Examples of the the word, cocaine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cocaine ), is the 6835 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ligands) mechanisms called down-/up regulation. However, studies suggest, cocaine ,abusers do not show normal age-related loss of striatal dopamine transporter (
  2. They may indulge in substance abuse, particularly alcohol or other depressants, cocaine ,or other stimulants, or sleeping pills. Their behavior may become aggressive
  3. State, and when combined with other intoxicating stimulant drugs such as, cocaine ,or ecstasy (see MDMA),the euphoric state intensifies and is prolonged. Once
  4. The" K" in Kola was replaced with a" C" for marketing purposes). Coca —, cocaine ,Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a
  5. By many opioids, methylphenidate,caffeine, ephedrine,dextroamphetamine, and, cocaine , work against heavy sedation and may elevate mood in distressed patients as do
  6. And container traffic to Europe, especially from Lebanon and Turkey; some, cocaine ,transits as well. The island has also been criticized for supposedly lax arms
  7. Airways. Additionally, an autopsy performed on Morales revealed traces of, cocaine ,and alcohol in his system. The NTSB reported that the maximum allowed gross
  8. Dark Alliance, alleging that the contrast contributed to the rise of crack, cocaine ,in California. http://www.narconews.com/darkalliance/drugs/start.htm
  9. In June 2006 whilst the production companies investigated allegations of crack, cocaine ,usage. Charles returned to presenting his show from 4 November 2006. In the
  10. The Coca Wine of pharmacist Angelo Marian, created in 1863; it still contained, cocaine , Manufacturers of cola drinks add trace ingredients to create distinctively
  11. Among the most sophisticated criminal organizations in the world, controlling, cocaine , processing,international wholesale distribution chains, and markets. In 1999
  12. Of refined cocaine and a growing source for heroin. More than 90 % of the, cocaine ,that entered the 1990s the United States was produced, processed,or
  13. By writer Stephen Moves, Charles spent four hours in the taxi smoking crack, cocaine ,from an old drinks can, while instructing the driver to buy him pornography.
  14. In emergency survival situations. * Condoms have also been used to smuggle, cocaine , heroin, and other drugs across borders and into prisons by filling the condom
  15. Into the synaptic cleft. Amphetamine, unlike dopamine transporter inhibitor, cocaine , acts as a substrate for DAT and slows reuptake by a secondary acting mechanism
  16. Crop, to the point that Bolivia became a relatively small supplier of coca for, cocaine , Those left unemployed by coca eradication streamed into the cities, especially
  17. Or in pathogenic rituals. Examples are the local anesthetic and stimulant, cocaine ,; the stimulant caffeine; nicotine; the analgesic morphine; the antibacterial
  18. The world's the largest processor of coca derivatives into cocaine ; a supplier of, cocaine ,to the US and other international drug markets, and an important supplier of
  19. And marijuana for the U. S. market, while the U. S. was a transit country for, cocaine ,entering Canada. Diplomacy Views of presidents and prime ministers Presidents
  20. Song" Can't You Hear Me Knocking" on the album Sticky Fingers (" You all got, cocaine ,eyes / Yeah, ya got speed-freak jive now" ). Lou Reed refers explicitly to the
  21. Crime. In the 1980s,gang activity was on the rise, associated with crack, cocaine , A task force was formed and was partially successful at reducing gang activity
  22. The Mesolithic reward pathway, cocaine is addictive. Unlike most molecules, cocaine ,possesses both high hydrophilic and basophilic efficiency, violating the rule
  23. 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Vocalist Ozzy Osbourne's heavy alcohol and, cocaine ,usage led to his being fired from the band in April 1979,after which he began
  24. Titled" Snow blind" after the song of the same name, which deals with, cocaine ,abuse. The record company changed the title at the last minute to Black Sabbath
  25. Also maintained a meticulous record of his drug-induced experiences with opium, cocaine , hashish, cannabis,alcohol, ether,mescaline, morphine,and heroin. Allan
  26. Using" spent" leaves — the leftovers of the cocaine -extraction process with, cocaine ,trace levels left over at a molecular level. To this day, Coca-Cola uses as an
  27. For about one-third of the world's coca that was being processed into, cocaine , The coca leaf has long been part of the Bolivian culture, as indigenous
  28. Producing the coca flavoring agent for Coca-Cola, the Stefan Company extracts, cocaine ,from the coca leaves, which it sells to Mallinckrodt, a St. Louis, Missouri
  29. Luis Morales III, was unlicensed at the time of the accident and had traces of, cocaine ,and alcohol in his system. Aaliyah's family later filed a wrongful death
  30. Attends AA meetings in a residential treatment facility *Clean and Sober – a, cocaine ,addict visits an AA meeting to get a sponsor *The Answer Man – AA meeting at
  31. The name comes from" coca" in addition to the alkaloid suffix -INE, forming, cocaine , It is a stimulant of the central nervous system, an appetite suppressant, and
  32. Of this amount. Coca-Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of, cocaine ,per glass, but in 1903 it was removed. Coca-Cola still contains coca flavoring.
  33. And its long half-life, amphetamine can release far more dopamine than can, cocaine ,or other addictive drugs. Serotonin Amphetamine has been found to exert similar
  34. By the 1990s,Colombia had become the world's leading supplier of refined, cocaine ,and a growing source for heroin. More than 90 % of the cocaine that entered in
  35. Efforts of the U. S. government to control imports of illicit drugs, including, cocaine , heroin, methamphetamine,and cannabis. This is especially true in Latin
  36. Herbal tea, and,both controversially and illegally, for the production of, cocaine , Mining The Andes rose to fame for its mineral wealth during the Spanish
  37. Elevation of blood pressure, which can be life-threatening. Chronic, cocaine ,intake causes brain cells to adapt functionally to strong imbalances of
  38. Research, and that further research is needed: chronic asthma,Bell's palsy, cocaine ,dependence, depression,primary dysmenorrhoea (incorporating TENS),epilepsy
  39. Illicit substances smuggled across our shared border are MDMA (Ecstasy), cocaine , and marijuana. " - The report indicated that Canada was a major producer of
  40. To six months of lock down rehab after struggles with prescription drugs and, cocaine , She made a public statement after her release, saying:" I would just like to
  41. Two key ingredients were cocaine (benzoylmethyl engine) and caffeine. The, cocaine ,was derived from the coca leaf and the caffeine from kola nut, leading to the
  42. The neurotransmitter dopamine plays a central role: addictive drugs such as, cocaine , amphetamine, and nicotine either cause dopamine levels to rise or cause the
  43. Of stimulants in formula When launched Coca-Cola's two key ingredients were, cocaine ,(benzoylmethyl engine) and caffeine. The cocaine was derived from the coca
  44. Also estimated to be the world's the largest processor of coca derivatives into, cocaine ,; a supplier of cocaine to the US and other international drug markets, and an
  45. Ligand. Because of the way it affects the Mesolithic reward pathway, cocaine ,is addictive. Unlike most molecules, cocaine possesses both high hydrophilic
  46. Systems. This applies to drugs such as marijuana, nicotine,heroin, cocaine , alcohol, Prozac,Thorazine, and many others. The two neurotransmitters that
  47. Manufacturer that is the only company in the United States licensed to purify, cocaine ,for medicinal use. Kola nuts — caffeine Kola nuts act as a flavoring and the
  48. That Laminitis died from" acute intoxication due to the combined effects of, cocaine ,and opiates," but coronary artery disease and cardiac hypertrophy (an
  49. Printed in the Daily Mirror newspaper purporting to show Charles smoking crack, cocaine ,in the back seat of a taxi. According to the story by writer Stephen Moves
  50. Including Dust, a white powder with a black-market presence comparable to, cocaine , " Dust" turns out to be a" designer drug" developed by Psi Corps and placed

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