Examples of the the word, sunset , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sunset ), is the 6834 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Him but was killed. He fell on Montgomery. The German sniper fired at him until, sunset , The body of the sergeant protected Montgomery and took most of the enemy fire.
  2. Degrees to each other. Thirdly, the outer part is aligned towards the midwinter, sunset ,position on a level horizon just to the left of Ward Hill on How. Fourthly the
  3. Last major exchanges between capital ships in this battle took place just after, sunset , from about 20:19 to about 20:35,as the surviving British battlecruisers
  4. Of 130,000 or more. Vehicle dealers who keep seventh-day Sabbath from, sunset ,Friday to sunset Saturday may operate on Sundays instead. Minnesota The sale of
  5. May have been important to the ancient Mayans. Alignments to the sunrise and, sunset ,on the day of the zenith passage have been found in Mayan cities such as
  6. Poppy Field, Giverny,1890 Image: Claude Monet - Grayslake I. JPG|Haystacks, (, sunset , ),1890–1891,Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Image: Claude Monet - Poplars
  7. Twilight, or reflected from the high snowfields in mountain regions long after, sunset , The particles produce a scattering effect upon the component parts of white
  8. Wounds are found on her. 12 years later, Laura and her father are admiring the, sunset ,in front of the castle when her father tells her of a letter he received
  9. Of 54.6 % at Tens, Asia Minor. It started at 17:49; it was still eclipsed at, sunset , at 19:20. Romulus vanished in the 54th year of his life, on the None's of
  10. Different conceptions of the day's boundaries. The Jewish day begins at either, sunset ,or at nightfall (when three second-magnitude stars appear). Medieval Europe
  11. The day For most diurnal animals, the day naturally begins at dawn and ends at, sunset , Humans, with our cultural norms and scientific knowledge, have supplanted
  12. Right slope of the Hill is at the same declination. Fourthly a similar 'double, sunset ,' phenomenon is seen at the right end of Coolant, also on How; here the date is
  13. Area for parrots, thousands of which leave the area at once at sunrise and, sunset , Most of Chiapas’ illiterate population are indigenous women, who are often
  14. Two Armfeldt's country estate is bathed in the golden glow of perpetual summer, sunset ,at this high latitude (" Night Waltz One and Two" ). Everyone arrives, each
  15. Before the summer solstice and one at the summer solstice, which has a double, sunset , Horizon astronomy is arguably inaccurate, due to variations in refraction. To
  16. British and eleven German ships were sunk with great loss of life. After, sunset , and throughout the night, Jellicoe maneuvered to cut the Germans off from
  17. Crown" for the wintertime violet glow of color across the hills just after, sunset , Even today, many Austin businesses use the term" violet crown" in their name
  18. Monet - Rouen Cathedral, Facade (Sunset). JPG|Rouen Cathedral, Façade (, sunset ,),1892–1894,Muse Marmot tan Monet, Paris Image: The Seine at Given. JPG|The
  19. War with the United States of America. Enacted July 6,1798,and providing no, sunset ,provision, the act remains intact today as. At the time, war was considered
  20. The Sun is above the local horizon (that is, the time period from sunrise to, sunset ,); * the full day covering a dark and a light period, beginning from the
  21. That he ruled" the totality of the lands under heaven ", or " from sunrise to, sunset ,", as contemporary texts put it. Under Sargon, the ANSIs generally retained
  22. Or 3rd day of Tevet (Kislev can have 29 or 30 days). The Jewish day begins at, sunset , whereas the Gregorian calendar begins the day at midnight. Hanukkah begins on
  23. In this region, midday desert temperatures can be hot year round. After, sunset , however, the clear, dry air permits rapid loss of heat, and the nights are
  24. Before these huge and soundless pictures as if we were looking at a, sunset ,or a moonlit night. " Critical opinion Until 1890,and especially after his
  25. A date to each solar day. A day may consist of the period between sunrise and, sunset , with a following period of night, or it may be a period between successive
  26. In this period. This, Thom argued, was a notch on the horizon where a double, sunset ,would occur at midwinter. However, from ground level, this sunset would be
  27. Of the day is very short, averaging 6 hours and 40 minutes between sunrise and, sunset ,at winter solstice. As winter progresses, the length of the day grows fairly
  28. Would allow the tiniest fraction to re-emerge on the other side for a 'double, sunset ,'. The animation below shows two sunset s at a hypothetical site, one the day
  29. Be around 18 hours long, having 17 hours and 57 minutes between sunrise and, sunset , with nautical twilight lasting the entire night. Temperatures at this time of
  30. To the notch between it at Coolant to the right. This indicated line points to, sunset ,on the first Sixteenths of the solar year (according to A. Them) before and
  31. Into consideration that according to the Jewish calendar, the day begins at the, sunset ,of the day before. If the baby is born on Sunday before sunset , the Brit will
  32. Before they hand in their horses and ride off (in a limousine) into the, sunset , Cast * Madeline Khan as Lily von Setup, the " Teutonic Tit willow" * Mel
  33. Begins at the sunset of the day before. If the baby is born on Sunday before, sunset , the Brit will be held the following Sunday. However, if the baby is born on
  34. Actor (b. 1928) Holidays and observances *Did de las Elias, begins after, sunset , (Colombia) *National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (United States) External
  35. Arches National Park Luca Palazzi 2007. JPG Image: Delicate Arch 2005 09 04, sunset , JPEG Image: USA Arches NP Delicate Arch (1). JPG Image: Arch. Usa.
  36. Held the following Sunday. However, if the baby is born on Sunday night after, sunset , the Brit is on the following Monday. The Brit takes place on the eighth day
  37. Rolling it above the horizon, then carried it through the other world after, sunset , only to renew it, again,the next day. Some New Kingdom royal tombs exhibit a
  38. An environment ideally suited for raising their young. Every evening around, sunset , the bats emerge in search of insects, an exit visible on weather radar.
  39. Or more. Vehicle dealers who keep seventh-day Sabbath from sunset Friday to, sunset ,Saturday may operate on Sundays instead. Minnesota The sale of alcohol in
  40. With a marriage, but a cowboy film can end with the hero riding off into the, sunset ,) * Mathematical notation follows the order of operations Government In
  41. Evenings. During the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, local, sunset , is before 16:00 while sunrise is around 08:45. This is balanced by the summer
  42. The similarities of a beautiful house, beautiful proof, and beautiful, sunset , Defining it requires a description of the entire phenomenon, as Wittgenstein
  43. Whereas the Gregorian calendar begins the day at midnight. Hanukkah begins on, sunset ,of the date listed. Hanukkah in the White House The United States has a history
  44. Of the new law will be monitored over the next five years. It contains a ‘, sunset ,clause ’, and it will automatically cease to have effect on November 1,2010
  45. A rectangle. The short sides point towards the midsummer sunrise and midwinter, sunset , The long sides if viewed towards the south-east, face the most southerly
  46. Are the terms" sunlight" and" unclips ", replacing " sunrise" and ", sunset ," to overturn the geocentric bias of most pre-Copernican celestial mechanics.
  47. Times of prayer. Canonical hours varied in length as the times of sunrise and, sunset ,shifted. The more sophisticated astronomical clocks would have had moving dials
  48. With its head at the base in light. Additionally, the western face points to, sunset ,around 25 May, traditionally the date of transition from the dry to the rainy
  49. A double sunset would occur at midwinter. However, from ground level, this, sunset , would be obscured by a ridge in the landscape, and the viewer would need to be
  50. An aardvark emerges from its burrow in the late afternoon or shortly after, sunset , and forages over a considerable home range encompassing 10 to 30 km, but

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