Examples of the the word, predator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( predator ), is the 6818 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fauna. As for the animals, in many parts of Europe most large animals and top, predator ,species have been hunted to extinction. The woolly mammoth was extinct before
  2. Films and documentaries about prehistoric life. Allosaurus was a large bipedal, predator , Its skull was large and equipped with dozens of large, sharp teeth. It
  3. Or to make threatening displays, as in the Sunbittern's mimicry of a large, predator ,to ward off hawks and protect young chicks. Variation in plumage also allows
  4. Long spiral gut of the larva is being replaced by the typical short gut of a, predator , * An adaptation of the nervous system for stereoscopic vision, locomotion and
  5. A powerful kick. A single well-placed kick from an adult giraffe can kill a, predator , Most attacks on giraffes occur at watering holes, when the bent-over animals
  6. Both mountain and lowland gorillas have been observed drinking. One possible, predator ,of gorillas is the leopard. Gorilla remains have been found in leopard scat but
  7. For intimidation when a kill or a territory is in dispute with another large, predator ,and they are normally dominant in such interactions. Sometimes, the conflict
  8. Take bites of flesh out of living sauropods that were sufficient to sustain the, predator ,so it would not have needed to expend the effort to kill the prey outright.
  9. Cats annually. Impact on birds The domestic cat is probably a significant, predator ,of birds. Current UK assessments indicate that they may be accountable for an
  10. Fins, although Amblyopia spelled has small ones with up to six rays. They are, predator ,just only resulting from the lack of vegetation, inhabiting subterranean water
  11. Kill wild boar infrequently due to the inability of this relatively light, predator ,to tackle aggressive prey of comparable weight. Tigers are extremely dangerous
  12. As a pack under the lead of the alpha dog, then chase off or attack the, predator , The Slough, by comparison, is more of an independent lone hunter and has a
  13. Throughout history, from ancient to modern warfare. In zoology, an ambush, predator ,is an organism which uses ambush tactics to capture prey. History In ancient
  14. Was triggered, in part, by John Ostrom's discovery of Deinonychus, an active, predator ,that may have been warm-blooded, in marked contrast to the then-prevailing
  15. A carcass,whether the carcass is claimed by or is the kill of another, predator , This competition is the main source of interspecies conflict. Bears are
  16. They usually did so at relatively slow speeds, unless being chased by a, predator , *Corrective shoeing: The shape, weight,and thickness of a horseshoe can
  17. Challenger deep, the Nears probe spotted one polytheists worm (a multi-legged, predator ,) about an inch long. An analysis of the sediment samples collected by Diego
  18. If the animal is preyed upon then the behavior or characteristics of its, predator ,can influence how the camouflage develops. If the predator has achromatic
  19. In popular culture since the early years of the 20th century. It is top, predator ,in both Arthur Conan Doyle's 1912 novel, The Lost World, and its 1925 film
  20. Wild forage fish for salmon farming then impacts the survivability of the wild, predator ,fish who rely on them for food. Fish can escape from coastal pens, where they
  21. Ari, Armenian ARJ. Also compared is Hittite cartage-, the name of a monster or, predator , Thus, some Indo-European language groups do not share the same PIE root. The
  22. Bones. However, as Gregory Paul noted in 1988,Allosaurus was probably not a, predator ,of fully grown sauropods, unless it hunted in packs, as it had a modestly sized
  23. Tolypeutes) rely heavily on their armor for protection. When threatened by a, predator , Tolypeutes species frequently roll up into a ball. Other armadillo species
  24. In the rough-skinned newt and the evolution of tetrodotoxin resistance in its, predator , the common garter snake. In this predator -prey pair, an evolutionary arms race
  25. Libratus as a second species. As a tyrannosaurid, Albertosaurus was a bipedal, predator ,with tiny, two-fingered hands and a massive head with dozens of large, sharp
  26. A Norwegian archipelago far north of Scandinavia. The wolf, the second largest, predator ,in Europe after the brown bear, can be found primarily in Eastern Europe and in
  27. Organism become part of the biogeochemical cycle. Animals may be consumed by a, predator ,or a scavenger. Organic material may then be further decomposed by detritivores
  28. Common in the latest Paleocene of Mongolia and China and occupied the small, predator ,niche. The cheek teeth show the same characteristic notches that serve in today
  29. Conservation, optimization or efficiency. For example," The threat-sensitive, predator ,avoidance hypothesis predicts that prey should assess the degree of threat
  30. Question noted that cooperative hunting of prey much larger than an individual, predator , as is commonly inferred for theropod dinosaurs, is rare among vertebrates in
  31. Of locomotion for most bird species and is used for breeding, feeding,and, predator ,avoidance and escape. Birds have various adaptations for flight, including a
  32. Bear as the largest member of the bear family and as the largest land-based, predator , There are several recognized subspecies within the brown bear species. In
  33. The nucleus evolved in concert with phagocytosis to form an early cellular ", predator ,". Another variant proposes that eukaryotes originated from early archaea
  34. Hind legs, in order to reach food, to keep watch, to threaten a competitor or, predator , or to pose in courtship, but do not move bipedally. There are two main types
  35. On power from the Infinity Gems, but is tricked into releasing a greater, predator ,called the" Hunger ", that feeds on entire universes. The creature's access
  36. Accident for every 100,000 hours. Grue may refer to: * Grue (monster),a, predator ,invented by Jack Vance and featured in the Work series * Grue and been
  37. It in the snow File: Jumping spider_with_prey. JPG|Camouflage allows, predator ,to capture prey File: Caprimulgus Egyptian. JPG|The Egyptian Night jar nests in
  38. Such as the Silver Rowena (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum),which is also a, predator ,and very similar to the Alabama, but only reaches a length of maximum. Also
  39. Reflect others, creating a visible color that is targeted towards its primary, predator , *Microscopic physical structures, which act like prisms to reflect and scatter
  40. Established it as one of the best-known dinosaurs. As the most abundant large, predator ,in the Morrison Formation, Allosaurus was at the top of the food chain
  41. Usually defend their cubs against other predator s. The tiger is the only known, predator ,known to regularly prey on adult bears, including sloth bears, Asiatic black
  42. Entire lives and never mate, to Velvet monkeys that warn group members of a, predator ,'s approach, even when it endangers that individual's chance of survival. All
  43. For quite a while, and even when he finally shows up,he's a malevolent black, predator ,with glistening skin, who stays mostly in the shadows, many times more fearsome
  44. Been negatively affected by oil, lead,and mercury pollution, and by human and, predator ,intrusion. The species was first protected in the U. S. and Canada by the 1918
  45. And during the males' mating period. If an elephant wants to intimidate a, predator ,or rival, it will spread its ears out wide to make itself look more massive and
  46. And lifting its body off the ground to appear taller and larger to a potential, predator , Predators outside the cane toad's native range include the Whistling Kite (
  47. The red fox population has grown larger, and it has taken over the niche of top, predator , In areas of Northern Europe there are programs in place that allow hunting of
  48. Of its predator can influence how the camouflage develops. If the, predator ,has achromatic vision, for example, then the animal will not need to match the
  49. Interaction is between pairs of species, such as a pathogen and a host, or a, predator ,and its prey, these species can develop matched sets of adaptations. Here, the
  50. Teeth and claws serve these functions in many vertebrates) and status as a, predator , In truth, these assumptions may be misleading, as some carnivores do not hunt

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