Examples of the the word, jihad , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jihad ), is the 8416 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Testimonials of suicide bombers, and videos that show participation in, jihad ,through stylized portraits of mosques and musical scores. A website associated
  2. And self-proclaimed Muslims they find overly moderate, and preach violent, jihad , urging and conducting attacks on a religious basis. Another major division
  3. To speak for over one year. Abu Zubaydah eventually became involved in the, jihad ,training camp known as the Hayden Camp where he oversaw the flow of recruits
  4. Pushed inland. In the early 19th century, Modibo Adam led Fulani soldiers on a, jihad ,in the north against non-Muslim and partially Muslim peoples and established
  5. Chose to return to India and confront the Maratha Confederacy. He declared a, jihad ,(Islamic holy war) against the Maratha's, and warriors from various Pashtun
  6. Face the formidable attacks of the Maratha Confederacy. Ahmad Shah declared a, jihad ,(or Islamic holy war) against the Maratha's, and warriors from various Pashtun
  7. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and in Europe has not embraced his vision of armed, jihad , something for which they have been denounced by more radical Islamists. Six
  8. Then 100 members of al-Qaeda remaining in Afghanistan in 2009. Call for global, jihad ,Around 1994,the Salami groups waging jihad in Bosnia entered into a seemingly
  9. Their experience, ideology,and weapons," were often eager to continue armed, jihad , The collapse of the Soviet Union itself in 1991,was seen by many Islamists
  10. Explanation that" God will give" those who kill themselves in the path of, jihad ,70 or 72 female" virgins" and" everlasting happiness. " Religious or
  11. That jihad must be fought on a global level. The concept of a" global Salami, jihad ," had been around since at least the early 1980s. Several groups had formed for
  12. Others believe that it refers to Rabat, meaning " ready for battle" ( cf., jihad ,). When the Almoravids began their political rise, the Kingdom of Fez (Morocco
  13. Illustrations of figures, including child warriors, who embody the ethos of, jihad ,and martyrdom, presenting them as role models. These include the magazine's
  14. Victory in Kashmir has been delayed for years; it is the liberation of the, jihad ,there from this interference which, Allah willing, will be the first step
  15. And that the killing of bystanders and civilians is religiously justified in, jihad , Al-Qaeda is also responsible for instigating sectarian violence among Muslims.
  16. Stipulates that pizza be exacted from non-Muslims as a condition required for, jihad ,to cease. Failure to pay the pizza could result in the pledge of protection of
  17. Leading to global political instability, which in turn leads to a global, jihad ,led by Al-Qaeda and a Wahhabi Caliphate will then be installed across the world
  18. Officials. In March 2010,Arawak said in a videotape delivered to CNN that, jihad ,against America was binding upon himself and every other able Muslim. U. S.
  19. Associated with al-Qaeda, in September 2009 LIFE completed a new" code" for, jihad , a 417-page religious document entitled" Corrective Studies ". Given its
  20. Create an Islamic state with strict enforcement of Islamic law. While he waged, jihad ,against Sikhs in North-Western India, his followers fought the British after
  21. This can't be called a war in the name of Islam. Even during a legitimate, jihad , which is fought not by a rag-tag army of misguided youth but by the state
  22. Cyclone. At the same time, a growing number of Arab mujahideen joined the, jihad ,against the Afghan Marxist regime, facilitated by international Muslim
  23. Structures and kill 42. * 1998 – Osama bin Laden publishes a fatwa declaring, jihad ,against all Jews and" Crusaders "; the latter term is commonly interpreted to
  24. Strategy. Al-Qaeda sought to open the" offensive phase" of the global Salami, jihad , Bosnian Islamists in 2006 called for" solidarity with Islamic causes around
  25. Has carried out a total of six major terrorist attacks, four of them in its, jihad ,against America. In each case the leadership planned the attack years in
  26. The conquests of Sonny Ali. Islam was used to extend his authority by declaring, jihad ,on the Moss, reviving the trans-Saharan trade, and having the Abbasid" shadow
  27. State. For these reasons, they justify their actions as acts of defensive, jihad , Attitudes and actions concerning Jews and Judaism Hezbollah officials say that
  28. Emperor. By accepting the role of messiah to the Bremen, Paul had unleashed a, jihad ,which conquered most of the known universe. While Paul is the most powerful
  29. Opens, Muad’Did’s religion has sent his fanatical soldiers on an interstellar, jihad , destroying the traditional structures of government and leaving billions dead.
  30. Of Muslims around the world to send aid and sometimes to go themselves to fight, jihad , Leading this pan-Islamic effort was Palestinian sheikh Abdullah Yusuf Adam.
  31. To Nail Qassem,Hezbollah's second in command. " All political, social and, jihad ,work is tied to the decisions of this leadership ... The same leadership that
  32. Government. Algeria An Islamist movement influenced by Salafism and the, jihad ,in Afghanistan, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood, was the IS or Front
  33. Hayward, went south to Nubia via Egypt. In the 1140s,ABD Alma'min declared, jihad ,on the Almoravids, charging them with decadence and corruption. He united the
  34. Mosque after the prayer in the evening, where is the best country to fight the, jihad , " Alibi said Iraq was chosen because it was the" weakest" Muslim country
  35. Same leadership that directs the parliamentary and government work also leads, jihad ,actions in the struggle against Israel. " In 2010,Iran's parliamentary
  36. And his zeal for the cause of Islam induced him to publish treatises on, jihad , Today, his descendants can be found in many places outside of Afghanistan
  37. The U. S. into an attack on Iraq, which al-Qaeda believes will lead to a global, jihad , Others suggest that alibi gave false information because of the use of
  38. Through Turkish modernist Mustafa Kamal Ataturk. HT does not engage in armed, jihad ,or vote-getting, but works to take power through" ideological struggle" to
  39. S recruiters to look for Jihadi international, Muslims who believed that, jihad ,must be fought on a global level. The concept of a" global Salami jihad " had
  40. Whose funds came from some $600 million a year donated to the, jihad ,by the Saudi Arabia government and individual Muslims—particularly independent
  41. Un-Islamic beliefs and practices. He anticipated modern Islamists by leading a, jihad ,movement and attempted to create an Islamic state with strict enforcement of
  42. In 2009. Call for global jihad Around 1994,the Salami groups waging, jihad ,in Bosnia entered into a seemingly irreversible decline. As they grew less and
  43. Must engage in a two-pronged attack of converting individuals while also waging, jihad ,to forcibly eliminate the" structures" of Jahiliyya – not only from the
  44. To discourage humans from obeying God. Thus, humankind is warned to struggle (, jihad ,) against the mischiefs of the Satan and temptations he puts them in. The ones
  45. Groups fighting for a Palestinian state. Fatwas In 1996,al-Qaeda announced its, jihad ,to expel foreign troops and interests from what they considered Islamic lands.
  46. Behind 40,000 militants imported from several countries to wage the anti-Soviet, jihad , Pakistan was left to face the blow back of extremism, drugs and guns. A variety
  47. Born in Córdoba, built many mosques and completed the Mesquita. He called for a, jihad ,that resulted in a campaign against the Kingdom of Asturias and the County of
  48. Opportunities available to young men. Such opportunities were only opened via, jihad ,or through some form of illicit sex. Therefore, in spite of its condemnation by
  49. Frag, in which he states: ... there is no doubt that the first battlefield for, jihad ,is the extermination of these infidel leaders and to replace them by a complete
  50. Of the future ". According to ME MRI, the magazine includes incitement to, jihad ,and martyrdom and glorification of terrorist operations and of their planners

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