Examples of the the word, faction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( faction ), is the 6833 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Maria letters. This marriage led to disastrous results, as the Massive, faction ,at court murdered the Babylonian king and placed a pretender on the throne.
  2. Policy and more socially progressive ideals, and Labor Right, the now dominant, faction ,that tends to be more economically liberal and focus to a lesser extent on
  3. Born a Quaker, had converted to the Exclusive Brethren, a more conservative, faction ,of a Christian denomination known as the Plymouth Brethren, as had his mother
  4. Leader. And founder and leader of the Hebe Islam radical Islamic militant, faction , alone amounted" by the most conservative estimates" to $600 million. Later
  5. Who was ironically a member of the Republican Party, not the Caesarion, faction , Aware of his deteriorating relationship with Octavian, Antony left Cleopatra;
  6. And appears to have governed well (590-580 BC),even allowing Antaeus and his, faction ,to return home in peace. Sometime before 600 BC, Mytilene fought Athens for
  7. Law (voiced by Hash Gordon) of the Peacekeeping Forces. The seven additional, faction ,leaders in MAX are Prime Function Aka Zeta-Five (voiced by Allie Riven bark)
  8. And Planet (voiced by Alena Lanka). The characters are developed from the, faction ,leaders' portraits, the spoken monologues accompanying scientific discoveries
  9. Then, but are killed when two rival Tines forces attempt to seize the ship. The, faction ,that initially contacts the humans, led by a Tine known as Steel, kills the
  10. Norman Foster. Parliamentary committees and subcommittees, public hearings and, faction ,meetings take place in three auxiliary buildings, which surround the Reichstag
  11. Into the game. Michael Fly directed the Secret Project movies and cast the, faction ,leaders. 25 volunteers participated in Fir axis' first public beta test. The
  12. And secret projects improve the performance of individual bases and the entire, faction , In addition to terraforming, optimizing individual base performance and
  13. And power that, somehow,could compensate what they lost at home. The, faction ,grew in power, especially after Ines de Castro, daughter of an important
  14. Century, antipopes were typically those supported by a fairly significant, faction ,of religious cardinals and secular kings and kingdoms. Persons who claim to be
  15. Utility. Most voters vote for only their first choice. Only the Knoxville, faction ,also votes for its second choice, Chattanooga. As a result, the winner is
  16. Were put in jail. Note may be taken of the fact that Karma and his Parch am, faction , arguing that the country was not yet ready for the socialist transformation of
  17. ANC leadership in 2007 and Mbeki's resignation as president in 2008,the Meek, faction ,of former ministers led by Motion Lakota split away from the ANC to form the
  18. Consistent with the rankings given earlier and reflect a strong preference each, faction ,has for choosing its city, compared to weaker preferences for other factors
  19. Will destroy all human life. To counter this threat, the player or a computer, faction ,builds" The Voice of Alpha Centauri" secret project, which delays the
  20. Al-Qaeda was a formal group by that time:" basically an organized Islamic, faction , its goal is to lift the word of God, to make His religion victorious. " A list
  21. That Caesar was granting amnesty to a great number of those of the senatorial, faction ,in their defeat. Even men who had been bitter enemies were allowed to not only
  22. Following the election of a conservative African Pope; the liberal, faction , taking as pretext the exclusion from a previous conclave of a number of
  23. The Abencerrages (from the Arabic for" Saddler's Son" ), were a family or, faction ,that is said to have held a prominent position in the Moorish kingdom of
  24. Such as the cannon). Jefri's older sister, Johanna,is rescued by the rival, faction ,of Tines, led by Woodcarver. She, too,is used to develop technology that could
  25. And the Parch am faction s, Karmal became the leader of the more moderate Parch am, faction , When Mohammed Beyond Khan overthrew the monarchy and instituted the Republic
  26. Troops were assembling for the expedition, Alexios was approached by the Donkeys, faction ,at court, who convinced him to join a conspiracy against Lifeforms III. The
  27. Arabia supported the Wahhabi Abdul Raoul SAAF and his Ittihad-i Islam, faction , Because of the chaos, some leaders increasingly had only nominal control over
  28. Was initially Deputy Prime Minister but, following the rise of the rival Half, faction , he and other important members of the Parch am faction such as Mohammed
  29. Chairman, stated in Spearhead during 1999 that members of Combat 18 had been a, faction ,of the British Movement some years earlier, from which they were expelled, but
  30. Re-election in the 1864 presidential election. As the leader of the moderate, faction ,of the Republican Party, Lincoln came under attack from all sides. Radical
  31. Georgia's crisis to pressure Cherokee leaders to sign a removal treaty. A small, faction ,of Cherokees led by John Ridge negotiated the Treaty of New Echo ta with Jackson
  32. However, was not ended. Pompey's two sons, Gnaeus and Sexts, and the Pompeian, faction , led now by Retells Scipio and Cato, survived and fought for their cause in
  33. S pagan gods, declared that he would no longer attempt to favor one church, faction ,over another, and allowed all exiled bishops to return; this had the objective
  34. Arabia supported the Wahhabi Abdul Raoul SAAF and his Ittihad-i Islam, faction , The militias who fought against the Islamic State and Massed were known for
  35. King of the Hurry while seeking support from the Assyrians. A pro-Hurri/Assyria, faction ,appeared at the royal Gianni court, which his son and successor Ashur-uballit
  36. Of the army until he was killed in September 1979. To bolster the Parch am, faction ,and as part of its Cold War strategy to ultimately reach Radar in Balochistan
  37. Examples In the example election described here, assume that the voters in each, faction ,share the following on Neumann-Morgenstern utilities, fitted to the interval
  38. Which became the BNP two years later. At its foundation, the party included a, faction ,of the disintegrating British Movement. Tyndall's leadership, early years
  39. Great. Caesar spent the next few years 'mopping up' remnants of the senatorial, faction , After seemingly destroying all his enemies and bringing peace to Rome he was
  40. The ideologically based bonuses and penalties forced by the player's choice of, faction , Probe teams can sabotage and steal information, units,technology, and energy
  41. By Dostum's Punish forces and members of the Shia Hazard Hebei What, faction , The Taliban defeated Dostum's Punish forces militarily by seizing
  42. In favor of Athanasius, and vigorously rejected the criticisms of the Russian, faction ,at Tyre. At a council in 350,Athanasius was replaced in his see. In 362 was
  43. Melancholy - he was overthrown sometime between 612BC and 609 BC by a, faction ,that, in addition to the brothers of Antaeus, included Pittances (later
  44. Leaders and competes against the others to colonize and conquer Planet. Each, faction ,excels at one or two important aspects of the game and follows a distinct
  45. Of many Castilian nobles to Portugal. These immigrants immediately created a, faction ,among the Portuguese court, aiming at privileges and power that, somehow,could
  46. Commitments. As the ship breaks up, seven escape pods, each containing a, faction , are scattered across Planet. Characters The game focuses on the leaders of
  47. Expressed his willingness to cull Labor's" sacred cows ". The Socialist Left, faction , as well as prominent Labor figure Barry Jones, offered severe criticism of a
  48. Mouflon and his brothers are killed during a coup headed by the aristocratic, faction ,under, paving the way for its leader, Michael VIII Palaiologos, to ultimately
  49. Rise of the rival Half faction , he and other important members of the Parch am, faction ,such as Mohammed Najibullah, Noor Ahmad Noor, Anahita Rated, and Mahmood
  50. Him immunity for his opium trafficking that financed operation of his militant, faction , The MAK and foreign mujahideen volunteers, or " Afghan Arabs," did not play a

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