Examples of the the word, whistle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( whistle ), is the 6814 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Professionally though giving little thought to a career. In 1924 when unable to, whistle ,for a performance in Taboo, he sang a spiritual instead, pleasing both the cast
  2. Evening that Hurst realized he had scored a hat-trick, assuming that the final, whistle ,had been blown before he'd struck the ball into the net for his third goal.
  3. With pursed lips. This sound can be approximated by adopting the posture to, whistle ,a very low note, or blow out a candle. Is produced with the tongue as low and
  4. Increased by making its resonator and tone holes larger. This is why a police, whistle , a form of flute, is very wide for its pitch, and why a pipe organ can be far
  5. Dominated Milan and beat them 4–0,winning the tie 7–2. Following the final, whistle , he aroused a bit of controversy by draping the green-and-gold scarf around his
  6. The independent and exiled genius:" He peered sideways up and gave a long low, whistle ,of call, then paused awhile in rapt attention, his even white teeth glistening
  7. Remain behind the free-throw line until execution. The thrower must await the, whistle ,blow of the referee. A 7-meter throw is the equivalent to a penalty kick in
  8. The Bobwhite has also been introduced to New Zealand. Vocalizations The clear, whistle ," bob-WHITE" or" bob-bob-WHITE" call of these birds is most recognizable.
  9. The goal-line, and so a goal should not have been awarded (Computer blows, whistle ,on England's 1966 World Cup win by Adam Jones and John Davison,23 July 1995)
  10. On the positions of all other players. Sometimes the execution must wait for a, whistle ,blow by the referee.; Throw-off: A throw-off takes place from the center of the
  11. Is accompanied by a yellow or red card, respectively. The referees also use, whistle ,blows to indicate infractions or restart the play. The referees are supported
  12. Erickson Italy Communication Agency. The symbol of the campaign is a yellow, whistle , which acts as a metaphor to ‘’ sound the alarm’ ’ of the existence of
  13. However, some flutes, such as the whistle , gemshorn, flageolet, recorder,tin, whistle , Annette, fujara, and ocarina have a duct that directs the air onto the edge (
  14. Plastic, or battery powered light emitting diodes. There are also discs that, whistle ,when they reach a certain velocity in flight. History The clay target used in
  15. Returns to the rock calling for Hap good. When he doesn't answer, she tries to, whistle ,- and succeeds in blowing a shrill, ugly whistle . Hap good appears again, saying
  16. Eagle nest is represented by the fork of the lodge where the dance is held. A, whistle ,made from the wing bone of an eagle is used during the course of the dance.
  17. Such as birds that congregate on airport runways. Screeches fire a pyrotechnic, whistle ,that emits a loud whistling sound for the duration of its flight. Restricted
  18. Flutes or internal duct flutes— whistle -like instruments which include the tin, whistle , The recorder is end-blown and the mouth of the instrument is constricted by a
  19. Directly across the edge of the mouthpiece. However, some flutes, such as the, whistle , gems horn, flageolet, recorder,tin whistle , tonette, fujara, and ocarina have
  20. Most of these formats are produced by tube and chamber resonance, but a few, whistle ,tones derive from periodic collapse of Venturi effect low-pressure zones. The
  21. To go to East London to face West Ham United at Boleyn Ground. At the final, whistle , Tallish was able to celebrate: even though Blackburn had lost the game 2–1
  22. She also explains that it was Minnie Riper ton who influenced her to use the, whistle ,register. However, within contemporary forms of music, singers are classified
  23. Three hill races, and runners must carry waterproofs, a hat, gloves and a, whistle ,; anyone who has not reached the summit after two hours is turned back. As of
  24. Chugs and bursts of steam from a departing train. Somebody cries in laughter,a, whistle , the station bell, the clanking locomotive ... whispers, shouts,farewells. And
  25. The vocal fry register, the modal register, the falsetto register, and the, whistle ,register. In abstract algebra, a principal ideal domain, or PID, is an integral
  26. In which the phenomenon has no causal impact at all, and Huxley's" steam, whistle ," epiphenomenalism, in which effects exist but are not functionally relevant.
  27. Folk music, played on typically Irish instruments (such as the Fiddle, tin, whistle , Villain pipes, accordion,Cochran etc.) and acoustic guitars. The lyrics
  28. 1870) and Huxley (1874). Huxley (1874) likened mental phenomena to the, whistle ,on a steam locomotive. However, epiphenomenalism flourished primarily as it
  29. doesn't answer, she tries to whistle - and succeeds in blowing a shrill, ugly, whistle , Hap good appears again, saying 'That's good enough for me. ' As they embrace
  30. At one or both ends. The ocarina, xun, pan pipes, police whistle , and bosun's, whistle ,are closed-ended. Open-ended flutes such as the concert flute and the recorder
  31. Memorial Park Cemetery, Glendale,California. Buried with him is a small gold, whistle , which he had given to Lauren Bacall, before they married. In reference to
  32. Minutes when Stephen Ireland scored within eight seconds of the final, whistle , The goal scored by San Marino was their European Qualifying first goal since
  33. Hammer, ring ), edible plants (sweet potato, pea ), and non-metallic objects (, whistle , ball). Many of the exceptions have a round shape, and some can be explained
  34. Flutes may be open at one or both ends. The ocarina, xun, pan pipes, police, whistle , and bosun's whistle are closed-ended. Open-ended flutes such as the concert
  35. Her five-octave vocal range, power,climatic style and signature use of the, whistle ,register. Which was a favorite of her mother, Patricia Hickey Carey, a singer
  36. Between the Donegal style and the rest of Ireland. Instruments such as the tin, whistle , flute, concertina and accordion were very rare in Donegal until modern times.
  37. To their first movie together, it was inscribed:" If you want anything, just, whistle , " Tributes After his death, a " Bogie Cult" formed at the Battle Theatre in
  38. Words he must be able to touch the ball with his stick). On the umpire's, whistle , the striker may push or flick the ball at the goal and goalkeeper attempts to
  39. Into the net with Banks diving in vain to get his palms to the ball. The final, whistle ,went seconds later to send the game into extra time. England took the lead in
  40. Sounding in tatters throughout the record. Whenever she sings,there's a raspy, whistle ,behind her thin voice, and she strains to make notes throughout the record. She
  41. Instruments associated with traditional Celtic music, including mandolin, tin, whistle , and Great Highland bagpipes. The band explains that these instruments
  42. Some military doctrines call for an ambush to be initiated by a signal from a, whistle , though in US practice, whistle s are not favored, since they do nothing to
  43. By the FAO) and thereby alert people about chronic hunger by using the yellow, whistle , Signatures can be gathered in such events, by getting the signature sheet on
  44. Mousse Sesotho (member, talking drum) # James McNally (Cochran, accordion, whistle , ) # Johnny Kali (HOL Foundation bandleader; HOL) # Carla Ó Leonard (
  45. Vibration, and in Malaysia row of gourds with sound-slots are used to create a, whistle ,as the kite flies. Kites are popular during the Indian festival of Maker
  46. Bear on the tip of the Stanford Claw fountain),and an hourly train, whistle ,that counts down the hours until Big Game, orchestrated by the Stanford Axe
  47. Hammer, ring ), edible plants (sweet potato, pea ), and non-metallic objects (, whistle , ball). Many of the exceptions have a round shape, and some can be explained
  48. City. This is also represented in the city of Houston's official seal. A train, whistle ,sounds, and a locomotive transverse a wall above the outfield after Actors hit
  49. Foundation bandleader; HOL) # Carla Ó Leonard (vocals) # Ever Mayo ck (tin, whistle , flute, uillean pipes) # Martin Russell (keyboards, producing,engineering
  50. Goals between the first and third goals. Last minute The referee had put his, whistle ,to his lips as Moore shaped to play the final pass to Hurst. He didn't blow it

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