Examples of the the word, russ , in a Sentence Context

The word ( russ ), is the 9071 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And barter them. This has led some parents to speak out against lewd content on, russ , cards. As a consequence, a few Russ carry two sets of cards: One designed for
  2. Caps, often sporting large sound systems or lighting rigs. Etymology The word, russ , is inherited from the Danish word us, which as an abbreviation of Latin
  3. For the entire national day, which completes the russ efeiring. This way,the, russ ,' attire is complete before they join the local national day parade, which is
  4. 5) (consisted of three battalions each),Waffen-Artillerie-Rgt d. SS 30 (, russ , Art. Rat. 2) (consisted of three artillery batteries) and Replacement
  5. Day the attire is completed by the ceremonial addition of the Russell (, russ , cap ), which evolved from the traditional student cap used for university
  6. Word" ( Russ.:" слово из трёх букв" ) or just" three letters" (, russ , .:" три буквы" ) and is one of the keywords of the" Russian mat ". The
  7. From this village cherish: * * Mango Juice (popularly called as Kareem RO, russ , : Russ - bat in summer season is equally Cherished. ) Music and entertainment
  8. From the alphabet) * Ask for sex tips from the mother of one of your fellow, russ , ( a safety-pin) Butch is a full-length album by the American band The
  9. The most common obscenity, is called" the three-letter word" (, russ , .:" слово из трёх букв" ) or just" three letters" ( Russ.:" три буквы" )
  10. Hip hop. History Erik OG Kris's began their musical career when they created the, russ , song Legenden in 2002 for their own russ ets of the same name and made it
  11. Waffen-Gren. Rat. d. SS 75 (Russ. NR. 4),Waffen-Gren. Rat. d. SS 76 (, russ , NR. 5) (consisted of three battalions each),Waffen-Artillerie-Rgt d. SS 30
  12. The right to call themselves students. Russ attire Tradition dictates that each, russ , wears an overall during the entire russ efeiring (Russ celebration period).
  13. Their own parades later in the day, usually around 4 or 5 PM. In this parade, russ , will parade through the street with their Russians carrying signs and pickets.
  14. Such as sitting under your desk during class or kissing a police officer. The, russ , knots have been strongly criticized because many of the tasks can be considered
  15. Two sets of cards: One designed for kids, and one designed for adults and other, russ , Russ knots ( russ eknuter) are items you earn by performing
  16. Itself among the Russ through winning the prize Areas Lyceums at the national, russ , meeting in Stranger, along with Areas Buss at Likely videregående sole, they
  17. The graduating class from the Norwegian equivalent of high school - known as, russ ,- has its own celebration on May 17,staying up all night and making the rounds
  18. To speak out against lewd content on Russ cards. As a consequence, a few, russ , carry two sets of cards: One designed for kids, and one designed for adults and
  19. Still exists today under the name 'Textile factory 'Rainy Park' (, russ , ). In addition to the rise in textile manufacturing,Yaroslavl's traditional
  20. And 2000s Got land pony or Got land Russ is an old Swedish pony breed. The name, russ , comes from a now obsolete word Ross, which means a riding horse or a charger
  21. Dictates that each Russ wears an overall during the entire russ efeiring (, russ , celebration period). The color of the overall should match the graduate's
  22. And so on. Russ cards ( russ et) are mock business cards that the, russ , will hand out to anyone that asks for them. They contain a picture, contact
  23. Are a number of companies providing a plethora of optional paraphernalia for, russ , to purchase, such as t-shirts, sweaters,baseball caps, and so on. Russ cards
  24. World War, Kühtai was developed into a winter sports resort. Roman Khadzhiev (, russ , : Хаджиев Рамзан b. on November 14, 1955 in Kazakhstan) was chief of the
  25. May 17,staying up all night and making the rounds through the community. The, russ , also have their own parades later in the day, usually around 4 or 5 PM. In this
  26. Skantze bar: Welch bar: heroes bar: Bailey bar: Donnelly bar: Loughlin bar:, russ , bar: chain bar: Borowski bar: Cassidy bar: reed bar: Richards bar: Gregory
  27. National day parade, which is the culmination of the russ efeiring. Other common, russ , paraphernalia is the whip and the whistle. The whip was originally a birch twig
  28. Children's Place, Gap,Old Navy, Aeropostale, Puma,Ann Taylor, charlotte, russ , among others. In addition to the mall itself, there is a freestanding
  29. 73 on the Country Singles chart. 1980s 1990s and 2000s Got land pony or Got land, russ , is an old Swedish pony breed. The name Russ comes from a now obsolete word Ross
  30. Recent decades. Etymology The word russ efeiring is composed of the two words ", russ ," (which refers to a participant in the russ efeiring),and" faring" (
  31. Are introduced to during the festivities. Having a large collection of other, russ ,' cards is a status marker, as it is regarded as a sign of popularity
  32. Of the Savior' ) Cathedral of the Spas sky (St Savior) Monastery (, russ , ). This monastery was originally founded in the 12th century and thus it, and
  33. G. L. Cato ire. Poem for Violin and Piano Op. 20. On Artistic Interpretation., russ , Editorial of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Moscow,2000 * Anna
  34. And the /o/, whereas in Swedish only the /h/ has disappeared, producing Ross or, russ , Gotland's ponies are thought to descend from Tartans that lived on the small
  35. From: 1984 till: 1987 color: general text:" Earl T. O'Loughlin" bar:, russ , from: 1985 till: 1991 color: TAC text:" Robert D. Russ" bar: chain from: 1985
  36. Penal" ) * Outgoing guest must drink last glass, so-called " Na potshot" (, russ , " На посошок" ). Literally it is translated" On a small staff ", really
  37. And made from bamboo or plastic. It is used for banging things (such as the, russ ,' car) rhythmically while chanting slogans in the 17th of May parade. The
  38. After their bus received media attention and distinguished itself among the, russ , through winning the prize Areas Lyceums at the national Russ meeting in
  39. Słyszeć, słyszał, słyszeli (to hear, he heard, they heard, compare with, russ , Слышать (SYVAT´) ) **:: wise – wisely – wisely > wishes, wisiał, wisieli
  40. Bag Made, village in the Ardabil Province of Iran The russ efeiring (, russ , celebration ) is the traditional Norwegian videregående sole (equivalent to
  41. Slogan is a joke. Russ will exchange such cards for fun and to remember other, russ , they are introduced to during the festivities. Having a large collection of
  42. Day, and there are few military parades. To commemorate his contribution,the, russ , in Oslo place an oversized hat on his statue near the Norwegian parliament; the
  43. The Piano Works of G. L. Cato ire in the Contemporary Pianist's Repertory., russ , Editorial of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Moscow,2001 Notes
  44. Administration The local government of Yaroslavl consists of the Mayoralty (, russ , ), the head of which is the mayor, and the Municipal Council (), the members
  45. In an onion and tomato sauce with apricots and potato strips) * Dakota NI, russ , chaval (mutton cutlets with white rice and tomato sauce) Also popular among
  46. Wadi • RAAF • Also mater I Saudi • Mango Juice (popularly called as Kareem RO, russ , : Russ - bat in summer season is equally Cherished. ) Music and entertainment
  47. A new method for determining and controlling the homogeneity of glass (orig., russ , .: Now method opredelenija i control odnorodnosti Stella). Glass and Ceramics
  48. High school) graduation ceremony. Participants in this ceremony are known as, russ , The russ efeiring traditionally starts on the 1st of May and ends on the 17th
  49. Alsace initially has the following regiments - Waffen-Gren. Rat. d. SS 75 (, russ , NR. 4),Waffen-Gren. Rat. d. SS 76 (Russ. NR. 5) (consisted of three
  50. British equivalent to sixth form) graduation ceremony known as russ efeiring (, russ , celebration ). Russ are easily recognized by their distinctive overalls and

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