Examples of the the word, axe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( axe ), is the 6827 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Both fly into a rage upon seeing each other and the General attacks her with an, axe , Camilla flees and the General explains to Laura that Camilla is also
  2. Comparative or superlative form, as in she lives nearer/nearest to the deranged, axe ,murderer's house. * In BRE, one rings someone on his or her telephone number;
  3. Bundle. They were carried by the lictors who accompanied the magistrates. The, axe ,often represents the power over life or death through the death penalty
  4. No one thing in the world is ever abruptly separated, as by the blow of an, axe , from the rest of things. It is noteworthy that Socrates (Plato, Phaedo,98 B
  5. Two figures in its symbol, a snake (representing politics) wrapped around an, axe ,(representing armed struggle). Since 1968,ETA has been blamed for killing
  6. Give a fine finish. This step not only increased the mechanical strength of the, axe , but also made penetration of wood easier. Flint was still used from sources
  7. Latin word fascist, meaning " bundle" ) are a bundle of wooden sticks with an, axe ,blade emerging from the center, which is an image that traditionally symbolizes
  8. Of the tree, a tiny figure of a seated man, crossed legged, holds a knife and, axe , declaring his status in society/occupation. Also, he often painted scenes of
  9. The origins of armed combat are prehistoric, beginning with club, spear and, axe , Fighting with shield and sword developed in the Bronze Age; Bladed weapons
  10. Possessed by another spirit. He finds his doom when Ash dismembers him with an, axe , * John Peaks as Professor Knobby, the archeologist who found the book of the
  11. To chop) and the tree is Dakota (about to be chopped). While swinging the, axe , he is Havana (chopping) and the tree Takata (being chopped). After the
  12. He rides a ram or in a chariot harnessed by fiery horses. His attributes are an, axe , torch, prayer beads and a flaming spear. Agni is represented as red and
  13. Goy (non-Jew) – all of them can mean stranger, foreigner * Korean Tikki (, axe ,) and Apache natives and Easter Island Polynesian Loki ( axe ) * Polish
  14. Statue was vandalized on New Year's Eve 2007,losing part of its right arm and, axe , After the arm and axe were replaced the statue was again vandalized on
  15. Tree is peeled back, and a fingernail or the blunt end of a tool, such as an, axe ,is knocked against the wood to determine if the hollow produces the right
  16. From across Britain and North America as well. They include the noted Lang dale, axe ,industry in the English Lake District, quarries developed at Penmaenmawr in
  17. A dead ite, she becomes psychotic and attacks Scotty, who dismembers her with an, axe , Disturbed by Shelly's death, Scotty proposes that he and Ash leave Linda
  18. At that time rather than spreading from a single source. In Serbia a copper, axe ,was found at Prokuplje, which indicates that humans were using metals in Europe
  19. And whose remains were dated to about 3300 BC, was found with a Mindset copper, axe , which indicates that copper mining existed in Europe at least 5,300 years ago
  20. Of a zombie getting its head cut off may, for instance, start with a view of an, axe ,being swung through the air, followed by a close-up of the actor swinging it
  21. Crime was there. Approaching the fireplace, Kulesh killed Centurashvili with an, axe , burned his clothes, then dismembered him and hid the pieces in snow, in
  22. Of a small group of bystanders in Elizabethan dress. The executioner brings his, axe ,down, and the queen's severed head drops onto the ground. This trick was
  23. New Year's Eve 2007,losing part of its right arm and axe . After the arm and, axe ,were replaced the statue was again vandalized on Christmas Eve 2008,once more
  24. Water, but was informed by Horror that Shirin had died. He went mad, threw his, axe ,down the hill, kissed the ground and died. It is told in the book of Horror
  25. Within the Powerful—the limits of the sacred inner city of Rome—had their, axe ,blades removed. This signified that under normal political circumstances, the
  26. And replacing the actor with a dummy, then restarting the camera before the, axe ,falls. The two pieces of film were then trimmed and cemented together so that
  27. Seen in June 2003,written out at the beginning of 2005. Hutchison went on to, axe ,other characters including Andy Hunter, Kate Mitchell, Juley Smith and Derek
  28. 7.198) he is credited with inventing carpentry" and with it the saw, axe , plumb-line, drill,glue, and isinglass ". Ananias, in travelling around
  29. Last and prayed for help, whereupon a thirteenth man appeared, with a golden, axe ,on his shoulder. He steered the boat to land with the axe , then threw it ashore
  30. Loathing, for example, reinvented as a hero of the new order, taking an, axe ,to the cherry orchard. One of the first non-Russians to praise Chekhov's plays
  31. The fighting, until Humphrey could be dragged to safety; the king received an, axe ,blow to the head which knocked off a piece of the crown that formed part of his
  32. Shirin that his axe was made out of a pomegranate tree, and,where he threw the, axe , a pomegranate tree grew with fruit that would cure the ill. Shirin was not
  33. Spear Hudson, English businessman (b. 1812) *1890 – William Keller, American, axe , murderer (b. 1860) *1893 – Jean-Jacques Challet-Venel, member of the Swiss
  34. Korean Tikki ( axe ) and Apache natives and Easter Island Polynesian Loki (, axe ,) * Polish mieszkanie (apartment) and Hebrew Mishkan (מִשׁכָּן) (dwelling
  35. Set fire to the living quarters of Taliesin and murdered seven people with an, axe ,as the fire burned. In 1922,Wright's first wife, Kitty,granted him a divorce
  36. However. Some sources record that the final blow, with the back of an, axe , was delivered as an act of kindness by a Christian convert known as" Thrum. "
  37. Characteristic types of artifact of the Early Bronze Age in Ireland is the flat, axe , There are five main types of flat axe s: Lough Ravel (c. 2200 BC),Bally beg (
  38. Hall. * San Francisco's Cost Tower has two fasces-like insignia (without the, axe ,) carved above its entrance, flanking a Phoenix. * The seal of the United
  39. Season in a league match against Getafe CF. One day later Luxembourg got the, axe ,and was replaced with Juan Ramón López Car. By the end of that season, Beckham
  40. With a red leather ribbon into a cylinder, and often including a bronze, axe ,(or sometimes two) amongst the rods, with the blade (s) on the side
  41. On the sources examined) cleaved Zeus's head with the double-headed Minoan, axe , the labels. Athena leaped from Zeus's head, fully grown and armed, with a
  42. The ground and died. It is told in the book of Horror and Shirin that his, axe ,was made out of a pomegranate tree, and,where he threw the axe , a pomegranate
  43. Legion reintroduced the symbols of the Napoleonic sappers: the beard,the, axe , the leather apron, the crossed- axe s insignia and the leather gloves. If the
  44. Transitive verb Heidi (to chop). Picture a woodsman approaching a tree with an, axe , intending to chop it down. He is Dakota (about to chop) and the tree is
  45. Are Roman in origin. Faces is a bundle of birch rods containing an, axe , In Roman times, the faces symbolized the power of magistrates who could order
  46. With a golden axe on his shoulder. He steered the boat to land with the, axe , then threw it ashore; a spring appeared where it landed. He taught them laws
  47. The statue was again vandalized on Christmas Eve 2008,once more losing its, axe , Alessandro Asgard (31 July 1598 – 10 June 1654) was
  48. Eastern Mediterranean, with the labels, the Anatolian and Minoan double-headed, axe , later incorporated into the Praetorian faces. There is little archaeological
  49. Introduced dragoons into the Swedish Army, he provided them with a Sabre,an, axe ,and a matchlock musket: many of the European armies henceforth imitated this
  50. Beings. Their occupation was hunting and war; their arms the bow, spear, axe , a half shield, nearly in the shape of a crescent, called Delta, and in early

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