Examples of the the word, outweigh , in a Sentence Context

The word ( outweigh ), is the 8421 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If this happens then the perceived legitimacy of the Lords could arguably, outweigh ,the legitimacy of the commons. This would especially be the case if the House
  2. Freedom of speech, and that what they view as the beneficial uses of Freenet, outweigh ,its negative uses. Technical design The Freenet file sharing network stores
  3. The various groups that make up the modern environmental movement tend to, outweigh ,such similarities, and they rarely co-operate directly except on a few majors
  4. Or a biodefense. The bonus points awarded for making a game contract far, outweigh ,the penalty for going one off, so it is the best strategy in the long run to bid
  5. Some critics claim that the emissions produced during hydrogen fuel production, outweigh ,the reduction of tailpipe emissions, and that the Hydrogen 7 is a distraction
  6. Evidence suggests that the benefits of the clinical service substantially, outweigh ,the potential risks. Clinicians should discuss the service with eligible
  7. Called" debunking ". This remains controversial, however,since the risks may, outweigh ,the benefits, and the further damage done to the lymphatic system may in fact
  8. Way. The level of detail and importance in what is remaining on the map must, outweigh ,the insignificance of items that were generalized, as to preserve the
  9. Day, reflecting a growing view in the industry that subscription fees cannot, outweigh ,the potential ad revenue from increased traffic on a free site. In addition to
  10. The benefits that can be gained through espionage are generally felt to, outweigh ,the risks. Further information on clandestine HUM INT (human intelligence)
  11. On only antiquated hardware, the cost of maintaining the system may eventually, outweigh ,the cost of replacing both the software and hardware unless some form of
  12. And weight advantages of devices based on high-temperature superconductivity, outweigh ,the additional costs involved. Promising future applications include
  13. Cycles). Moreover, anthropogenic forcing from increased greenhouse gases might, outweigh ,orbital forcing for as long as intensive use of fossil fuels continues. At a
  14. Clean energy for the region, and they believe the benefits of clean energy far, outweigh ,those of river restoration. While there are various issues that would arise
  15. The UK as a first-line treatment because of evidence suggesting its risks may, outweigh ,benefits, and it is specifically discouraged in children and adolescents. For
  16. Over whether the social and economic consequences of casino gambling, outweigh ,the initial revenue that may be generated. In the United States, many states
  17. That the benefits associated with offending (whether financial or otherwise), outweigh , the perceived risks. The perceived strength, importance or infallibility of the
  18. Lists no medical condition for which the risks of emergency contraceptive pills, outweigh ,the benefits. The AAP, ACOG, FDA,WHO, RCOG, and experts on emergency
  19. Which can result in lower system construction costs. These advantages often, outweigh ,the underfloor noise and vibration that may be a problem with this type of
  20. Causes undesirable spread of brush" the costs of which to livestock range may, outweigh ,the benefits of removal. The largest remaining community comprises Black-tailed
  21. And the propaganda effect of a subjective“ single narrative” may far, outweigh ,practical progress, rendering counterinsurgency even more non-linear and
  22. The supercharger uses up about 150 horsepower (110 kW). Yet the benefits, outweigh ,the costs: For that 150 hp (110 kW),the engine generates an additional 400
  23. Must be: * a certain rate of consumption (demand) to maintain profit and, outweigh ,perceived risks. Under these conditions' competition is discouraged, ensuring
  24. To these side effects and a meta analysis found that the risks generally, outweigh ,any marginal benefits of hypnotics in the elderly. A review of the literature
  25. S performances,Gilliam's atmospherics and an exhilarating momentum easily, outweigh ,such trifling flaws in the script ", Thomson reasoned. Peter Travels from
  26. Section 103 of the Charter also states that its members' obligations under it, outweigh ,any competing obligations under other treaties. After their adoption, treaties
  27. The IUD. Category 3. Conditions where the theoretical or proven risks usually, outweigh ,the advantages of inserting a copper IUD: * Postpartum between 48 hours and 4
  28. That no harm is done to the participants, and that the benefits of the study, outweigh ,any possible risks or discomforts to people taking part in the study.
  29. one's sins then one may gain entrance to heaven. Conversely, if one's sins, outweigh ,their good deeds they are sent to hell. The more good deeds one has performed
  30. In trouble from early childhood and the eventual decision that the costs, outweigh ,the benefits) and conflict theories. No ethnic group is more disposed to gang
  31. The current expert opinion that the risk of permanent injury continues to, outweigh ,the potential benefits of ciprofloxacin therapy in the pediatric population.
  32. In consequentialism theories, the consequences of an action or rule generally, outweigh ,other considerations. Apart from this basic outline, there is little else that
  33. Effects of undermining the convention of non-combatant immunity is thought to, outweigh ,the goods that may be achieved by particular acts of terrorism ". Among the
  34. Religion, creed or political affiliation, and that the needs of these people, outweigh ,respect for national borders. Core documents outlining MSF's principles are
  35. The benefits of reducing the likelihood of an accidental war were considered to, outweigh ,the possible benefits of secrecy. This is a modern reincarnation of Kickoffs
  36. The main argument here are the gains accruing from the division of labor far, outweigh ,the costs; it is fully possible to achieve balanced human development within
  37. Costs of not criminalizing (through allowing the harms to continue unabated), outweigh , the costs of criminalizing it (restricting individual liberty, for example, in
  38. Are good for the economy. The opportunity cost of a forgone tax base may, outweigh ,perceived gains, especially where artificial currency pegs and manipulations
  39. Tourism, the economic benefit of reestablishing fish stocks would eventually, outweigh ,the hydropower generated by the dams. The fish that migrate through the Lower
  40. As to what constitutes a safe product, or that the risks of the product, outweigh ,its benefits. Failure-to-warn defects arise in products that carry inherent
  41. Was shrinking, as the difficulties of living in a" barren desert" began to, outweigh ,the lure of silver for many early settlers. Historian Lawrence Friedman has
  42. Association (2006) reported that the benefits of fish intake generally far, outweigh ,the potential risks. Although fish is a dietary source of n−3 fatty acids, fish
  43. Most doctors feel that based on available information the benefits to patients, outweigh ,the risks. The CLARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle has been
  44. That the burden of obtaining, maintaining and defending such possessions would, outweigh ,any potential benefit. But during the late 1870s and early 1880s public opinion
  45. On rational choice and cost-benefit analysis. If one partner's costs begin to, outweigh ,his or her benefits, that person may leave the relationship, especially if
  46. Is that positive externalities, such as higher growth due to global mobility, outweigh ,the microeconomic losses and justify continuing government intervention. A
  47. Reaction. The risk of experiencing anaphylaxis as an immune system reaction may, outweigh ,any potential allergy relief. Health hazards Botulism Because of the natural
  48. Depending on the design of the betting system, may occur quite rarely) will, outweigh ,the wins. Certain systems, such as the Martingale, described below, are
  49. For acute sinusitis, as this condition is usually self-limiting, and the risks, outweigh ,the benefits in comparison to other antibiotic classes. Antibiotics including
  50. Tank, who feel strongly that the negative economic effects of emission controls, outweigh ,the environmental benefits. They state that even if global warming is caused

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