Examples of the the word, downhill , in a Sentence Context
The word ( downhill ), is the 11964 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Be observed along the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Light that has passed ", downhill ," into a region of stronger gravity shows a corresponding increase in energy
- A spoon-shaped prostatic depression, in which the material has begun to slide, downhill , In some cases, the slump is caused by water beneath the slope weakening it. In
- Has mushroomed in popularity since the early 1990s. The 2010 Winter Olympics, downhill ,events were held in Whistler Backcomb area of the province, while the indoor
- Pump water uphill at night, the most blustery period; then the water flows, downhill ,by day, generating electricity, when consumer demand is highest. Portugal’s
- Trail gets used for this cross-country competition. Winners of key men's, downhill ,events at Fort William are: * 2009 World Cup: Greg Cinnabar. Time: 4:38:98
- By as much as.; Mountain biking began in the 1970s,originally as a, downhill ,sport, practiced on customized cruiser bikes around Mount Tamales. Most
- Carriages (plus a dynamometer car) reached 126 mph (203 km/h) on a slight, downhill ,gradient down Stoke Bank on 3 July 1938. Aerodynamic passenger locomotives in
- Flat road, then the car will travel slower going uphill and faster when going, downhill , This type of controller is called an open-loop controller because no
- An air mass descends, for example, in a catalytic wind or John wind flowing, downhill , When a parcel of air descends, the pressure on the parcel increases. Due to
- In October 1979,his band had begun to fall apart, and soon his popularity went, downhill , The 1980 album Wait a Minute ... is a minor success, but the follow-up albums
- Lake Erie. The channel was a cut wide and deep, with removed soil piled on the, downhill ,side to form a walkway called the towpath. Canal boats, up to in draft, were
- Is being forced uphill through the delivery pipe farther than it is falling, downhill ,from the source, the flow slows; when the flow reverses, the delivery check
- Algorithm for solving nonlinear least squares problems. ** Elder–Mead method (, downhill ,simplex method): A nonlinear optimization algorithm * Odds algorithm (Brass
- And telemark skiing are much enjoyed, and in recent decades high-quality, downhill ,skiing has been developed in the Coast Mountain range and the Rockies, as well
- Lincoln is thus divided informally into two zones, known locally as uphill and, downhill , The uphill area comprises the northern part of the city, on top of the Lincoln
- Has become increasingly ubiquitous and large. Motion Glaciers move, or flow, downhill ,due to the internal deformation of ice and gravity. Ice behaves like an easily
- Be collected near the Dead Sea from the dramatic change in elevation on the, downhill ,side of the project. In October 2009,the Jordanians announced accelerated
- To suit the circumstances: a cyclist could use a high gear when cycling, downhill , a medium gear when cycling on a flat road, and a low gear when cycling uphill.
- Trailing ski as a rudder, skid-turn and stem Christie alpine-turn done from a, downhill ,snowplow. Skate skiing involves a
- 2009 World Cup: Greg Cinnabar. Time: 4:38:98 minutes. Winners of key women's, downhill ,events at Fort William are: * 2009 World Cup: Sabrina Bonnier. Time: 5:17:65
- Volcanic activity and are the most common 'primary' caves. The lava flows, downhill ,and the surface cools and solidifies. The hotter lava continues to flow under
- Fountain – and there also important want or Foggia systems which simply use, downhill ,flow to take water from far-underground aquifers in high areas to consumers at
- Frost which occurs when air cooled by ground-level radiation losses travels, downhill ,to form pockets of very cold air in depressions, valleys,and hollows. Hear
- Just outside the town, parallel to the Nevis Range Gondola there is a large, downhill ,mountain bike track, this attracts thousands every year, including
- To poor, depending on the subtype. Caldwell added that the P-40 was" faster, downhill ,than almost any other airplane with a propeller. " The P-40 tolerated harsh
- A vertical difference from top to bottom) and large area snow falls makes, downhill ,skiing a reality on the edge of town. Transportation Marquette is served by
- Of the 1940s. Throughout the 1970s,Canada's winning World Cup men's, downhill ,ski team was called the" Crazy Canucks" for their fearlessness on the slopes.
- That proved to be the only time the Braves were over .500 all year. Events went, downhill ,quickly. While Ruth could still hit, he could do little else. He couldn't run
- The Household Brigade crossed the crest of the Allied position and charged, downhill , The cuirassiers guarding d'Erlon's left flank were still dispersed, and so
- The winter is possibly the busiest season; the area can be found packed with, downhill ,skiers, cross-country skiers, ice-fishers,snowshoes and–most of
- Top of the line. The descending car gripped the haulage cable and was pulled, downhill , in turn pulling the ascending car (which remained gripped) uphill by the
- Itself as the" Outdoor Capital of the UK ". It is also known for its nearby, downhill ,mountain bike track and its connection to the West Highland Way from Glasgow
- It also includes residential suburbs to the north and northeast. The, downhill ,area comprises the city center (located in the gap) and the suburbs to the
- 1955 – Randall Bella, American guitarist *1957 – Steve Podborski, Canadian, downhill , ski racer *1958 – Thurston Moore, American musician (Sonic Youth) *1959 –
- To brake the forward motion of the vehicle, especially when stopping or moving, downhill , Horses guiding vehicles by means of a pole, such as two-horse teams pulling a
- Defined as water-skiing with only one ski through a course very similar to the, downhill ,skiing version. The boat drives through the middle buoys while the skier cuts
- Type of avalanche occurs when a plate of snow breaks loose and starts sliding, downhill ,; these are the largest and most dangerous. ##Hard slab avalanche #: :This type
- Workers died of swamp fever and construction stopped. Work continued on the, downhill ,side towards the Hudson, and when the marsh froze in winter, the crews worked
- And make an ordinary snowman. Wagon and sled Calvin and Hobbes frequently ride, downhill ,in a wagon, sled,or toboggan, depending on the season, as a device to add some
- The company was still financially sound in a market they perceived as going, downhill , Mort Tasman had been talking of retirement for some years and his confidence
- Mons (1998) by Bud Spar hawk. The mountain is the setting for a 21st century, downhill ,race. *Beige Planet Mars (1998) by Lance Parking and Mark Clapham, a novel in
- The Payson Park Reservoir (Belmont); From there, the water is redistributed, downhill ,via gravity to individual users in the city. County government Cambridge is a
- Performed at places such as Whistler Mountain Bike Park. Slope style, a form of, downhill , is when riders do tricks such as tail whips,360s,backflips and front flips.
- Often within materials like clay that, once released, may move quite rapidly, downhill , They will often show a spoon-shaped prostatic depression, in which the
- Outdoor recreation is a common example ranging from numerous snowmobile and, downhill ,and cross-country ski areas in winter to the evolution of Lewiston as a
- Is the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world, operating, downhill , until 10 am for commuters going to work, and then operating uphill until
- Gives the impression that you are going uphill when in fact you are going, downhill , The" Magnetic Hill Illusion" is a popular tourism draw and both the city and
- The second straight year, en route to a 4–1 start. However, things soon went, downhill ,from there, as quarterback Tony Room suffered a broken pinkie in an overtime
- Sporting opportunity for Liechtensteiners to excel is in winter sports such as, downhill ,skiing: the country's single ski area is Album. Hanna Denzel won two gold
- In 1683 to deliver Vienna from a Turkish onslaught. From there, it all went, downhill , The Commonwealth, subjected to almost constant warfare until 1720,suffered
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