Examples of the the word, choir , in a Sentence Context

The word ( choir ), is the 6826 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Anthem ", in which passages for solo voices alternated with passages for full, choir , began to evolve. This became the dominant form in the Restoration period, when
  2. Took place at St. Stephen's Cathedral, where the young Joseph Haydn was then a, choir ,boy. The cost of his funeral included a Kleingeläut (pauper's peal of bells)
  3. In addition to its solo role, the bassoon is an effective bass to a woodwind, choir , a bass line along with the cellos and double basses, and harmonic support
  4. Of the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches, both being written for a trained, choir ,and not for the congregation, it is as a musical form essentially English in
  5. Joy" () changed to" Freedom" () in the lyrics sung. The orchestra and, choir ,were drawn from both East and West Germany, as well as the United Kingdom
  6. The local St. John's Lutheran Church, where Christiansen was organist and the, choir ,was composed at least partially of students from the nearby St. Olaf campus.
  7. Talented stayed and became members of the Ospedale's renowned orchestra and, choir , Shortly after Vivaldi's appointment, the orphans began to gain appreciation
  8. Schweitzer were among the six musicians who founded the Paris Bach Society,a, choir ,dedicated to performing J. S. Bach's music, for whose concerts Schweitzer took
  9. Practicing a mixed life of reciting the full eight services of the Breviary in, choir , along with a daily Eucharist, plus service to the poor. The mixed life
  10. Bishop Callisto Ware says," The service is sung, even though there may be no, choir ,... In the Orthodox Church today, as in the early Church, singing is
  11. Also incorporates a major traditional work:" Jerusalem ", sung by a British, choir ,at the 1978 funeral of Harold Abrahams. The hymn, which was written during
  12. Eastern and Western Christianity. In the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church,the, choir ,dress of a bishop includes the purple cassock with amaranth trim, rochet
  13. They adopted naves of great length to accommodate large congregations. The, choir ,is usually long, and is sometimes, as at Anthony and Christchurch (Wyndham)
  14. The high altar (A) stands immediately to the east of the transept, or ritual, choir ,; the altar of Saint Paul (B) in the eastern, and that of St Peter (C) in
  15. Wagner arranged the orchestral parts for piano, retaining vocal soloists and, choir , and this has been recorded by Nariño Ottawa with the Bach Collegium Japan
  16. Lively and animated with leaps and agile movements and usually accompanied by a, choir ,of three or more singers in the center of the circle. In other areas, the dance
  17. Transept, which features Scotland's largest lancet windows, part of the, choir ,and presbytery, the southern half of the nave, parts of the western towers and
  18. Hunt; to have sixty" daughters of Oceans ", all nine years of age, to be her, choir ,; and for twenty Amenities Nymphs as handmaidens to watch her dogs and bow while
  19. Simply as" antiphonal chant ", a method of chanting where one side of the, choir ,alternately responds to the other. (The later pope St. Gregory I the Great is
  20. Harp singers in Georgia, black Sacred Harp singers in Alabama, and a prison, choir ,at the Texas State Penitentiary at Huntsville. Collins, Cash,and Norman were
  21. Chapels to the east. The western transept was. Long, and the eastern. The, choir ,terminated in a semicircular apse, surrounded by five chapels, also
  22. Antiphons, but come at the end of the psalm, being originally the reply of the, choir ,or congregation to the preceptor who recited the psalm. Hymns The hymns are
  23. A mural honoring Holly, and Lubbock High School, where he sang in the school, choir , also honors the late musician. The Crickets Holly saw Elvis Presley sing in
  24. Flocks. As the leader of the Muses (Apollo Musettes) and director of their, choir , Apollo functioned as the patron god of music and poetry. Hermes created the
  25. The son of a former serf, ran a grocery store. A director of the parish, choir , devout Orthodox Christian, and physically abusive father, Pavel Chekhov has
  26. At first the president of the local church (bishop) or the leader of the, choir ,chose a particular psalm as he thought appropriate. From about the 4th century
  27. Was born in Matt see near Salzburg. A musical child, he sang in the boys ', choir ,at the Salzburg Cathedral where he is believed to have taken music lessons with
  28. On the amount of music and the number of high masses) are thus spent in, choir , Lay use of the Breviary has varied throughout the Church's history. In some
  29. Chair in favor of Jean de la Rochelle. In being the first Franciscan to hold a, choir ,at the University of Paris, he had been the teacher of many significant
  30. Or monthly (in preference to the daily offices),by priests attired in, choir ,habit, or more regular clothes, rather than Eucharistic vestments. Ceremony may
  31. Do not belong to the violin family and are not homogenous with the string, choir , In modern arranging these instruments are considered part of the rhythm
  32. Purple cassock, purple zucchetto, and pectoral cross. However, the traditional, choir ,dress of Anglican bishops is quite different from that of their Catholic
  33. Or homogenous with the violin family and is not considered part of the string, choir , Samuel Adler classifies the harp as a plucked string instrument in the same
  34. The nave, he was to kneel and pray at the topmost step of the entrance of the, choir , into which he was to be introduced by the bishop or his commissary, and placed
  35. And a narrator is set against a background of a classical orchestra and a large, choir , Modern music may also be termed" Celtic" because it is written and recorded
  36. European Festival of Youth Choirs (Europäisches Jugendchorfestival, or MJCF), choir , festival opened: this Basel tradition started in 1992. Host of this festival is
  37. 1878. The song quickly gained popularity and an amended version was sung by a, choir ,of 10,000 at the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1 January
  38. However, in 1841,the rebuilt Leeds Parish Church established a surplice, choir ,to accompany parish services; drawing explicitly on the musical traditions of
  39. Preparing the altar and caring for its candles, linens,flowers, etc.),in the, choir ,and as cantors, as ushers and greeters and on the church council (called the "
  40. Often used to accompany other instruments or ensembles such as an organ, or a, choir , Blood libel (also blood accusation) is a false accusation or claim that
  41. Section in a multi-sectioned orchestra is referred sometimes to as the“ string, choir , ” The harp is also a stringed instrument, but is not a member of or homogenous
  42. Of God, it has been assumed that Habakkuk was likely a member of the Levitical, choir ,in the Temple. Contemporary scholars point out, however,that this chapter is
  43. He heard and saw with all his attention, and from the overture to the last, choir ,there was not a piece that didn't elicit a" Bravo! " Or" Hello! " Out of him
  44. These extremes are a variety of styles of worship, often involving a robed, choir ,and the use of the organ to accompany the singing and to provide music before
  45. Made no mention of choral worship) by which existing choral foundations and, choir ,schools were instructed to be continued, and their endowments secured.
  46. Abbeys, and has only one aisle to the nave—that to the north; while the, choir ,is long, narrow and aisleless. Each transept has an aisle to the east, forming
  47. Opera (" Pirate Jenny" ). In the brothel scene in act 2 of Mahagonny,the, choir ,sings a" Song von Mandela ". The play Happy End (1929) by Elisabeth
  48. WIR between feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Helium! ", is omitted, then the, choir ,sings the last four lines of the main theme, where they stop at," All
  49. Three chapels. The church at Bay ham was destitute of aisles either to nave or, choir , The latter terminated in a three-sided apse. This church is remarkable for its
  50. Used the bassoon to reinforce the bass line, and as the bass of the double reed, choir ,(oboes and faille). Baroque composer Jean-Baptiste Lully and his Les Petite

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