Examples of the the word, unlawful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unlawful ), is the 6823 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ship money, fines in restraint of knighthood and forced loans were declared, unlawful , monopolies were cut back severely, and the Courts of Star Chamber and High
  2. Year the High Court of Australia ruled that resumption of Oceania House was, unlawful , but the Australian government ordered that no government business was to be
  3. And Abide, were consumed by fire from the Lord for having offered incense in an, unlawful ,manner (Leviticus 10). Scholarly consensus is that in Aaron's high
  4. By the United States and the state of Hawaii for kidnapping, burglary and, unlawful ,flight to avoid prosecution. The second generation Second-generation adults
  5. Is the intentional killing–by a government or its agents–of a civilian or ", unlawful ,combatant" targeted by the government, who is not in the government's custody
  6. Professor Peter Raven-Hansen write:" Targeted killing of terrorists is ... not, unlawful ,and would not constitute assassination ", Rory Miller writes:" Targeted
  7. In 1954 the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in schools was, unlawful ,and 1968 is the year of Martin Luther King's assassination. The monument was
  8. Principal federal statute with regard to employment discrimination prohibiting, unlawful ,employment discrimination by public and private employers, labor organizations
  9. Lawsuit, Kelly v. Paschal, on their behalf, alleging that the arrests were, unlawful , The ACLU contended that 15 percent of Hearne's male African American
  10. Intentionally or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate and, unlawful ,personal violence. Violence in this context means any unlawful touching, though
  11. To race. Formerly multi-racial suburbs of Cape Town were either purged of, unlawful ,residents or demolished. The most infamous example of this in Cape Town was
  12. An outright ban with London also having specific legislation to control, unlawful ,displays. There have been increasing efforts to protect the public interest in
  13. Used for distributing pirated software, phreaking,and other questionable or, unlawful ,content. These BBSes often had multiple modems and phone lines, allowing
  14. Length would make the flag look blunt. Any new flag would also quickly become, unlawful , due to wear and tear. They also noted that the flag currently used had lengths
  15. 3. The act states: # A person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens, unlawful ,violence towards another and the person's conduct is such as would cause a
  16. Continued for decades, despite the fact that those groups did not engage in, unlawful ,activity.: Groups and individuals have been harassed and disrupted because of
  17. As heir to his father's throne, and passed off responsibility for his, unlawful ,ascension on his army, claiming they had" forced it upon him ". Galleries was
  18. Parliament she asked it to consider making the circumcision of male children, unlawful , In May 2008 a father who had his two sons, aged 3 and 6 circumcised against
  19. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation recognized the Red Terror as, unlawful , which in turn led to suspension of the Communist Party of the RSFSR. Regional
  20. Could not be found in the Bible, it was not the will of God, and therefore ", unlawful , " He also explained that inoculation violated The Golden Rule, because if one
  21. Equality Court (High Court) ruled that, in South Africa, circumcision is, unlawful ,unless done with the full consent of the initiate. Sweden In 2001,the
  22. Fear for his personal safety. # Where two or more persons use or threaten the, unlawful ,violence, it is the conduct of them taken together that must be considered for
  23. Act of 2007," in an attempt to amend the Controlled Substances Act to make ", unlawful ,for any person to knowingly selling, causing another to sell, or conspiring to
  24. Corpus, saying Lincoln's action of holding Ferryman without a hearing was, unlawful , Taney issued the writ, thereby ordering Merryman's release, but Lincoln
  25. Became English writ of habeas corpus, safeguarding individual freedom against, unlawful ,imprisonment with right to appeal. The first elected parliament was De Mont fort
  26. 1998 Blizzard Entertainment had a class action lawsuit filed against them for ", unlawful ,business practices" for the action of collecting data from a user's computer
  27. Making Australian legal history, the award was made against the assailant for, unlawful ,wounding. In 1999,a Perth man won $A360,000 in damages after a doctor admitted
  28. Issue). Notwithstanding, possession of DishNetwork or DirecTV equipment is not, unlawful ,as provided by The Radiocommuncation Act Section 4 (1) (b),which states: "
  29. The evolution of international justice, many wars were considered rebellions or, unlawful ,by one or more combatant sides. In such cases, the servants of the" criminal "
  30. Renowned astronomical and mathematical writer, entered his protest against such, unlawful ,interference by the Barcelona rabbis, and a schism ensued. Twenty-eight members
  31. Immediate and unlawful personal violence. Violence in this context means any, unlawful ,touching, though there is some debate over whether the touching must also be
  32. Were required at common law: # The apparent, present ability to carry out; # An, unlawful ,attempt; # To commit a violent injury; # Upon another. Simple assault can be
  33. And other practitioners have resulted in felony convictions for kidnapping and, unlawful ,imprisonment. Patrick described details of some of his abductions in his book
  34. They meant slightly different things. " Chaste" meant" virtuous or pure from, unlawful ,sexual intercourse" ( referring to extramarital sex),while" chastity "
  35. Can predict whether a proposed course of action is likely to be lawful or, unlawful , This ability to predict gives more freedom to come close to the boundaries of
  36. Practice, as well. In these paragraphs, the prerequisites for redemption of an, unlawful ,administration act (§ 48 Wife
  37. The statute of 1511 in which Henry VIII confirmed previous enactments against, unlawful ,games. By a further act of 1541—which was not repealed until 1845—artificers
  38. Alleged that the BNP's constitution restricting membership to white people was, unlawful ,under the Race Relations Act. The BNP chose to fight this opinion in the High
  39. Found that the circumcision of an 11-year-old boy without his approval was an, unlawful ,personal injury. Reportedly, the boy, whose parents are divorced, was visiting
  40. Or DirecTV, even with a gray market subscription, may be construed as, unlawful ,(this remains an unresolved Constitutional issue). Notwithstanding
  41. Trained in the country, these regulations sounded illogical, disappointing,and, unlawful ,since it appeared a question of a title name conflict rather than
  42. Sex (including his previous relationship with his mistress),considering them, unlawful ,and unbiblical. In the Confessions, Augustine describes his personal struggle
  43. Of homicide committed at a request made by the patient. Not all homicide is, unlawful , Two designations of homicide that carry no criminal punishment are justifiable
  44. Aircraft hijacking (also known as skyjacking and sky controlling) is the, unlawful ,seizure of an aircraft by an individual or a group. In most cases, the pilot is
  45. The Children's Act 2007 makes the circumcision of male children under 16, unlawful , except for religious or medical reasons. Eastern Cape Province passed a law (
  46. Notes and coins issued by the central bank) to be legal tender, making it, unlawful ,to not accept the fiat currency as a means of repayment for all debts, public
  47. Is not contained in the law of Physics, either natural or divine, and therefore, unlawful ," to more slanderous attacks, such as those put forth in a pamphlet by Dr.
  48. That states have three main duties under Article 2: # a duty to refrain from, unlawful ,killing, # a duty to investigate suspicious deaths and, # in certain
  49. On the Question Time program, claiming the court case meant the BNP was" an, unlawful ,body ". Shame Chakraborty, director of Liberty, said:" A shiny new
  50. Because all things are halal (lawful) except that which God has made harm (, unlawful ,) '. CBC is an artificial intelligence project that attempts to assemble a

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