Examples of the the word, nay , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nay ), is the 11962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The last of which was on June 7,2006, when the motion failed 49 yea to 48, nay , votes,falling short of the 60 yea votes required to proceed to consideration
  2. Good, but a good translation better, and says that" we do not deny, nay ,we affirm and avow, that the very meanest translation of the Bible in English
  3. Considered. Passage of the proposed Amendment failed 227 yea votes to 186, nay , votes,where 290 yea votes (two-thirds) are required for passage of a
  4. And inexcusably. Our second conclusion was that ... Other Losses is seriously —, nay , spectacularly — flawed in its most fundamental aspects ... Nevertheless, Mr.
  5. Bass, George Smothers and Ralph Yarbrough). *Republicans: 30–1 (the lone, nay ,was Storm Thurmond; John Tower who did not vote was paired as a nay vote with
  6. 28–1 vote on December 3. Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelo's cast the sole ", nay ," vote, resenting the franchise's relocation and intrusion into the
  7. Saith 'Swear not at all, but let your communications be yea, yea,and nay , nay , for whatsoever is more than these comet of evil. ' ... the Apostle James
  8. And be happy to sacrifice their private Pleasures, Passions,and Interests, nay ,their private Friendships and dearest connections, when they Stand in
  9. Nays with 27 not voting. The record shows that there were no Democrats voting ", nay ," in the Senate and only two in the House. The record also shows that almost
  10. Everything came amiss. He had the palaces of princes, cardinals,patriarchs, nay ,popes, always open to him. Yet he could rest in none. Gradually, in spite of
  11. Concerning this strange nation:" The streets are pav'd with pudding-pies, nay , powder'd-beef and bacon, They say they scorn to tell you lies: 'Who thinks it
  12. Quorum votes, are done electronically, and allow members to vote yea or, nay ,or present or open. After passage by both houses, a bill is considered to be
  13. Details how Pius XII, always using measured and moderate speech, was hiding, nay ,revealing a noble position of great strength and fearless courage. " As war
  14. He walks over to the tally board and changes Georgia's vote from ", nay ," to" yea ". It is now July 2,1776. The delegates slowly return to the
  15. The lone nay was Storm Thurmond; John Tower who did not vote was paired as a, nay ,vote with Eugene McCarthy who would have voted in favor. ) House: 328–74
  16. Pass the Seem (Parliament) by unanimous consent, and if any legislator voted, nay ,on anything, this not only vetoed that bill but dissolved that legislative
  17. I have never seen either a drop of piety or a grain of truth or ingenuousness –, nay , I have never found common sense in any Jew. " In this respect, he differed
  18. Of her claim originally, wrote that she would need 'enchanted instruments, nay ,alchemy itself, to melt into one identity these two reputations ', and
  19. Are against it, and he prefers to err on the side of his constituency and vote, nay , The 5-to-5 split, with Lewis Morris of New York abstaining" courteously,"
  20. R-VT),John Warner (R-VA) and Lowell P. Wacker, Jr. (R-CT) all voting, nay , The vacant seat on the court to which Bork was nominated eventually went to
  21. Others again have reproached me with my style, which has not the solemnity, nay , better, the dryness of the schools. They fear lest a page that is read without
  22. The Marriage Protection Amendment was defeated in the Senate by a margin of 49, nay , votes to 48 yea votes, with the vote mostly following party lines with
  23. In that deep sense of forcefulness, of stern watching, of mysterious sympathy, nay , even of approval or condemnation, which we feel in walls that have long been
  24. Columbia and add a seat for Utah (Democrat Max Caucus of Montana also cast a ", nay ," vote). Although his health was poor, Byrd was present for every crucial vote
  25. 21 percent) voting" nay . " In contrast,17 Republicans (63 percent) voted ", nay , " Only 10 Senate Republicans (37 percent) sided with the Democrats to pass
  26. Charges. In the 420-1 vote on July 24, 2002,Gary Conduit was the sole ", nay ,". Post-politics After his departure from office, Condit was residing in
  27. Of the young nobility, which verges to French maxims and to a military spirit, nay , from the ascendant which the nobility itself acquires each day in this country
  28. Members of the delegation individually. Franklin votes" yea" and Dickinson ", nay ,", leaving the swing vote to Wilson, who normally adheres to Dickinson. Seeing
  29. There simply can be no dialogue worthy of the name unless Christians accept —, nay , treasure — the fact that Jews through the two millennia of Christianity have
  30. Of, nor does it despise the advantages flowing therefrom into human life;, nay , it confesses that, just as they have come forth from" God, the Lord of
  31. things HOL: Nov, nay ,Qom NEH. Nav not new oh. English: The cliff merely marries the alien.
  32. For seven years, until 2001. In 2001,the citizens voted (80 % yea,20 %, nay ,) on March 20 to dissolve the city charter and reincorporate the city
  33. Master saith 'Swear not at all, but let your communications be yea, yea,and, nay , nay , for whatsoever is more than these comet of evil. ' ... the Apostle James
  34. Offspring of the popular will. It is not the creature of State legislatures;, nay , more, if the whole truth must be told, the people brought it into existence
  35. Officer puts the question and, after listening to shouts of" yea" and ", nay ," from the members, announces which side is victorious. This decision by the
  36. Contraries are no progression," and Carlyle's progress from the everlasting, nay ,to the everlasting yea was not to be found in the" Center of Indifference" (
  37. In its least elevated department, and employing either rustic terms or foreign, nay ,barbarian words that actually have to be introduced with an apology. Moreover
  38. Considered. Passage of the proposed Amendment failed 236 yea votes to 187, nay , votes,where 290 yea votes (two-thirds) are required for passage. The motion
  39. Lay primarily with himself:" I was too young, too fond of my own diversions, nay , I do not doubt, too much intoxicated by indulgence, vanity,and the insolence
  40. Basis, with most Democrats voting" yea" and most Republicans voting ", nay ,". Key laws affecting the Federal Reserve have been: *Bank Holding
  41. In English, set forth by men of our profession ... contained the word of God, nay , is the word of God" in English. The first printing contained a number of
  42. They have received; others, again,for reasons not to be lightly regarded, nay , even of a profound description, and (as a Greek would say) drawn from the
  43. Inquire whether the wound which Satan inflicted on Adam were deadly or curable;, nay , as if he had not plainly, and without a figure, declared in another passage
  44. Of Representatives on July 18, 2006,when the Amendment failed 236 yea to 187, nay , votes,falling short of the 290 yea votes required for passage in that body.
  45. Give out; and rather than not play at all would punt at six-penny, three-penny, nay , a two-penny bank, – so much did the hope of winning the quinze-et-le-va and
  46. Although stand asides do not halt a motion, it is often regarded as a strong ", nay ,vote" and the concerns of group members standing aside are usually addressed
  47. 79 percent) voted" aye" with only 13 Democrats (21 percent) voting ", nay , " In contrast,17 Republicans (63 percent) voted" nay . " Only 10 Senate
  48. They will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously -, nay , spectacularly - flawed in its most fundamental aspects. ... Mr. Basque is
  49. The town had the highest percentage of people with undergraduate degrees of, nay ,municipality measured in the county,41 %, compared with an average of 26 %
  50. The instruction of boys. When he had completed his work, it was handed over to, nay ,rather thrust upon, me for emendation. Easier for me to do). So that Lily (

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