Examples of the the word, underground , in a Sentence Context

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  1. 250 followers (). One might take this as implying that Sheol is literally, underground , although it is as easily read literally, as signifying an earthquake or split
  2. People integrated) surrounded by extensive landscape (with parking mainly, underground ,and the rest centralized in a parking structure). There will be additional
  3. It has since been converted into a municipal garden. It can be reached by, underground ,railway (although the stations are at a distance from the Park and at a much
  4. Candy Darling, Holly Woodlawn, Ondine, Nico,and Jackie Curtis. Legendary, underground ,artist Jack Smith appears in the film Camp. His most popular and critically
  5. The book's main Roman-era protagonist, Regina,founder of a (literally), underground , matriarchal society. In the text, he is credited with winning the battle of
  6. And gathered around himself a wide range of artists, writers,musicians, and, underground , celebrities. He began producing prints using the silkscreen method His work
  7. A grassroots audience across the country, which has become a large and loyal, underground ,following. Their music includes spoken word pieces and elements of punk, hip
  8. Episcopal Church which for parts of the 17th and 18th centuries was partially, underground ,(it was suspected of Jacobite sympathies). However, the enormous expansion in
  9. Intrinsic gamma-ray background is larger due to contamination, unless one uses, underground ,argon sources with a low level of radioactivity. Dark matter detectors
  10. And Edmonton operate light rail transit (LRT) systems. Edmonton LRT, which is, underground ,in the downtown core and on the surface outside it, was the first of the
  11. Using the most brutal methods. On December 10, 1943,Speer visited the, underground ,Mittelwerk V-2 rocket factory that used concentration camp labor. Shocked by
  12. In 1830 when water was pumped from the Dee to a reservoir in Union Place. An, underground ,sewer system replaced open sewers in 1865. Some scholars believe the name came
  13. And Aphyllanthes, have the same type of secondary growth but confined to their, underground ,stems. * Microsporogenesis (part of pollen formation) distinguishes some
  14. Resources:: Petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, nonferrous metals, bauxite,and, underground ,water.; Land use::::; Irrigated land::; Total renewable water resources::;
  15. And book City of Ember, the principal city is either the last or one of several, underground ,cities used to escape a devastating war. However, the scale of the city is far
  16. Partially inspired by the Tyrell hyperstructure. The series also features an, underground ," Geo City ". *The city in the 1976 film Logan's Run is entirely
  17. Repressed. Anarchists in central Russia were either imprisoned, driven, underground , or joined the victorious Bolsheviks; the anarchists from Petrograd and Moscow
  18. Known, although similar so-called 'effects tests' were a regular feature of, underground ,tests at the Nevada Test Site until 1992. These 'effects tests' are used to
  19. Tolkien, in his book" The Hobbit" describes fish like these inhabitants of an, underground ,lake. The blind cave fish is blind and pigmented. Despite the lack of eyes it
  20. By Polish resistance fighter, Witold Pick, who organized in Auschwitz an, underground ,Union of Military Organization – (Switzer Organizable Wojskowej, ZOW).
  21. From the camp without escaping themselves. The Auschwitzer Echo was an, underground ,newspaper published by inmates and distributed as well to the resistance
  22. Called Acid," ANSI Creators in Demand. " In that same year the second major, underground ,art scene group was founded, ICE," Insane Creators Enterprise ". There is some
  23. A manhole he located at Atlantic Avenue and Court Street, crawled a distance of, underground ,through a filled-in section of tunnel less than two feet high, and located the
  24. Of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, the hyperstructure is buried deep, underground , While ecologically sparse, the habitat's climate is controlled by complex
  25. And films like Blow Job, My Hustler and Lonesome Cowboys) draw from gay, underground ,culture and/or openly explore the complexity of sexuality and desire. Many of
  26. New Times (Los Angeles weekly entertainment newspaper),BLU Magazine (, underground ,hip hop magazine),BAM Magazine (Southern California),La Band Elastic
  27. Around 500,000 people living in south-east England and brings 60 % of London's, underground ,rail network to a halt. Births *1582 – Taichung Emperor, of the Ming Dynasty of
  28. Lonesome Cowboys, a raunchy pseudo-western. These and other titles document gay, underground ,and camp culture, and continue to feature prominently in scholarship about
  29. Is restricted to the areas surrounding rivers and wherever sufficient, underground ,water is available. Important irrigated crops include barley, corn,cotton
  30. And the initial sections opened in January 2000,while the lines run entirely, underground , The metro network operates a fleet of 42 trains consisting of 252 cars, an
  31. On Earth (approximately 99 % of it) is the result of the alpha decay of, underground ,deposits of minerals containing uranium or thorium. The helium is brought to
  32. Japanese date: June 25, 1869). *1870 – Tower Subway, the world's first, underground ,tube railway, opens in London. *1873 – The Clay Street Hill Railroad begins
  33. The camp absorbed Poland's intelligentsia and dissidents, including the Polish, underground ,resistance. By March 1941,10,900 were imprisoned there, most of them Poles.
  34. Drills its way downward by dissolving the carbonate rock to form an extensive, underground ,river system. Major tributaries The Amazon has over 1,100 tributaries,17 of
  35. With ASCII's use in communication, however,it also began to appear in the, underground ,online art groups of the period. An ASCII comic is a form of webcomic which
  36. Role in the formation and existence of these subterranean water bodies. The, underground ,ocean, discovered in 2007,has been formed when the plate carrying the Pacific
  37. By hand, dredging,or diving. Elsewhere, amber is mined, both in open works and, underground ,galleries. Then nodules of blue earth have to be removed and an opaque crust
  38. Marls of Miocene and Pliocene age. The mineral is worked largely by means of, underground ,galleries, in the district of Monterrey. Several varieties are recognized—veined
  39. North of the White River. " The mammoth cavern consists of many huge caves and, underground ,galleries, arranged over five floors, with a total length of one hundred and
  40. Government or the Majestic 12 organization. Many of the hypotheses concern, underground ,facilities at Groom or at Papoose Lake, south,and include claims of a
  41. Mastaba, a flat-roofed rectangular structure of mud brick or stone built over an, underground ,burial chamber. The step pyramid of Closer is a series of stone mascaras
  42. Rim. Most of them live in Kabylia area where there are more than seventy, underground ,churches. The nation has experienced a decline in Christianity as a result of
  43. Remained friends with Warhol until his death. Important figures in the New York, underground ,art/cinema world, such as writer John Giorno and film-maker Jack Smith, also
  44. Forces have taken Eberswalde without a fight, Adolf Hitler admits defeat in his, underground ,bunker and states that suicide is his only recourse. *1948 – 1948 Arab-Israeli
  45. It to flow towards the Atlantic Ocean. Unlike the Hamza, the 153 km-long, underground ,river in Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula and the 8.2 km-long Cayuga River in the
  46. In the United States to produce transplutonium isotopes using a series of six, underground ,nuclear explosions. Small samples of rock were extracted from the blast area
  47. Summer and the parents raise the young in a large den. Dens can be complex, underground ,networks, housing many generations of foxes. Young from a previous year's
  48. The war Camus joined the French Resistance cell Combat, which published an, underground ,newspaper of the same name. This group worked against the Nazis, and in it
  49. Some strips have been translated to Polish and French. Styles of the computer, underground ,text art scene Atari 400/800 AT ASCII The Atari 400/800 did not follow the ASCII
  50. He was a major influence and inspiration to the work on the radical avant-garde, underground ,film-maker Kenneth Anger, especially his Magic Lantern Cycle series of works.

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