Examples of the the word, pictures , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pictures ), is the 6830 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He was never able to collect the money. To improve the quality of television, pictures ,from the Moon, a color camera was carried on Apollo 12 (unlike the monochrome
  2. He lost his enthusiasm for painting. With the increasing production of talking, pictures ,in the early 1930s,film narrators like Halo began to lose work, and Akira
  3. Entrepreneur Nick Berg being decapitated in Iraq. Other decapitation videos and, pictures , including those of Paul Johnson, Kim Sunil, and Daniel Pearl, were first
  4. The Academy Awards are the oldest awards ceremony for achievements in motion, pictures , The Academy Award for Best Art Direction recognizes achievement in art
  5. Submit a name based on other significant contribution to the field of motion, pictures , New membership proposals are considered annually. The Academy does not
  6. I like hot summers, cold winters, heavy rains and snows, and I think most of my, pictures ,show this. I like extremes because I find them most alive. " Wind is also a
  7. Photo, every ABBA-member held a giant initial letter of his/her name. After the, pictures ,were made, Heilemann found out that one of the men held his letter backwards.
  8. Well-paying job if he agrees to side with the government. As photographers snap, pictures , Alex daydreams of orgiastic violence and realizes the Ludovic conditioning
  9. Another type of one-line ASCII art that does not require the mental rotation of, pictures , which is widely known in Japan as kanji (literally" face characters ". )
  10. From one page to the next, so that when the pages are turned rapidly,the, pictures ,appear to animate by simulating motion or some other change. Flip books are
  11. This photographic approach to painting and his snapshot method of taking, pictures ,has had a great effect on artistic photography. Warhol was an accomplished
  12. The" toadstool" art looks more like the outlined drawings of shapes than real, pictures , This is an example of" Amiga style" ( also referred to as" old school" or
  13. That they might be" translated to a state of happiness. " Hippolytus of Rome, pictures ,Hades as a place where the righteous dead, awaiting in the bosom of Abraham
  14. At the 1996 US Open at the age of 15,the world noticed her beauty, and soon, pictures ,of her appeared in numerous magazines worldwide. In 2000,Kournikova became the
  15. From August 1911 to July 1912. Flying A was one of the first motion, pictures ,studios in California history. On August 12, 2011,a plaque was unveiled on the
  16. Including a chapel-tent, lined with scarlet cloth and embroidered with sacred, pictures , From Cyprus, they went to the port of Antioch in Syria, and thence traveled for
  17. Warhol made photographs or had them made by his friends and assistants. These, pictures ,were mostly taken with a specific model of Polaroid camera that Polaroid kept
  18. And samples, referred to as a" lunar rickshaw ". Rosa, meanwhile,took, pictures ,from on board command module Kitty Hawk in lunar orbit. The second moonwalk, or
  19. Screenings The Lumiere held their first private screening of projected motion, pictures ,in 1895. Their first public screening of films at which admission was charged
  20. Not until their father retired in 1892 that the brothers began to create moving, pictures , They patented a number of significant processes leading up to their film
  21. Crew of Apollo 8,the first manned spacecraft to orbit the Moon, sent televised, pictures ,of the Earth and the Moon back to Earth (left),and read from the creation
  22. Especially in British English, called a flick book) is a book with a series of, pictures ,that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the pages are
  23. A graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of, pictures ,pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters
  24. And used in this way it can represent numbers up to 100. Abaci in Renaissance, pictures ,File: Gregor Each, Margarita Philosophical,1508 (1230x1615). PNG File:
  25. Or transmitted than graphics, or in some cases, where the transmission of, pictures ,is not possible. This includes typewriters, teleprinters,non-graphic computer
  26. Times when he was confined to bed, he drew, listened to the radio and collected, pictures ,of movie stars around his bed. Warhol later described this period as very
  27. Attached to the wrists of Conrad's and Bean's spacesuits) reduced-sized, pictures ,of Playboy centerfolds, surprising Conrad and Bean when they looked through the
  28. Different from any that he had ever filmed before. While some of his previous, pictures ,(for example, Drunken Angel and Kagemusha) had included brief dream sequences
  29. Propagandistic paintings. This led to Romantic rejections of this in favor of, pictures ,of the emotional side and individuality of humans, exemplified in the novels of
  30. Astronomers use telescopes to survey the sky and large-area cameras to take, pictures ,at various determined intervals. By studying these images, they can detect
  31. Late 14th century, Piers the Plowman and Chaucer both painted unflattering, pictures ,of Alchemists as thieves and liars; and in 1403,Henry IV of England banned the
  32. ISAM Kurosawa was open to western traditions and saw theater and motion, pictures ,as educationally valuable. He encouraged his children to watch films; young
  33. From an American spacecraft (Gordon Cooper had broadcast slow scan television, pictures ,from Faith 7 in 1963) and testing the mock LM docking maneuver which involved
  34. The mannerism painter Agnelo Bronzing, whose name he sometimes assumed in his, pictures , In some ways, Allori is the last of the line of prominent Florentine painters
  35. All TV transmissions from space, training and launch footage, and motion, pictures ,taken in flight. Portions of the Apollo 8 Mission can be seen in the 1989
  36. Which premiered in May 1945,is generally considered one of his very weakest, pictures , Kurosawa decided to write the script for a film that would be both
  37. Of the main graphical elements (rocks, saucer,player's ship, explosion, pictures , letters, and digits) in the form of DVG commands. Legacy Due to the game's
  38. A striking fact that Minus, though a professional soldier, gives excellent, pictures ,of social and economic problems, and in his attitude to the non-Roman peoples
  39. A powerful CPU is needed to run for example MADE, but even decoding JPEG, pictures ,and MP3 audio was considered heavy computation at the time). It is also
  40. Cater to non-Chinese customers with menus written in English or containing, pictures , If separate Chinese-language menus are available, they typically feature
  41. As Apollo 13 neared Earth, the crew first jettisoned the Service Module so, pictures ,could be taken for later analysis. It was then that the crew were surprised to
  42. And Rickie Lee Jones. Austin has been the location for a number of motion, pictures , partly due to the influence of The University of Texas at Austin Department of
  43. In addition to radar and lightning detection, observations and extended radar, pictures ,(such as NEURAL) are now available through satellite data connections
  44. Diverse and depend on the capabilities of the user. They may be as basic as, pictures ,on a board that they are used to request food, drink,or other care; or they can
  45. That the Sector 4 panel had been blown off. According to the analysts, these, pictures , also showed the antenna damage and possibly an upward tilt to the fuel cell
  46. Easy identification of the commander while on the surface; on the Apollo 12, pictures , it had been almost impossible to distinguish between the two crewmen, causing
  47. Of the Rub'all Kali, being maintained by Bedouins, are among the most famous, pictures ,from the heyday of the British Empire. In Soviet Union the Chief Administration
  48. Work in color, the dynamic editing and complex compositions of his earlier, pictures ,were set aside, with the artist focusing on the creation of a bold, almost
  49. Long and successful career spanning over 50 years, he directed over 400 motion, pictures , many of them highly acclaimed, such as the 1949 box office smash, Sands of Two
  50. Rim amid the rolling terrain of the crater's slopes. Later analysis, using the, pictures ,that they took, determined that they had come within an estimated of the crater

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