Examples of the the word, remand , in a Sentence Context
The word ( remand ), is the 11961 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Normally have completed his sentence and be freed, he is still being held on, remand ,in Bears Prison whilst the US seeks to extradite him (see above).
- In a remand to that court for clarification," The Court in Bush v. Gore did, remand ,the case instead of dismissing it, but the remand did not include another
- A concern of Bonaparte's was the possibility of arbitrary arrest, or excessive, remand ,(imprisonment prior to a trial). Bonaparte remarked that care should be taken
- Terrorism. He was rearrested on 31 August 2004 (not released, he remained on, remand ,for the US extradition case). Almost two months later on 19 October 2004,he
- To Jamaica in 2007. Extradition to US On 27 May 2004,Masri was detained on, remand ,by British authorities and appeared before magistrates at the start of a
- g., by filing criminal charges) or to release the detainee. The court can then, remand ,the prisoner to custody, release them on bail, or release them outright.
- Remand Center (UK),also known as a Jail, however,some Prisons also house, remand ,prisoners * Re-evaluation Counseling, an organization for personal growth and
- Would have been more generous for the Court to have asked the Florida court on, remand ,whether 'outside deadline' referred to contest-period as well as
- Court. Seven months after the Supreme Court's decision to grant, vacate,and, remand , the DOI removed the land in question from trust. The U. S. Supreme Court did
- Judges the case. It may, again,uphold an earlier decision or reverse it and, remand ,the case to another appellate court. In the latter case, the determination of
- The child" analysis. The Supreme Court remand ed the case to family court. On, remand , the lower court awarded Stern custody and Whitehead visitation rights. The
- Means, and the Supreme Court has never provided an explanation. Following, remand ,of the Penn Central case, the bankrupt owner of Grand Central Terminal was
- She has established in London, and she is eventually arrested and imprisoned on, remand , where she commits suicide. The doctor from whom Lord Peter originally heard
- Decline to hear it (which effectively affirms it),reverse, or vacate and, remand , which involves sending the lawsuit back to the lower trial court to address an
- In Fasteners, where Den Watts (played by Leslie Grant ham) was being held on, remand ,for arson. He was also joined for some storyline by Nick Cotton (played
- Sea came: Yes no river in the valley;: From Trondheim and to Rome.: With holy, remand ,: Preserve you, All-father!: Our old dynasty.: King Fredrik similar Freedom;:
- This is a high level of scrutiny that is more likely to result in reversal or, remand ,of an issue. This is in contrast to more relaxed standards of review such as "
- Provide community homes for juvenile offenders. The legislation provided that “, remand ,homes,”“ approved schools,” and local authority and voluntary children’s
- Ginsburg, Souter and Stevens opposed). Justices Breyer and Outer wanted to, remand ,the case to the Florida Supreme Court to permit that court to establish uniform
- Its jurisdiction, the case may be" remand ed" back to state court. Removal and, remand ,are primarily matters of federal statutory law. Direct appellate review of
- Western Isles, Orkney Isles and Moray, providing secure custody for all, remand ,prisoners and short term adult prisoners, both male and female (segregated).
- Is not granted O. R., they will be kept in jail to wait for the arraignment on, remand , Interventions Drunk driving is a public health concern in the United States
- The Court in Bush v. Gore did remand the case instead of dismissing it, but the, remand ,did not include another request for clarification. Other issues Part of the
- In Swindon, and as a result spent three months in Pucklechurch Prison on, remand , Following his release he resumed education at City College Norwich, promising
- Scrutiny" under the Equal Protection Clause. The state trial court, upon, remand , concluded that the amendment could not pass strict scrutiny, which the
- French judicial authorities had already ordered that he be held in prison on, remand , His was the third arrest of an ETA terrorist in less than two weeks in France
- Supreme Court’s views on the safe-harbor provision should have resulted in a, remand ,to that court for clarification," The Court in Bush v. Gore did remand the
- Charged with her murder. On 1 January 1995,Fred West hanged himself while on, remand ,in his cell at Wilson Green Prison, Birmingham. His funeral was held in
- Whole decision or any part of it. It may, in addition, send the case back (", remand ," or" remit" ) to the lower court for further proceedings to remedy the
- The bundle of rights that are commonly characterized as property. " Following, remand , the Dylan case settled with the city paying Ms. Dylan several hundred thousand
- Were shot after investigations. Currently, Burka remains the largest of Moscow, remand ,prisons. Overcrowding continues to be a problem. Living conditions Shallow
- Abusing this situation against weak citizen without connections. " However, remand ,still was the normal procedure for suspects of severe crimes, such as murder.
- Significant non-infringing uses, it affirmed the District Court's decision. On, remand , the District Court ordered Napster to monitor the activities of its network
- It granted certiorari and decided the case, itself,on the merits rather than, remand ,the case to the balking Alabama court system, which had taken five years to get
- A young pick-pocket gang. Two years later in 1928 he was arrested and put in a, remand ,home. As he got older, he chose a career in crime as an expert thief. In 1940
- Severe crimes, such as murder. The possibility for justice to endorse lengthy, remand ,periods was one reason why the Napoleonic Code was criticized for de facto
- From Schedule, I. Ultimately, in 1988,the DEA re-evaluated its position on, remand ,and subsequently placed MDMA into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
- Damned that shattered and blinded a girl in one eye, he had served time in a, remand ,center—and contributed to the 100 Club banning all punk bands. At a previous
- A Catholic woman in a drive-by shooting; arrested later that day, he was put on, remand ,on an attempted murder charge. In a subsequent plea-bargain, Murphy pleaded
- In Italy, the President of the Republic promulgates law. The President, remand ,a law to the Chambers of Parliament, with an explanation, and ask for
- Ads that merely mention a federal candidate within 60 days of an election. On, remand , a lower court then held that certain ads aired by Wisconsin Right to Life in
- Of state court decisions to impose the death penalty, however. Removal and, remand ,In cases where federal court and state court jurisdiction overlap, cases can
- New regulations related to land trusts, the agency asked the Court to, remand ,the case to the lower court, to be reconsidered with the decision to be based
- Serve out his sentence. He meets and befriends other Western prisoners in the, remand ,center. In 1974,Billy's sentence is overturned by the Turkish High Court in
- Or for more severe offenses, the ACT Supreme Court. Prisoners were held in, remand ,at the Belonged Remand Center in the ACT but usually jailed in New South Wales
- And an accomplice, Mervyn Connor, were arrested shortly afterwards and held on, remand ,in Belfast's Drumlin Road prison. After a visit by police to Connor, fellow
- Not function as an ordinary appeal. Under the NAFTA, it will only vacate or, remand ,a decision if the decision involves a significant and material error that
- Freed Ira Bighorn under police supervision — French laws put restrictions on, remand ,(the imprisonment of suspects awaiting trial). Bighorn was then the focus of
- Some personal effects, manuscripts,and letters. Wilde was then imprisoned on, remand ,at Holloway where he received daily visits from Douglas. Events moved quickly
- Improvements on Lucas's land, this state-law question must be dealt with on, remand , To win its case, respondent cannot simply proffer the legislature's
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