
  33. Was the first female gymnast to perform a Giant and a Thatcher on bars; a front, tuck ,and side-somi on the beam, a round-off flimflam, which led to many of the
  34. And supersonic aircraft now have all-moving sailplanes to counteract the Mach, tuck ,and maintain maneuverability when flying faster than the critical Mach number.
  35. Was undertaken in a water mill, known as a fulling mill, a walk mill, or a, tuck ,mill. In Wales, a fulling mill is called a Andy. In these, the cloth was
  36. Had multiple cosmetic surgeries performed, such as a breast reduction, tummy, tuck , and a nose job. During the late 1990s she had gastric bypass surgery. Barr has
  37. Were voting solidly Republican. Granville and Franklin Counties were nipped and, tuck , Democratic or Republican. From the Democratic standpoint, Warren County was
  38. Begin with a clove hitch on the vertical pole beneath the horizontal pole and, tuck ,the loose end under the wrapping. #Wrap in a square fashion (behind the back
  39. The sale of junk food (including carbonated drinks) in vending machines and, tuck ,shops. Taxation In the United States and elsewhere, legislators,health experts
  40. Together. The merged stitches need not be from the same row; for example,a, tuck ,can be formed by knitting stitches together from two different rows, producing
  41. All of these knots can also be made in a slipped form by completing the final, tuck ,with a bight instead of the end. #1241 #1242
  42. They have a streamlined body that enables them to swim swiftly. Crocodiles also, tuck ,their feet to their sides while swimming, which makes them faster by decreasing
  43. By some breast cancer patients because they result in an abdominoplasty (tummy, tuck ,), and allow the breast to be reconstructed with one's own tissues instead of
  44. Underwear into separate top and bottom garments, with the top long enough to, tuck ,under the waistband of the bottoms. T-shirts, with and without buttons, were
  45. Pass: This is like a left side pass in six counts, but the leader creates a ", tuck ," action on 2 by turning the woman towards the man and then reversing her
  46. Case it is a completed pass or an interception). Under American football's, tuck ,rule, if the quarterback is attempting to bring the ball back to his body after
  47. Tuck under. The granny knot is the first step repeated twice, left over right, tuck ,under. This is a very common mistake made by people learning to tie a reef knot
  48. The withers. It has a deep chest that extends down to the elbows and a moderate, tuck ,up. Its shoulders are long and well laid back. Its front legs are long and
  49. Dog. " Toe-dragger" can also be used to describe Telemark skiers who do not, tuck ,in their rear leg. It is possible to make parallel turns using Telemark
  50. Of several hundred fathoms of ground line, with gangions and hooks attached. A, tuck ,seine or tuck net about 70 fathoms long (), and very deep in the middle, was

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