Examples of the the word, pamphlet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pamphlet ), is the 6816 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. After a Puritan member of the House of Commons, John Pym, attacked Montagu's, pamphlet ,during debate, Montagu requested the king's aid in another pamphlet entitled "
  2. Religious matters. Acanthus' De Mortises Persecutorum, a political Christian, pamphlet ,on the reigns of Diocletian and the Tetrarchy, provides valuable but
  3. Of Swift and the voice of the Proposer. Phidias stresses that a reader of the, pamphlet ,must learn to distinguish between the satiric voice of Jonathan Swift and the
  4. He is also thought to have assisted the crown prince in the composition of a, pamphlet , published anonymously in 1878,which was highly critical of the higher
  5. Its use by Renal and others. In 1873 German journalist Wilhelm Mary published a, pamphlet ," The Victory of the Jewish Spirit over the Germanic Spirit. Observed from a
  6. S first pamphlet , which had the supreme merit of forcing people to think. This, pamphlet ,was followed by the first Zionist Congress, which accepted the Base program
  7. Like Benedetto Marcello, a magistrate and amateur musician who wrote a, pamphlet ,denouncing him and his operas. The pamphlet , Il metro alley mode, attacks
  8. Reformation. The perpetuity view is often identified with The Trail of Blood,a, pamphlet ,by J. M. Carol published in 1931. This view was also held by English Baptist
  9. Unfavorable review by Gustav von Schiller. In 1884 Merger responded with the, pamphlet ,The Errors of Historicism in German Economics and launched the infamous
  10. Follows the rules and structure of Latin satires. The satirical element of the, pamphlet ,is often only understood after the reader notes the allusions made by Swift to
  11. Published in the town of Gawker, South Australia. First published as a, pamphlet ,by the Gawker Humbug Society in 1863,the name was chosen because," the Bun yip
  12. The great crisis over the Reform Bill, when he contributed to an anti-Whig, pamphlet ,edited by John Wilson Broker and published by Murray entitled England and
  13. In November 2008,the UK based think tank Demos published an influential, pamphlet ,entitled 'It's a material world: caring for the public realm ', in which they
  14. Literature dwarfed the combined opposition; a Chicago Tribune writer produced a, pamphlet ,that detailed Lincoln's life, and sold one million copies. Presidency 1860
  15. Spacecraft Cosmonaut Alexei Leonor from the novel. Quotations *" In this, pamphlet , advanced for discussion by its readers, the author has set himself the goal to
  16. 10 May (1983) * Russia under Avalanche (Россия в обвале,1998; political, pamphlet ,) (Complete text in Russian:) * Two Hundred Years Together (2003) on
  17. Montagu's pamphlet during debate, Montagu requested the king's aid in another, pamphlet ,entitled" Appeal Caesar" ( 1625),(a reference to an appeal against
  18. The Jewish spirit). Although he did not use the word" Antisemitism us" in the, pamphlet , the coining of the latter word followed naturally from the word" Semitism "
  19. Effect, or modus operandi, of the first cause, design,and published a, pamphlet ,defending the book in theistic terms, Natural Selection is not inconsistent
  20. List with links to them online. The only full-length book (neither extract nor, pamphlet ,) that Pace authored and saw published in his lifetime was Photometric
  21. Part of the Zionist program. The Jewish State was the title of Herzl's first, pamphlet , which had the supreme merit of forcing people to think. This pamphlet was
  22. Montage. In his pamphlet s A New Gag for an Old Goose, a reply to the Catholic, pamphlet ,A New Gag for the new Gospel, and also his Immediate Address unto God alone
  23. Which are racist in the ham-handed way of an old minstrel show or a vile comic, pamphlet , " The film grossed $10 million in its first year of release, and over the next
  24. Simply sums up the agnostic position as: Bertrand Russell is, pamphlet , Why I Am Not a Christian, based on a speech delivered in 1927 and later
  25. Ostentation. Fusing republicanism and liberalism Thomas Paine's bestseller, pamphlet ,Common Sense appeared in January 1776,after the Revolution had started. It was
  26. Payment for office holding. This is the position set out by the anti-democratic, pamphlet ,known whose anonymous author is often called the Old Oligarch. On the other
  27. Incarcerated alcoholic. Additionally, the AA General Service Office provides a, pamphlet ,with guidelines for members working with incarcerated alcoholics. United States
  28. Bach's music. He became a welcome guest at the Wagner's home, Wahnfried. His, pamphlet ," The Art of Organ Building and Organ Playing in Germany and France" ( 1906
  29. The Rights of Woman to Talleyrand:" Having read with great pleasure a, pamphlet ,which you have lately published, I dedicate this volume to you; to induce you
  30. The calculating way people perceived the poor in designing their projects. The, pamphlet ,targets reformers who" regard people as commodities ". In the piece, Swift
  31. Refused to comply be made less severe. Years later, in 1898,Wallace wrote a, pamphlet ,attacking the commission’s findings. It, in turn, was attacked by The Lancet
  32. Were necessary. Survey results Every third year since 1968,AA has issued a, pamphlet ,summarizing its latest survey of meeting attendants. Additional published
  33. Reason for the preservation of the u in such words as honor, labor,etc." The, pamphlet ,also claimed that" the tendency of people in Australasia is to excise the u
  34. 1838 edition of Mechanics Magazine cites an early use of asphalt in France. A, pamphlet ,dated 1621,by" a certain Monsieur d'Engines, states that he had discovered
  35. Anticlaudianus, a treatise on morals as allegory, the form of which recalls the, pamphlet ,of Claudia against Ruins, is agreeably versified and relatively pure in its
  36. Booklet, Protect and Survive. This publication was ridiculed in a popular, pamphlet , Protest and Survive, by E. P. Thompson, a leading anti-nuclear campaigner of
  37. An early leading anarcho-syndicalist thinker was Rudolf Rocker, whose 1938, pamphlet , Anarchosyndicalism outlined a view of the movement's origin, aims and
  38. Is used. Different spellings have existed throughout Australia's history. A, pamphlet ,entitled The So-Called" American Spelling ", published in Sydney some time in
  39. Cut-up poem, Minutes to Go, was broadcast by the BBC and later published in a, pamphlet , I was in Paris in the summer of 1960; this was after the publication there of
  40. Director of a new institution integrating the two called the Bauhaus. In the, pamphlet ,for an April 1919 exhibition entitled" Exhibition of Unknown Architects "
  41. And the debates that it spawned in Britain. In a lively and sometimes vicious, pamphlet ,war, now referred to as the Revolution Controversy, British political
  42. English mathematician. He introduced the algebraic system initially in a small, pamphlet , The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, published in 1847 in response to an
  43. And amateur musician who wrote a pamphlet denouncing him and his operas. The, pamphlet , IL metro alley mode, attacks Vivaldi without mentioning him directly. The
  44. But went largely unnoticed. In 1806 Jean-Robert Armand independently issued a, pamphlet ,on complex numbers and provided a rigorous proof of the fundamental theorem of
  45. Antisemite or antisemitic. The early Zionist pioneer, Judah Lab Pinker, in a, pamphlet ,written in 1882,said that antisemitism was an inherited predisposition: In the
  46. Modern non-anthropomorphic concepts of God, Russell states: In Russell's 1947, pamphlet , Am I An Atheist Or An Agnostic? (subtitled A Plea For Tolerance In The Face
  47. Became a thorough Deist. " As a young man he rejected Christian dogma in a 1725, pamphlet , A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain, which he later saw
  48. Derived from the word" Semitism" that he had earlier used. The, pamphlet ,became very popular, and in the same year he founded the" League of
  49. Therefore unlawful," to more slanderous attacks, such as those put forth in a, pamphlet ,by Dr. William Douglass of Boston entitled The Abuses and Scandals of Some Late
  50. Or the Jewish spirit, which he saw as infiltrating German culture. In his next, pamphlet ," The Way to Victory of the Germanic Spirit over the Jewish Spirit "

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