Examples of the the word, staffing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( staffing ), is the 6825 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Championships until granted full membership status once certain scholarship, staffing , and budget requirements mandated by the MEAN are met.
  2. Increase cooperation in the area of law enforcement. Mainland police will begin, staffing ,a liaison office in Taipei in 2010. Political Although the situation is
  3. Approximately 150 men. Each German regiment was by design responsible for, staffing ,approximately of front including its depth of defense back to the rear area. As
  4. Japanese model. Throughout his lifetime, he demonstrated an understanding of, staffing , military education, and regular transfers of officer personnel, combining
  5. Job positions with the right people at the right time. It involves determining, staffing ,needs, writing job descriptions, recruiting and people to fill the positions. *
  6. And operators for each partner organization. This dramatically reduces, staffing ,and equipment considerations, while enabling small mobile or portable stations
  7. Sites such IGN, Gamespot and Semitrailers. After release, minor adjustment in, staffing ,resulted in even more layoffs. They also published Star Wars: The Clone Wars –
  8. Potentially serious or critical patients may be combined with extremely limited, staffing ,and treatment resources. Ventilator rationing In a potential influenza pandemic
  9. The language of the imperial power, schooled in its" national" history, and, staffing , the colonial administrative cadres up to but not including its highest levels.
  10. Operates through various functions, often classified as planning, organizing, staffing , leading/directing, controlling/monitoring and motivation. * Planning: Deciding
  11. Performing all civil marriage ceremonies. County officials cited budget and, staffing ,constraints. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Clerk Ann Barnett made
  12. NSC mechanism for advice and recommendations, relying on the NSC as much for, staffing ,and coordination of interdepartmental views as for primary recommendations.
  13. Will be granted full conference membership status once certain scholarship, staffing , and budget requirements mandated by the MEAN have been met.
  14. Centers, campgrounds and the current system of park roads. During World War II, staffing ,and visitation both decreased, and many facilities fell into disrepair. By the
  15. Conduct a struggle against slanderers. Clumsy actions by the Soviets, such as, staffing ,Western Ukrainian organizations with Eastern Ukrainians, and giving confiscated
  16. Of investment capital required to open and manage one (due to higher levels of, staffing ,needed),they tend to be more common in Chinatowns and satellite communities
  17. The university libraries of Harvard and Yale. As of 2006,the Library has had, staffing ,and funding levels for conservation below that of its peers: the BPL's staff
  18. For their customers, while also improving business efficiencies by optimizing, staffing ,resources. " On June 2,2009,NCR announced a plan to relocate its corporate
  19. Pays for travel. The Civil List covers most expenses, including those for, staffing , state visits, public engagements, and official entertainment. Its size is
  20. As Naval Support Facility Thurmont and technically a military installation;, staffing ,is primarily provided by the U. S. Navy and the U. S. Marine Corps. First known
  21. Able to offer quality food at lower cost through economies of scale and reduced, staffing ,costs. In the latter part of the 20th century, this has been further
  22. Damage was discovered. The Foundation is the authorized, staffing ,establishment of the cathedral, few of whom are clergy. The head of the
  23. To change. Managers undertake the tasks of planning, budgeting,organizing, staffing , controlling and problem-solving. In contrast, leaders undertake the tasks of
  24. Many developing countries have been eager to join CITES, the annual costs of, staffing ,and maintaining a CITES office and an effective presence at the biennial CoP
  25. Of the bureaucracy. During its initial years, the NSC suffered from haphazard, staffing ,and irregular meetings and was sometimes bypassed entirely. The executive
  26. For the defense/aerospace industry and bio-research laboratories, as well as, staffing ,of satellite government headquarters in the suburban or exurban
  27. Community has endured service cuts, while the City organization has reduced its, staffing ,and labor groups have agreed to wage concessions — yet there still remains a
  28. September 1948). Operations 44 nations contributed to funding, supplying,and, staffing ,the agency, of which the United States was the leading donor. The largest
  29. Needed by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF),reducing engineering and, staffing ,costs. In August 2009,it was reported that the F-22 would require increases to
  30. And the United States, have had extensive influence over lending, policy and, staffing ,decisions. Oxfam Australia has criticized the Asian Development Bank of
  31. Was formed by Minister for Foreign Affairs Gareth Evans. Alleged management and, staffing ,problems In 2005,The Bulletin ran an article based on allegations by serving
  32. Laying off approximately 1,400 employees. This impacted about 6 % of global, staffing , eastern Massachusetts bearing the bulk of the reductions. The layoffs were
  33. No increase in LIGO's total budget. The cost of building, operating and, staffing ,the interferometer would rest entirely with the Australian government.
  34. Factories, steel mills, automatic textile mills, et cetera. Politics Through, staffing ,of most government positions with Nazi Party members, by 1935 the German
  35. Corporate (EPs with an independent contractor relationship with a third party, staffing ,company that services multiple emergency departments) or governmental (
  36. Efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing , leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more
  37. Since September 11, 2001,Mount Weather has seen a dramatic increase in, staffing ,and support. It is believed that Mount Weather has largely assumed the
  38. Wang, Sun Ba (孫霸) the Prince of Lu, and permitted Sun Ba to have the same, staffing ,level as the crown prince — a move that was objected to by a number of
  39. Assigned to Naval Special Warfare Command is approximately 2,000 out of a total, staffing ,of 6,500. About half of the SEAL contingent are based at Little Creek Naval
  40. By Phillip Flood which recommended a doubling of the agency's budget and, staffing ,resources and formalization of the agency's role as a coordinator and
  41. The First Lady, she controls her husband, making major economic, political and, staffing ,decisions. She frequently consults an astrologer Becky Meant (see below)
  42. It has been an official state holiday since 1890. It is considered a" partial, staffing ,holiday ", meaning that state offices do not close, but some employees will be
  43. Issuance of the charter. After years of delay caused by wartime funding and, staffing ,difficulties,MIT's first classes were held in rented space at the Mercantile
  44. Band culture of the area made an important contribution to the foundation and, staffing ,of the Halle orchestra from 1857,the oldest extant professional orchestra in
  45. Except for five to seven active duty personnel. Additionally, most of the, staffing ,the Coast Guard provides to Naval Coastal Warfare units are reservists. The
  46. Readiness of FEMA’s national emergency response teams. The combination of these, staffing , training, and organizational structures made FEMA’s inadequate performance in
  47. Low-traffic airports may use Pilot Controlled Lighting to save electricity and, staffing ,costs. Along taxiways, blue lights indicate the taxiway's edge, and some
  48. Responsibility of the directors to conduct an annual review of the adequacy of, staffing ,of the financial reporting function and the oversight role of the audit
  49. Funding for the Honduran armed forces. The abolition of the draft has created, staffing ,gaps in the now all-volunteer armed forces. The military now is far below its
  50. Had over 6.2 million school students in the 2005–06 school year. Funding and, staffing ,levels in California schools lag behind other states. In expenditure per pupil

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