Examples of the the word, exemplify , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exemplify ), is the 9075 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Remaining parts of the whole transferring into the people in Rule who most, exemplify ,the other two traits. The Triforce was first distributed as such starting in
  2. Innovative contributions to high performance computing systems that best, exemplify ,the creative spirit demonstrated by Seymour Cray. Personal life Beyond the
  3. Are real entities, but their existence is dependent on the particulars that, exemplify ,them. Realists tend to argue that universals must be posited as distinct
  4. Physical world (see theory of the forms). Particular physical objects merely, exemplify ,or instantiate the universal. But this raises the question: Where is this
  5. Deliberately misappropriating a quotation. Agnelo Bronzing and Giorgio Va sari, exemplify ,this strain of Mani era that lasted from about 1530 to 1580. Based largely at
  6. Of seawater increases the rate of corrosion. Galvanized car frames, exemplify ,this; they corrode much quicker in cold environments due to road salt.
  7. The same honor that year. The award is presented yearly to people who ", exemplify ,the life, times and standard of contribution of Tesla, Westinghouse and Nun. "
  8. 1990s have progressively become faster and more ‘ complex’ ”. As artists who, exemplify ,this progression. Pool Moe Dee adds,“ in 2002 Eminem created the song that got
  9. Although such techniques were not widely used by commercial interpreters, they, exemplify , the language's best survival mechanism: not specifying the order of scalar
  10. Where the only true reality exists. Discovered geometric forms, therefore, exemplify , this perfect reality because God's creation has been obscured by the sins of
  11. Of human musculoskeletal diseases, such as muscular dystrophy. These studies, exemplify ,how zebrafish research offers unique opportunities to understanding some of the
  12. Wordsworth singled out Gray's" Sonnet on the Death of Richard West" to, exemplify ,what he found most objectionable in poetry, declaring it was" Gray, who was at
  13. Subgenre rose in the latter half of the twentieth century. T. H. White's works, exemplify ,it, L. Prague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt's Harold Shea stories are early
  14. By the Torah with a specific mission — to be a light unto the nations, and to, exemplify ,the covenant with God as described in the Torah to other nations. Not
  15. Is 'mesaticephalic' which is a ratio of head to nasal cavity. The breeds below, exemplify ,this category. (see Evans, Howard. Miller's Anatomy of the Dog. 3rd edition
  16. And of tragedy, where her combination of deep understanding and powerlessness, exemplify ,the ironic condition of mankind. History Apollo's cursed gift became a source
  17. Are real entities, but their existence is dependent on the particulars that, exemplify ,them. Nominalism and conceptualism are the main forms of anti-realism about
  18. And proponent of laissez-faire capitalism, as many of his books' heroes, exemplify , Cavell admired Ayn Rand, founder of the Objectives school of philosophy, and
  19. Keen wrote a book about the opening with that title. All of these openings, exemplify ,Nimzowitsch's ideas about controlling the center with pieces instead of pawns.
  20. Green. Despite the incongruous nature of his hometown, he purports to, exemplify ,inner city culture. Ali's" real" name is later revealed to be Alistair
  21. And the Distinguished Leadership in Government Award, to honorees whose careers, exemplify ,the professional, ethical,and leadership principles that define Columbia
  22. On more jazz influence, and with simpler, more continuous forms. Pieces that, exemplify ,this new direction include Liberating and most of the Suite Tyrolean, written
  23. Prize is given annually to a composer or performer whose lifetime contributions, exemplify ,the standard of excellence associated with the Gershwin's. On March 1,2007,the
  24. Lot lights when it gets dark. While smart materials and biosensors both, exemplify ,useful applications of MNT, they pale in comparison with the complexity of the
  25. Which tell the Tristan and Isolde story. Charles Ives' psalm settings, exemplify ,the composer's incomparably radical harmonic language. Tone clusters and
  26. Social contagions such as fads, hysteria,copycat crime, and copycat suicide, exemplify ,memes seen as the contagious imitation of ideas. Observers distinguish the
  27. The Solar System. They are told the stories of four Patrol heroes/martyrs who, exemplify ,this quality. One of them, Rivera,leaves orders to annihilate his hometown if
  28. Against the BNP stalls in shopping centers. The BNP claims that such cases, exemplify ,how political correctness is being used to silence it and suppress its right to
  29. From GM's North American and European operations. The current S10 and Blazer, exemplify ,this strategy. However, more modern vehicles are now being marketed as market
  30. Rabindranath Tagore engaged in protracted debates more than once. These debates, exemplify ,the philosophical differences between the two most famous Indians at the time.
  31. The Red Detachment of Women (1961) and Two Stage Sisters (1964), exemplify ,China's increased expertise at filmmaking during this time. The Cultural
  32. Communist branches of socialism. He also believes that socialist values, exemplify ,the rational and morally consistent extension of original unreconstructed
  33. In China and Doctor Atomic by John Adams, and Dead Man Walking by Jake Reggie, exemplify ,the dramatization on stage of events in recent living memory, where characters
  34. Mathematics, religious beliefs, music and visual arts, and architecture—to, exemplify ,this unique outlook; he terms it the culture’s“ prime symbol. ” The process
  35. Himself to be God. However, scholars agree that these words of Mont anus, exemplify ,the general practice of religious prophets to speak as the passive mouthpieces
  36. Much. " (33:21),further emphasizes that Muhammad's mission is to teach and, exemplify ,The Qur'an, not just to relate its verses and leave. Muhammad was not to be
  37. And instinct. ” William James, Bertrand Russell, and Friedrich Nietzsche, exemplify ,the Apollonian skeptic, Carroll says, and Charles Sanders Pace, Tertullian
  38. Outstanding citizen whose service and accomplishments in the national interest, exemplify ,the academy's motto," Duty, Honor,Country. " Currently, the award guidelines
  39. Will be given annually to a composer or performer whose lifetime contributions, exemplify ,the standard of excellence associated with the Gershwin's. On March 1,2007,the
  40. 1.0 Andrew S. Tenenbaum created MINI at Voice Universities in Amsterdam to, exemplify ,the principles conveyed in his textbook, Operating Systems: Design and
  41. Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion uses Adams' influence throughout to, exemplify ,arguments for non-belief; Dawkins jokingly states that Adams is" possibly my
  42. Poured from volcanic vents over a long period of time. (The Hawaiian Islands, exemplify ,similar shield volcanoes on a smaller scale - see Fauna KEA. ) The
  43. And" Do you really think the moon isn't there if you aren't looking at it? ", exemplify ,this. Bohr, in response, said " Einstein,don't tell God what to do ". Steven
  44. The" successfully marketed lives" of Oscar Wilde and Lord Byron, who, exemplify , the dandy's roles in the public sphere, both as writers and as personae
  45. Continued uninterrupted. * The 1987 film Wall Street and its 2010 sequel, exemplify ,many popular conceptions of Wall Street, being a tale of shady corporate
  46. Good marketing technique is to provide clear and memorable catchphrases that, exemplify ,the point we wish to convey, and also emphasize the interoperability of the
  47. God safe-guarding his church by means of bestowing authority on those who best, exemplify ,sound doctrine. In addition, many Protestant contrast state that the teaching of
  48. The Japanese food supply. Gojira's climactic attack on Tokyo was meant to, exemplify ,a rolling nuclear attack, like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only much more slowly.
  49. Chris Demo wrote," If someone were to ask for a few examples of games that, exemplify ,the best of the graphic adventure genre, Day of the Tentacle would certainly be
  50. A" normal" sized rebid that was dwarfed through evolutionary time. This may, exemplify ,a rare example of insular dwarfing in a mainland context, with the" islands "

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