Examples of the the word, deprivation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deprivation ), is the 9072 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other interrogation techniques. These techniques, include forced nudity, sleep, deprivation , confinement in small dark boxes, deprivation of solid food, cold temperatures
  2. Waterboarding, long-time standing, continuous cramped confinement, and sleep, deprivation , During Abu Zubaydah's interrogation President Bush learned he was on
  3. Group for Arbitrary Detention rendered an Opinion (No. 9 of 2004) that her, deprivation ,of liberty was arbitrary, as being in contravention of Article 9 of the
  4. To learning and virtue, a deep recognition of the spiritual power of worldly, deprivation ,and the religious state, and a highly developed governmental structure. He also
  5. By Rumsfeld that allowed civilian contractors to use techniques such as sleep, deprivation ,during interrogation. " The methods consisted of making prisoners stand for
  6. Take their austerities even further. They tried to find enlightenment through, deprivation ,of worldly goods, including food, practising self-mortification. After nearly
  7. While alive. It is used for" AU Renoir" in south of France and to denote a, deprivation ,from someone or something.;: dexterous, skillful,clever, in French: labile, as
  8. Applies to public employment or employment involving state action prohibiting, deprivation ,of rights secured by the federal constitution or federal laws through action
  9. And degrading treatment. Thus, the court held that practices such as sleep, deprivation , subjecting individual to intense noise and requiring them to stand against a
  10. With one of the most highly deprived wards being in Clayton. In the Indices of, deprivation ,2007,Jay wick was identified as the most deprived Lower Super Output Area in
  11. Time, cognitive processing and sensory perception are all impaired by sleep, deprivation ,and/or physical exhaustion. Gun safety therefore discourages using firearms
  12. Deprivation, allowing for an additional stress position and extended sleep, deprivation ,up to 180 consecutive hours. May 30, 2005 memo The final memo mentioned Abu
  13. Under the influence of various mind-bending gases and extensive sensory, deprivation ,training) into the character. Morrison's run climaxed with" Batman R. I. P.
  14. Like infantile schizophrenia, and child psychiatry's focus on maternal, deprivation ,led to misconceptions of autism as an infant's response to" refrigerator
  15. Of Salt ash Burton in Ca radon),where the lower number represents the greater, deprivation , Cornwall is one of four UK areas that qualify for poverty-related grants from
  16. But situations where it is permitted to use force which might result in the, deprivation ,of life. The Court has ruled that states have three main duties under Article 2
  17. Generalized tonic-clonic seizure later in life, when they experience sleep, deprivation ,(e.g., freshman year in college after staying up late to study for exams).
  18. S personnel living there. Parts of Eastern Essex suffer from high levels of, deprivation , with one of the most highly deprived wards being in Clayton. In the Indices of
  19. Have surprisingly good results considering where they lie on the scale of, deprivation , e.g. Lambert. Overall at GCSE in 2009,Greater London had the best results
  20. Made him particularly unpopular as ordinary Germans began to suffer, deprivation , End of the war In 1945,Göring fled the Berlin area with trainloads of
  21. And Plymouth are by contrast above the national average. Likewise, levels of, deprivation ,tend to be highest in urban areas such as Tor bay, Plymouth,plus parts of
  22. Included relaxation, meditation,REM-sleep, and the Seinfeld (a mild sensory, deprivation ,procedure). These studies have proved to be even more successful than Rhine's
  23. The methods consisted of making prisoners stand for long periods, sleep, deprivation , ... playing music at full volume, having to sit in uncomfortably ... Rumsfeld
  24. Which makes up around a quarter of the economy. The official measures of, deprivation ,and poverty at district and 'sub-ward' level show that there is great
  25. Occur predominantly at the low end of the IQ distribution, where nutritional, deprivation ,is probably most severe. A century ago, nutritional deficiencies may have
  26. To the bottom. The more blockages there are in the water results in an oxygen, deprivation , which pauses the natural processes of the Lakes. Invasive species Since the
  27. Novel, after the epidemic is over, when the depth of the feelings of exile and, deprivation ,is clear from the overwhelming joy with which long parted lovers and family
  28. It also expanded on the techniques of walling, stress positions, and sleep, deprivation , allowing for an additional stress position and extended sleep deprivation up
  29. Commission was allowed to apply such measures of repression as 'confiscation, deprivation ,of ration cards, publication of lists of enemies of the people etc.' ". On
  30. Nature. Throne finds with success when he imprisons the Baron in a sensory, deprivation ,tank for a prolonged period; the Baron's memories for his former life return.
  31. Trigger, seizures in susceptible individuals. Emotional stress, sleep, deprivation , sleep itself, heat stress, alcohol and febrile illness are examples of
  32. Which guarantees liberty and requires a statutory authorization for any, deprivation ,of liberty. In addition, several other articles of the Constitution have a
  33. Refused to accept the terms given, and held out until 14 December, when, deprivation , forced them to surrender. In April 1267,the earl of Gloucester who had been
  34. Reticulum Stress Disturbances in redox regulation, calcium regulation, glucose, deprivation , and viral infection can lead to ER stress. It is a state in which the folding
  35. States that critics who speak out against homeschooling on the basis of social, deprivation ,are actually addressing an area which favors homeschoolers. Criticism of
  36. Cramped confinement, ( 6) wall standing, ( 7) stress positions, ( 8) sleep, deprivation , (9) insects placed in a confinement box, and (10) the waterboard. ” It
  37. Abu Zubaydah, including waterboarding, cold cell, long-time standing, and sleep, deprivation ,were previously considered illegal under U. S. and international law and
  38. To distribute food in times of shortage, most notably during times of war. Food, deprivation ,is regarded as a deficit need in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and is measured
  39. Soaring demand in Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. Famine and hunger Food, deprivation ,leads to malnutrition and ultimately starvation. This is often connected with
  40. They are represented by Cottar, who welcomes the plague and uses the economic, deprivation ,that results from it to make a fortune buying and selling on the black market.
  41. A later essay, Lettre SUR LES sounds et meets, considered the case of a similar, deprivation ,in the deaf and mute). What makes the Letter SUR LES avenges so remarkable
  42. Include forced nudity, sleep deprivation , confinement in small dark boxes, deprivation ,of solid food, cold temperatures, stress positions, and physical assaults.
  43. Level may result in a hypoxic condition. Hypoxia in which there is complete, deprivation ,of oxygen supply is referred to as anoxia. Hypoxia differs from hypoxemia in
  44. Conditions of abuse or extreme neglect. The possible short-term effects of this, deprivation ,are anger, despair,detachment, and temporary delay in intellectual development
  45. In zoos and circuses" suffer a life of chronic physical ailments, social, deprivation , emotional starvation, and premature death ". Zoos argue that standards for
  46. Funeral clubs to pay for each other's funeral arrangements),crime, and social, deprivation , The transition to industrialization was not wholly seamless for workers, many
  47. Blackmail, threats and extortion to secure" confessions ". Beyond that, sleep, deprivation , and various forms of harassment were used as investigative methods. Cooperation
  48. Example, the ranking of 32,482 sub-wards in England in the index of multiple, deprivation ,(2006) ranged from 819th (part of Penance East) to 30,899th (part of
  49. For it. " Symbolically, Oran turns its back on life. When the plague hits,the, deprivation ,of this symbol of freedom becomes more pronounced, as the beaches are closed
  50. Was established by the Attlee Government, which did much to reduce acute social, deprivation , The cumulative impact of the Attlee’s Government’s health and welfare policies

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