Examples of the the word, consuming , in a Sentence Context

The word ( consuming ), is the 6824 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The missionary has followed church standards such as the Word of Wisdom (not, consuming ,alcohol, tobacco,coffee, or tea) and the law of chastity (abstaining from
  2. Has been unofficially crowned" The Greatest Drunk on Earth" for once, consuming ,119 beers in 6 hours. On an episode of WWE's Legends of Wrestling, Mike Graham
  3. Known and, it is presumed, varies a great deal from person to person. Persons, consuming ,more than 10 grams/day of CaCO3 (4 g Ca) are at risk of developing
  4. Omega-6 compounds in farmed tilapia raise questions of the health benefits of, consuming ,this fish. Adequate diets for salmon and other carnivorous fish can be
  5. Of their lives within ant nests, either preying on ants, their larvae and eggs, consuming ,the ants' food stores, or avoiding predators. These inquiries can bear a
  6. Frozen yogurt, yogurt with emulsifiers that is frozen Health risks of, consuming ,dairy products Most dairy products contain large amounts of saturated fat. Some
  7. Non-optimal" in this sense, given that some improvements are more difficult or, consuming ,of development time than others. Amdahl's law does represent the law of
  8. Between California and the central and eastern parts of the U. S. was time, consuming ,and dangerous. A more direct connection came in 1869 with the completion of the
  9. Population. With increasing wealth, Chinese diets have become richer over time, consuming ,more meats, fats,and sugar. Variations Where there are historical immigrants
  10. A cola, explaining that when he's surrounded by junk culture and junk food, consuming ,them adds balance. On his website, Brooks states that his potential followers
  11. Operation, polishing removes material by gradual erosion and is extremely time, consuming , The associated technique is well-developed; it is considered as a routine and
  12. Normally use acidic chromate or dichromate solutions. To prevent the energy, consuming ,change in oxidation state, the use of Chromium (III) sulfate is under
  13. World see the anti-globalization movement as a threat to their jobs, wages, consuming , options and livelihoods, and that a cessation or reversal of globalization
  14. We see today. When new machines were produced, people began experiencing and, consuming ,chocolate worldwide. At the end of the 18th century, the first form of solid
  15. Naltrexone is in the body there is a reduction in the pleasurable effects from, consuming ,alcohol. Naltrexone is also used in an alcoholism treatment method called the
  16. By the high heat of distillation and also prove to be cost-effective since time, consuming ,distillations are not required. In chemistry, a carbonate is a salt of carbonic
  17. To their antioxidant contents. One reason for this might be the fact that, consuming ,antioxidant molecules such as polyphenols and vitamin E will produce changes in
  18. Syndrome, but the condition has been reported in at least one person, consuming ,only 2.5 grams/day of CaCO3 (1 g Ca),an amount usually considered moderate
  19. The diet can alter the levels of antioxidants by acting as pro-oxidants. Here, consuming ,the compound causes oxidative stress, which the body responds to by inducing
  20. Mathematical problems such as integer factorization. These problems are time, consuming ,to solve, but usually faster than trying all possible keys by brute force. Thus
  21. Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or, consuming ,armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease
  22. Applications have not been successfully proven in other clinical trials of, consuming ,cranberry juice or tablets by people with spinal cord injury associated with
  23. That evolved as protection against the brain diseases that can be spread by, consuming ,human brain tissue. A 2006 reanalysis of the data questioned this hypothesis
  24. S disease. The Camel ford water pollution incident involved a number of people, consuming ,aluminum sulfate. Investigations of the long-term health effects are still
  25. Is present in cadmium pigments, Electroplating Cadmium electroplating, consuming ,6 % of the global production, can be found in the aircraft industry due to the
  26. Structures. However, crystallizing an antibody is often laborious and time, consuming , Computational approaches provide a cheaper and faster alternative to
  27. It was typically an extremely prized commodity as it was expensive and time, consuming ,to produce and could mean the difference between life and death in a battle.
  28. Layout also resulted in Palomino being more frugal with its electrical demands, consuming ,approximately 20 % less power than its predecessor, and thus reducing heat
  29. Fertility of the soil. Intensive farming can also decrease soil nutrients by, consuming ,at an accelerated rate the trace minerals needed for crop growth. The most
  30. To be constructed at the same time as the basement, thereby removing time, consuming ,basement construction period from the critical path. *Wind loading is another
  31. 1921–1922) he wrote:" That horrible famine was up to cannibalism, up to, consuming ,children by their own parents — the famine, which Russia had never known even
  32. The accursed rage, which brought pain to thousands of the Achaeans. Achilles ', consuming ,rage is at some times wavering, but at other times he cannot be cooled. The
  33. To be capable of delivering double the power of the earlier turbojets while, consuming ,a third less fuel. General Electric had pioneered the concept but was committed
  34. West Indies. Further, into the interior, however,one would often find colonists, consuming ,whiskey, as they did not have similar access to sugar cane. They did have ready
  35. 12:11). At the Council of Jerusalem, the apostles prohibited Christians from, consuming ,blood (except Jesus' ), probably because this was a command given to Noah (
  36. Order to function properly. When the body is expending more energy than it is, consuming ,(e.g. when exercising),the body's cells rely on internally stored energy
  37. Consumption currently stands at around 600 tonnes, with the United States, consuming ,around 300 t,50 % of the total, Europe about 150 t,25 % of the total, and the
  38. In minimum number of input operations (each sometimes substantially time, consuming ,). Even for in-memory databases clustering provides performance advantage due
  39. Methods,e.g. using Focussed ion beam preparation, although more time, consuming , may be used to bypass such limitations. * Features of interest may evaporate
  40. Actually produce omega-3 fatty acids, but instead accumulate them from either, consuming ,microalgae that produce these fatty acids, as is the case with forage fish like
  41. To execute a query, among all possibilities, is typically very complex, time, consuming , by itself, may be too costly, and often practically impossible. Thus query
  42. By 90 %. Dung beetles play a remarkable role in agriculture. By burying and, consuming ,dung, they improve nutrient recycling and soil structure. They also protect
  43. Thus far have been CD, although there are fears—based on animal studies—that, consuming ,beef or beef products containing prion particles can also cause the development
  44. Worms almost always cause at least some harm to the network, even if only by, consuming ,bandwidth, whereas viruses almost always corrupt or modify files on a targeted
  45. Was withdrawn in 1985. It is thought that humans can contract the disease by, consuming ,material from animals infected with the bovine form of the disease. The only
  46. Eating other humans, it has extended into zoology to mean the act of any animal, consuming ,members of its own type or kind, including the consumption of mates. A related
  47. From performing their duties with a BAC greater than 0.04 %, within 8 hours of, consuming ,an alcoholic beverage or while under the influence of alcohol. Mine sites in
  48. Are associated with increased cravings, an inability to feel full despite, consuming ,enough calories, low energy levels and increased daytime sleepiness, which can
  49. Intelligence studies, the concept of" consumer" refers to the political staff, consuming ,and requesting intelligence. A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses or cactus) is
  50. In India, the Consumer Protection Act 1986 clearly differentiates a consumer as, consuming ,a commodity or service either for his personal domestic use or to earn his

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