Examples of the the word, sen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sen ), is the 8419 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By, using: :Han men Helsinki in finally he went to Helsinki by train: :Han OSI, sen ,enroll he bought it for one euro * In certain time expressions expressing the
  2. Reduced by 50 %, with 5,10 and 20 yen coins issued. In 1920,cupro-nickel 10, sen , coins were introduced. Production of silver coins ceased in 1938,after which a
  3. 1782 (Teamed 2): An analysis of silver currency in China and Japan" Sin, sen , sen POU (Sin Chuan for) " was pre sen ted to the emperor by Katsuki Satsuma
  4. Edition of 3000 copies. Discography Leroy Videos * Ta NOC jest ZA krona Na, sen ,feat. Radiator (2007) Composer * Misdone late (1999) Track Scyzoryk (part
  5. Word kuai-tiao, although originally designating only one type of noodle,the, sen ,yam (wide rice noodles),is used colloquially for all rice noodles in general
  6. Girl named Maria, and they had four children without being married. Lam pros, sen ’t their children to an orphanage. While he was fighting against Ali Pasha, he
  7. Length, especially due to final consonant mutation,e.g. several (, sen ,overran),cuckoo (Suva),Taiwan (Maidan). Syllable The phonemic template
  8. Into 1000 dirhams since 1971. *The Japanese yen was formerly divided into 100, sen , or 1000 rins. An early proposed (but not accepted) design for the 1-rin coin
  9. With eggs. The word Khan thee is also used for bread. Noodles * Khan peak, sen ,: http://www.youtube.com/watch? V=Ou7aL6-jGSs Lao noodle soup Desserts * sum
  10. Left" is Se Otto lacking JA last. (The translation from English *Se Otto, sen ,Latin JA last would mean" He took his/her hat and left" or" He took the (
  11. Try color: Baby (1994) aka Three Colors: White as Mikołaj * Streisand, sen ,Dzidziusia Górkiewicza (1993) aka The Terrible Dream of Baby face Gorkiewicz *
  12. Include, using Finnish notation: *n + k →, velarization due to 'k ', e. g., sen ,Kansas *V + V →, dissimilation of a sequence of individual vowels (compared to
  13. Dollar. Coins were introduced in 1870. There were silver 5,10,20 and 50, sen , and 1 yen, and gold 2,5,10 and 20 yen. Gold 1 yen were introduced in 1871
  14. Or related words from the same root such as centime, centésimo, centavo or, sen , are: * Bulgarian LEV (as Soyinka, Bulgarian: стотинка," hundredth ", from
  15. 20 3652 1801: 二十億 三千六百五十二万 千八百一 (ninja OK, san-zen rop-pyaku going Norman, sen ,hap-pyaku CHI) However, numbers written in Arabic numerals are separated by
  16. 1782 (Teamed 2): An analysis of silver currency in China and Japan" Sin sen , sen ,POU (Sin Chuan for) " was pre sen ted to the emperor by Katsuki Satsuma (
  17. Rice noodles are called Kauai Tao in Thailand and comes in three varieties:, sen ,yam are wide flat noodles, sen led are thin flat rice noodles, and sen me (
  18. Members and friends speak to one another using the second-person singular, sen , and adults use sen to address minors. In formal situations (business
  19. A gold exchange standard and hence froze the value of the yen at $0.50. (The, sen ,and the in were eventually taken out of circulation at the end of 1953. )
  20. File archive (RAR to. R01-. R99 to s01 and so on) * SEN Sci fer Archive (., sen ,) – Sci fer Internal Archive Type * VIA – Archive format used to compress data
  21. Value that the minor unit is no longer generally used (e.g. the Japanese, sen , 1/100th of a yen). This is indicated in the standard by the currency exponent
  22. Digit would otherwise precede. That is,100 is just 百 Baku, and 1000 is just 千, sen , but 10,000 is 一万 Michigan, not just The numbers 4 and 9 are considered unlucky
  23. Or thick rice noodles, also known as he fen or ho fun (河粉),quay tow or, sen ,yam (เส้นใหญ่) *Rice vermicelli: thin rice noodles, also known as mien (米粉
  24. Martin son (from Swedish with Bertie Wilson,1979) Song collections *Floor, sen ,compare (with Margaret Hill,1973),British folk songs translated into
  25. 1871 stipulated the adoption of the decimal accounting system of yen (1,圓), sen , (,銭),and in (, 厘 ), with the coins being round and cast as in the West. The
  26. JPG|Kay be, sen ,day way We Win, by Eastman Johnson,1857 Image: George Caitlin 003.
  27. An incomplete list) * Estonian sing/Finnish sing (singular you) and Turkish, sen ,(singular you) (see also: Ural–Altaic languages) * Etruscan ac (to make
  28. In 1938,after which a variety of base metals were used to produce 1,5 and 10, sen , coins during the Second World War. Clay 5 and 10 yen coins were produced in
  29. And the on'yogi" do ", and 腺" gland ", which has only the on'yogi ", sen ," – in both cases these come from the on'yogi of the phonetic component
  30. Yen - no fractional denomination in circulation, formerly divided into 100, sen , and 1000 rins. Examples of currencies which use the cent symbol for other
  31. And usually sold fresh. It is similar to the Chinese me OK and Damian. Won, sen ,are extremely thin noodles made from mung bean flour which are sold dried. They
  32. Tiao in Thailand and comes in three varieties: sen yam are wide flat noodles, sen ,led are thin flat rice noodles, and sen me (also known as rice vermicelli in
  33. Rice vermicelli: thin rice noodles, also known as mien (米粉) or bee hewn or, sen ,me (เส้นหมี่) Mung bean * Cellophane noodles, also known as glass noodles
  34. 春雨) in Japanese, Dangmyeon (당면) in Korean, soun or sun in Indonesian, wun, sen ,(วุ้นเส้น) in Thai. These are the principal ingredient in the Korean dish
  35. The Bank of Jose on (조선은행; 朝鮮銀行),which issued notes denominated in yen and, sen , Coins were minted in the denominations of ½,1,5,10 and 20 cha, ½,5
  36. Culture is divided into the following sub-phases (based on Müller-Karpe, sen , ): border 2 cell padding 2 cell spacing 2 align" left "
  37. A tree? ". The Turkish personal pronouns in the nominative case are Ben (1s), sen , ( 2s),o (3s),biz (1pl),six (2pl,or formal/polite 2s),and ONDAR (
  38. Come from the on'yogi of the phonetic component, respectively 動" do" and 泉 ", sen ,". Generally, on'yogi are classified into four types: * readings are from the
  39. Runs" by some speakers. For example, standard Visit sing just baseman, sen ,becomes Visits joke Hakeem sen " Could you run to get it ". This form is
  40. Speak to one another using the second-person singular sen , and adults use, sen ,to address minors. In formal situations (business, customer-clerk,and
  41. Sen yam are wide flat noodles, sen led are thin flat rice noodles, and, sen , mi (also known as rice vermicelli in the West) is round and thin. Bali is
  42. At the time). This was after great deliberation as the initial offer was fifty, sen , Fernandes proceeded to engineer a remarkable turnaround, turning a profit in
  43. As in 働, dō, from 動, and in rare cases only have an on reading, as in 腺, sen , from 泉, which was derived for use in technical compounds (腺 means" gland "
  44. My park, : An' or they'd time to lunch a second ark, : Take' back my word an ', sen ,' another spate, : Drew not the hale hypothesis, dicht the skate, : Own my mistake
  45. In 1871,followed by copper 1 in, ½,1 and 2 sen in 1873. Cupronickel 5, sen , coins were introduced in 1889. In 1897,the silver 1 yen coin was demonetized
  46. Standard Visit sing just baseman sen becomes Visits joke Hakeem, sen ," Could you run to get it ". This form is probably historically speaking not
  47. To come and go as she pleases saying," Ah is free, Miss Scarlett. You main, sen ,' me nowhere Ah down water go," but Mammy remains duty-bound to" Miss Ellen
  48. 25, 1879 as a small-print, four-page illustrated paper that sold for one, sen ,(a hundredth of a yen) a copy, and had a circulation of approximately 3,000
  49. Yen. Gold 1 yen were introduced in 1871,followed by copper 1 in, ½,1 and 2, sen , in 1873. Cupronickel 5 sen coins were introduced in 1889. In 1897,the silver 1
  50. Becomes NEN and né Wei sen t > eaten > nee hen * s-irregular verb: sure becomes, sen ,and Shi Wei sen t > shaken > see hen, shiihin * k-irregular verb: Kurt becomes

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