Examples of the the word, robot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( robot ), is the 3933 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In his work Tomorrow's Eve (1886),featuring an artificial humanlike, robot ,named Heyday. As said by the officer in the story," In this age of Realign
  2. S facial android technology mounted on KAIST's life-size walking bipedal, robot ,body. This Einstein android, also called" Albert Hub ", thus represents the
  3. Was hard to find, would later be called the" AI winter ". In 2005,a Stanford, robot ,won the DARPA Grand Challenge by driving autonomously for 131 miles along an
  4. Test and give rise to conscious awareness in a machine. (Note that the ", robot ," and" commonsense knowledge" replies above also specify a certain kind of
  5. 1996. Each NATO came up with the concept of The Big O: a giant city-smashing, robot , piloted by a man in black, in a Gotham-like environment. He later met up with
  6. Intelligence currently being developed. Motion and manipulation * Cog,a, robot ,developed by MIT to study theories of cognitive science and artificial
  7. Ways than robot or cyborg. In some fictional works, the difference between a, robot ,and android is only their appearance, with androids being made to look like
  8. R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) (1921) – the play that introduced the word, robot ,to the world – were organic artificial humans, the word" robot " has come to
  9. 2 model has the ability to dance. Usage and distinctions Unlike the terms ", robot ," (a" mechanical" being) and cyborg (a being that is partly organic and
  10. Control boards. In addition, the researchers also mention that the shifting, robot ,can even display an individual's hairstyle and skin color if a photo of their
  11. The word robot to the world – were organic artificial humans, the word ", robot ," has come to primarily refer to mechanical humans, animals,and other beings.
  12. Moving all points to the decided positions, they say. The first version of the, robot ,was first developed back in 2003. After that, a year later, they made a couple
  13. Screamers, based on Dick's short story Second Variety, features a group of, robot ,weapons created by mankind to act as Von Neumann devices / berserkers. The
  14. In 1997,Systems & Control students at Bodmin College constructed Roadblock,a, robot ,which entered and won the first series of Robot Wars and was succeeded by" The
  15. Symbols and things they represent. Hans Morale comments: 'If we could graft a, robot ,to a reasoning program, we wouldn't need a person to provide the meaning
  16. Machine intelligence, conversational behavior, data-mining,driverless cars, robot ,soccer and games. Platforms A platform (or" computing platform" ) is defined
  17. Robot reply: Suppose that instead of a room, the program was placed into a, robot ,that could wander around and interact with its environment. This would allow a
  18. And NTT Docomo's manufacturers have succeeded in creating a shape-shifting, robot ,WD-2. It is capable of changing its face. At first, the creators decided the
  19. Twilight Zone, The Mighty Casey, concerning a baseball player who is actually a, robot , In the Northern Exposure episode 'The Graduate' Chris Stevens gains his
  20. Dimension Fortress Across series became instant classics in the 1980s,and the, robot ,genre of anime is still one of the most common in Japan and worldwide today. In
  21. An abridgment of" android ", but has been used by Lucas and others to mean any, robot , including distinctly non-humaniform machines like R2-D2. The abbreviation "
  22. Weak on the artistic (" the second mark" ). He was a self-described" jumping, robot ,". In order to help his growth as an artist, he hired choreographer Sandra
  23. Manufacturers and part suppliers, as well as exhibition halls and a stadium for, robot ,competitions. The country's new Robotics Ethics Charter will establish ground
  24. Made to be similar to a human's. Iran Serena (Persian: سورنا) is a humanoid, robot ,which has been developed and fabricated through a joint project between “
  25. Conscious experience and therefore proves nothing. Some arguments (, robot ,and brain simulation, for example) fall into multiple categories. System and
  26. Are easy to make, and can make precise parts with good surface finishes. The, robot ,would then cast most of the parts either from nonconductive molten rock (
  27. Twenties. EveR-1's name derives from the Biblical Eve, plus the letter r for, robot , EveR-1's advanced computing processing power enables speech recognition and
  28. The Ministry of Information and Communication has an ambitious plan to put a, robot ,in every household by 2020. Several robot cities have been planned for the
  29. Robot, and some outputs were used to manipulate the arms and legs of the, robot , Nevertheless, the person in the room is still just following the rules, and
  30. HTML proposed a challenge to build a macro scale replicator from Lego (TM), robot , kits and similar basic parts. Slab wrote that this approach was easier than
  31. And genres that remain fundamental elements of anime today. The giant, robot ,genre (known as" Mecca" outside Japan),for instance, took shape under
  32. Has also recognized Johnston with a statue on the South Mall. An android is a, robot ,or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human. Although" android
  33. The Chinese room,some inputs came directly from a camera mounted on a, robot , and some outputs were used to manipulate the arms and legs of the robot
  34. Know what the symbols mean. Earle writes" he doesn't see what comes into the, robot ,'s eyes. " (See Mary's room for a similar thought experiment. ); Derived
  35. Which means humanlike. According to this fashion, a female human-like, robot ,would be a" synod ". Fiction Androids are a staple of science fiction.
  36. Systems, albeit PC-based but still an entire real-world system, to various, robot ,platforms such as the widely available Roomba with open interface. Philosophy
  37. Points to express the outline, eyes,nose, and so on of a certain person. The, robot ,expresses its face by moving all points to the decided positions, they say. The
  38. Science fiction works of Isaac Asimov, the first initial" R" standing for ", robot ,".; Norman Burg is Roger's butler. Forty years before the
  39. Has an ambitious plan to put a robot in every household by 2020. Several, robot ,cities have been planned for the country: the first will be built in 2009 at a
  40. Of the Turing test, but the robot ic version, which requires grounding the, robot ,'s words in the robot 's sensorimotor capacity to categorize and interact with
  41. That, a year later, they made a couple of major improvements to the design. The, robot ,features an elastic mask made from the average head dummy. It uses a driving
  42. Be capable of understanding.; Combination reply: This response combines the, robot ,reply with the brain simulation reply, arguing that a brain simulation
  43. Cart could have a simple hand or a small bulldozer shovel, forming a basic, robot , Power would be provided by a" canopy" of solar cells supported on pillars.
  44. Science fiction. Authors have used the term android in more diverse ways than, robot ,or cyborg. In some fictional works, the difference between a robot and android
  45. But the robot ic version, which requires grounding the robot 's words in the, robot ,'s sensorimotor capacity to categorize and interact with the things in the
  46. Of spun basalt fiber for electrical insulation and fiberglass A" casting, robot ," would use a robot ic arm with a few sculpting tools to make plaster molds.
  47. The average head dummy. It uses a driving system with a 3DOF unit. The WD-2, robot , can change its facial features by activating specific facial points on a mask
  48. Perfect woman ". Examples include the Greek myth of Pygmalion and the female, robot ,Maria in Fritz Lang's Metropolis. Some synods, like Paris in Blade Runner, are
  49. The Bat mobile, a grappling cable that shoots out his wristwatch and the giant, robot ,that Angel calls" Roger's alter ego. " The Big Os cast of supporting
  50. 500 billion won, of which 50 billion is direct government investment. The new, robot ,city will feature research and development centers for manufacturers and part

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