Examples of the the word, hut , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hut ), is the 8422 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their players call out signals, which usually include a loud sound such as ", hut ," voiced one or more times, the number of which they know; they are thus said
  2. As with the buildings themselves. Because of this, when a section moved from a, hut ,into a larger building, they were still referred to by their" Hut" code name.
  3. Saint, Cortona, Nocera) to no avail. In the end, he was brought back to a, hut ,next to the Porziuncola. Here, in the place where it all began, feeling the end
  4. And stone rows. Hut circles and kittens There are also an estimated 5,000, hut , circles still surviving, despite the fact that many have been raided over the
  5. Huts also may have a part that is always open, but unmanned, a so-called winter, hut , When open and manned, the hut s are generally run by full-time employees, but
  6. Manages to escape. The Black Knight, having taken refuge for the night in the, hut ,of a local friar, the Holy Clerk of Copmanhurst, volunteers his assistance on
  7. Charles English Clark Memorial Hut (known as the CIC Hut),a private mountain, hut ,located at above sea level, owned by the Scottish Mountaineering Club and used
  8. Additional buildings The hut s were designated by numbers; in some cases,the, hut ,numbers became associated as much with the work which went on inside the
  9. Containing a mixture of petrol and phosphorus at pieces of wood and into a, hut , On breaking, the phosphorus was exposed to the air and spontaneously ignited;
  10. Voyage up the river. As they near Kurtz's station they find an unexpected, hut ,by the river with stacked firewood together with a note saying that the wood is
  11. Of the lack of other remains (the only other significant remains we have are, hut ,circles and field systems),they are perhaps the most important clue we have
  12. Basement light – Bath Stone – Ban – Bay – Bay window – Beach house – Beach, hut ,– Beam – Bed-mould – Pedestal – Bedroom – Bedsit – Beehive house – Belvedere –
  13. Celebrate in the streets. Meanwhile,Lynch's militia surrounds and attacks the, hut ,where the Cameron's are hiding. The clansmen, with Ben at their head, race to
  14. As a frame of timber branches finished in mud, also known as the primitive, hut , Philip Tabor later states the contribution of 17th century Dutch houses as the
  15. Sheltered cove, with stones and moss for building materials, the pair erected a, hut ,which was to be their home for the next eight months. With ready supplies of
  16. Building, they were still referred to by their" Hut" code name. Some, hut ,numbers, and the associated work, are: * Hut 1 – The first hut , built in 1939
  17. It alights. The wing and part of the tail came off and hit a tree and a wooden, hut , the plane spinning along the snow until coming to a halt. It had been cut in
  18. Clubs (such as Swiss Alpine Club and Club alpine Français). The manager of the, hut , termed a guardian or warden in Europe, will usually also sell refreshments and
  19. The granary" ), because the shape of the constellation which was like a raking, hut , Among Tuaregs, the four most visible stars of Crux are considered glean, i.
  20. Alby, Sweden,adjacent to the Story Alvarez have yielded elk antlers in wooden, hut ,remains from 6000 BC, indicating some of the earliest elk hunting in northern
  21. Modifies the category given by the second, for example: Hundehütte (Eng. Dog, hut ,; specifically: doghouse). Unlike English, where newer compounds or
  22. That idols had been worshiped in the house of a Christian, he ordered the, hut ,to be burnt down as a warning to others. " (Silva Ego, Vol. I. p. 158)
  23. Precast concrete – Prefabricated home – Prefabrication – Presbytery – Primitive, hut ,– Prithivraj Chauhan – Private sector housing – Project architect – Project for
  24. Are the best of all. Ajmer also has all fast food chains like Dominos, Pizza, hut , etc. Education Ajmer is home to Mayo College, founded by the British Raj in
  25. The site of the old Hotel DES Neuchatel, not far from the spot where his, hut ,once stood; and the pine-trees that shelter his grave were sent from his old
  26. On which climbers and walkers wish to stock up, cakes and pastries made at the, hut , a variety of hot and cold drinks (including beer and wine),and high
  27. During the 1930s and 1940s. In 1942,a sleeping guard was mauled in his, hut ,by a hyena in Golyndzhakh. Cases of children being taken by hyenas by night are
  28. After leaving the monastery, Rasputin visited a holy man named Malaria whose, hut ,was nearby. Malaria had an enormous influence on Rasputin, and he modelled
  29. The buildings were detached, small and of the humblest character. Each cell or, hut , according to Solomon, contained three monks. They took their chief meal in a
  30. To secrecy. Louis requested and was given permission to build and move into a, hut , Kikuyu style, at the end of the garden. It was home to his personal collection
  31. 1929. Because of its remote location, it is said to be the only genuine alpine, hut ,in Britain. The latter is the closest ridge to the summit. Between the Tower
  32. The body of the shape-shifter is itself transformed. One evening a man left the, hut ,in which a party were preparing to pass the night; one of his companions heard
  33. The Cameron's flee. When their wagon breaks down, they make their way to a small, hut , home to two former Union soldiers, who agree to hide them. As an intertitle
  34. Again started selecting prisoners to eat. Those selected were taken to a, hut ,where their flesh was cut from their bodies while they were alive, and they were
  35. Mahan joined the band in 1980 after Clarke heard him perform at a local scout, hut ,jam session, singing to a rendition of David Bowie's" Heroes ", and Defense
  36. People of Indonesia called this constellation as Bug percent (" raking, hut ,") or plumbing (" the granary" ), because the shape of the constellation
  37. Morphine derivative. After briefly occupying a shed formerly used as a chicken, hut , in autumn 1913 they built their first hospital of corrugated iron, with two
  38. Some hut numbers, and the associated work, are: * Hut 1 – The first, hut , built in 1939 used to house the Wireless Station for a short time, * Hut 3 –
  39. To those commonly seen in Southeast Asia, rather than the circular style of, hut ,more commonly found in Eastern Africa. Malagasy architecture varies widely
  40. Neolithic stone box-like tombs. Many ancient structures, including the, hut ,circles at Impound, were reconstructed during the 19th century; most notably
  41. Newel – Nicolai Ouroussoff – Nightingale floor – Nightmares in the Sky – Nissan, hut ,O Endostyle – Oeil-de-Boeuf – Office building – Office of the Supervising
  42. Two years as a radar technician in the Philippines. On a small island in a tiny, hut ,up on stilts that he first read Manner Bush's article" As We May Think "
  43. Their interests, the settlers banned the growing of coffee, introduced a, hut ,tax, and the landless were granted less and less land in exchange for their
  44. Home on a lake. Similarly," chalet" – originally a term for a small warming, hut ,– can mean a second home of any size, but refers to one located in a ski resort
  45. Nazis invaded; this Verbal was subsequently destroyed in a fire in 1951. His, hut ,on the Norwegian island of Huerta, near Mode, is also frequently regarded as
  46. Is fine and informs them that he is the one who had lived in the downstream, hut ,and who had left the firewood. The Russian, a lone and aimless trader in the
  47. Visit to the islands (1913–14). * Port Dozier (literally Twelfth Port,a, hut ,and former geomagnetic station at),on the north coast of Press'mile Monarch
  48. Riders' entrance, shifting the rear end of Hut 4 (the Naval Intelligence, hut ,) two feet on its base. As the hut s stood on brick pillars, workmen just
  49. Guille arrived in 1837 and squatted a sheep run with William Cross building a, hut ,at Black Swamp in 1838. Outsiders originally knew of the settlement as Guille
  50. Another two years). The Scottish Mountaineering Club's Charles English Clark, hut ,was built below the north face in Core Leis in 1929. Because of its remote

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