Examples of the the word, fingerprint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fingerprint ), is the 8420 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stratton Brothers case begins in London, England; it marks the first time that, fingerprint ,evidence is used to gain a conviction. *1920 – Authorities arrest Nicola Sacco
  2. Own unique spectroscopic signature, and by reading an object's full spectral ", fingerprint ,", astronomers can determine what it is made of. Initially, such detailed
  3. Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Scramble. The magazine also included the, fingerprint ,on a film that readers could use to fool fingerprint readers. This was done to
  4. Then permanent status. " He supports a federal ID database that uses DNA and, fingerprint ,technology to keep track of all citizens and to verify their legal status.
  5. With any DNA technique, the cautious juror should not convict on genetic, fingerprint ,evidence alone if other factors raise doubt. Contamination with other evidence
  6. Functional group region. The second part of the infrared spectrum is called the, fingerprint ,region; it is associated with types of motion allowed by the symmetry of the
  7. Magazine also included the fingerprint on a film that readers could use to fool, fingerprint ,readers. This was done to protest the use of biometric data in German identity
  8. Vibrate around their equilibrium positions. This range is sometimes called the, fingerprint ,region since the mid-infrared absorption spectrum of a compound is very
  9. Long as the hash range size n is small compared to the range of the checksum or, fingerprint ,function. However, some checksums fare poorly in the avalanche test, which may
  10. Where authorization of transactions is based on the scanning of a customer's, fingerprint , iris, face,etc. Biometrics on ATMs can be found in Asia. * Check/Cash
  11. A question) ) * the inference factors: Something the user is or does (e.g., fingerprint , retinal pattern, DNA sequence (there are assorted definitions of what is
  12. Then ID cards and attach to a key ring. Typical biometric technologies include, fingerprint , facial recognition, iris recognition, retinal scan, voice,and hand geometry.
  13. 13, 2002,however, according to NIST, this was later" determined that the, fingerprint ,system used was not as accurate as current state-of-the-art fingerprint systems
  14. Fingerprint systems and is approximately equivalent to commercial, fingerprint ,systems available in 1998. " This report was later superseded by section 303 (
  15. That amplifies regions between simple sequence repeats to produce a unique, fingerprint ,of amplified fragment lengths. *Inverse PCR: is commonly used to identify the
  16. The BOI intervened in matters outside its jurisdiction. Using their superior, fingerprint ,matching technology, they successfully identified all the suspects and
  17. Voltages, and fan speeds for hardware monitoring *security devices, such as a, fingerprint ,reader or the state of a latch switch to detect intrusion On recent
  18. A number of modern innovations to police technology, such as a centralized, fingerprint ,file and forensic laboratories. Late in life, and after his death, Hoover
  19. Each round of mitosis. Hence, a tumor cell line might show a different genetic, fingerprint ,from that of the host tissue. Mechanisms for change The most common cause of
  20. Computer aided dispatch and related software, but also acquired Automated, fingerprint ,identification system software. In October 2008,Motorola agreed to sell its
  21. The fingerprint system used was not as accurate as current state-of-the-art, fingerprint ,systems and is approximately equivalent to commercial fingerprint systems
  22. Similar infrared spectra in the functional group region, they differ in the, fingerprint ,region. In simple terms, functional isomers are structural isomers that have
  23. FBI with evidence—including a photo and a guitar strap her uncle had made—for, fingerprint ,and DNA analysis. The woman told ABC News that as an 8-year-old she recalled
  24. 1934 – Okaloosa, Iowa,becomes the first municipality in the United States to, fingerprint ,all of its citizens. *1936 – Sad Abe is arrested after wandering the streets
  25. Solved a murder case in Argentina by cutting off a piece of door with a bloody, fingerprint ,on it. Later in the 20th century several British pathologists, Bernard
  26. By the symmetry of the molecule and influenced by the bond energies. The, fingerprint ,region is more specific to an individual compound. Even though 1-propanol and
  27. Include the Federal Bureau of Investigation's repository for computerized, fingerprint ,records as well as several United States Coast Guard computing and office
  28. Incidents testing commercially available systems, for example, the gummier, fingerprint ,spoof demonstration, and,because these characteristics are unalterable, they
  29. Occurs when two distinct pieces of data have the same hash value, checksum, fingerprint , or cryptographic digest. Collisions are unavoidable whenever members of a very
  30. And atmospheric moisture to form a white polymer (polycyanoacrylate) on the, fingerprint ,ridges. The ridges can then be recorded. The developed fingerprint s are, on
  31. Stated that" No one has proved even the basic assumption: That everyone's, fingerprint ,is unique. " In their decision. Writing for the majority, Justice Antonin
  32. Plasmid — transpose **molecular genetics: DNA fingerprint ing — genetic, fingerprint ,— microsatellite — gene knockout — imprinting — RNA interference **Molecular
  33. S patented TRM (a recursive acronym for TRM Recognizes Music) for acoustic, fingerprint ,matching. This feature attracted a lot of users and allowed the database to
  34. Etc. Cyanoacrylate is warmed to produce fumes which react with the invisible, fingerprint ,residues and atmospheric moisture to form a white polymer (polycyanoacrylate)
  35. Of different decomposition products is formed. The data can either be used as, fingerprint ,to prove material identity or the GC/MS data is used to identify individual
  36. James Herschel uses the hand impression of Rajyadhar Money as a contract, fingerprint ,signature. * July 29 – The United States and Japan sign the Harris Treaty. *
  37. And its role for food web process and biogeochemical cycle to genetically, fingerprint ,phage communities or populations and estimate viral biodiversity by
  38. Ranging from puzzle games and virtual pet titles that utilize camera phone and, fingerprint ,scanner technologies to 3D games with PlayStation-quality graphics. Older
  39. Parts, non-contact measurement of parts * Law enforcement: used for latent, fingerprint ,detection in the forensic identification field * Product development/commercial
  40. For 45-rpm and 33-rpm long-playing records. Osmium tetroxide has been used in, fingerprint ,detection and in staining fatty tissue for optical and electron microscopy. As
  41. Frustrated total internal reflection in order to record an image of a person's, fingerprint ,without the use of ink. Examples in everyday life Total internal reflection can
  42. And individual cages /cabinets have locks. Biometric security measures, such as, fingerprint ,recognition, voice recognition and" weight matching ", are also becoming more
  43. Object is recognized. Examples: identification of a specific person's face or, fingerprint , or identification of a specific vehicle. * Detection: the image data is
  44. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Controversy Questions about forensic science, fingerprint ,evidence and the assumption behind these disciplines have been brought to light
  45. Hash value from the state. This schema is also used in many text checksum and, fingerprint ,algorithms. The state variable S may be a 32- or 64-bit unsigned integer; in
  46. Management and some new electronic locks take advantage of technologies such as, fingerprint ,scanning, iris or retinal scanning, and voiceprint identification to
  47. Where k ranges between -m and m. This class includes the so-called acoustic, fingerprint ,algorithms, that are used to locate similar-sounding entries in large
  48. Smart card or token needed to unlock the account. * Something you are, such as, fingerprint , voice, retina,or iris characteristics. * Where you are, for example inside or
  49. Knows,e.g. a password, pass-phrase or PIN * something the user is, such as, fingerprint , verified by biometric measurement Passwords are a common means of verifying a
  50. 87Sr/86Sr ratio (and often the Nd-Nd ratios as well) the geological, fingerprint ,of an object or skeleton can be measured, allowing migration patterns to be

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