Examples of the the word, sensory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sensory ), is the 6821 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cannot doubt their own consciousness, even in a situation that prevents all, sensory ,data input. The thought experiment told its readers to imagine themselves
  2. Both to some extent, and therefore present with overlapping cerebellar and, sensory ,ataxia, even though one is often more evident than the other. Hereditary
  3. An Such, the " Thing in Itself ", the reality that is the foundation of our, sensory ,and mental representations of an external world. In Kantian terms, those
  4. Inspiration and intuition through cultivating a form of thinking independent of, sensory ,experience, and to present the results thus derived in a manner subject to
  5. Sometimes defined as those things that do not exist in reality or exist only as, sensory ,experiences, like the color red. That definition, however,suffers from the
  6. Leads to experiences of expressions of soul-spiritual beings unmediated by, sensory ,phenomena or qualities. Steiner calls this stage Inspiration. * By intensifying
  7. As if it were a property of things. " Aesthetic judgments usually go beyond, sensory ,discrimination. For David Hume, delicacy of taste is not merely" the ability
  8. Of the neuropathic involvement. Spinal disorders of various types may cause, sensory ,ataxia from the lesioned level below, when they involve the dorsal columns.
  9. Ganglia, but sophisticated purposeful control of behavior based on complex, sensory ,input requires the information-integrating capabilities of a centralized brain.
  10. Century straddling 1600 as a conventional date, empiricism is the reliance on, sensory ,data gathered in experimentation by scientists of any country, who,in the Age
  11. These closely related fields. In practice aesthetic judgement refers to the, sensory ,contemplation or appreciation of an object (not necessarily an art object)
  12. Is really perceiving. A concrete example of a situation where an individual's, sensory ,input might be caused by something other than what he thinks is causing it is
  13. Mantras, the median can achieve consciously directed Imaginations that allow, sensory ,phenomena to appear as the expression of underlying beings of a soul-spiritual
  14. Paraphasia. Examples of fluent aphasia are: Wernicke's aphasia, Transcortical, sensory ,aphasia, Conduction aphasia, Anomic aphasia Age of onset is usually defined as
  15. Brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary, sensory ,apparatus of vision, hearing,balance, taste,and smell. The brain of a
  16. Reaching into the extremities of the appendages. An ant's head contains many, sensory ,organs. Like most insects, ants have compound eyes made from numerous tiny
  17. Treatment in adults with ADAM showed that IVG seems more effective in treating, sensory ,and motor disturbances, while steroids seem more effective in treating
  18. Are considered core features by some, although there is no good evidence that, sensory ,symptoms differentiate autism from other developmental disorders. Differences
  19. A separate disorder in itself) #Transcortical motor aphasia #Transcortical, sensory ,aphasia * Anemia is another type of aphasia proposed under what is commonly
  20. In life. Although traditionally thought only to affect the motor system, sensory ,abnormalities are not necessarily absent, with some patients finding altered
  21. By engaging our capacities of reflective contemplation. Judgments of beauty are, sensory , emotional and intellectual all at once. Viewer interpretations of beauty
  22. May result in a fluent aphasia that is called Wernicke's aphasia (also termed, sensory ,aphasia). These individuals usually have nobody weakness, because their brain
  23. A more inviting place for visually impaired surfers. Experimental approaches in, sensory ,substitution are beginning to provide access to arbitrary live views from a
  24. With its emphasis on experimentation and reliance on evidence gathered from, sensory ,experience. In parallel with the revolutions against rising political
  25. Political and Literary. Indianapolis, Literary Classics 5,1987. ) Thus,the, sensory ,discrimination is linked to capacity for pleasure. For Kant" enjoyment" is
  26. The weight of the head while also providing space for muscle attachment and, sensory ,organs. Its long jaws contained more than 60 banana-shaped teeth; larger
  27. System Motor Lower motor neurons have two kinds of fibers: Sensory Different, sensory ,receptors are innervated by different types of nerve fibers. Proprietors are
  28. May cause, among several neurological abnormalities, overlapping cerebellar and, sensory ,ataxia. Causes of isolated sensory ataxia Peripheral naturopathies may cause
  29. Sensory ataxia Peripheral naturopathies may cause generalized or localized, sensory ,ataxia (e.g. a limb only) depending on the extent of the neuropathic
  30. Four-sensed and five-sensed ones; a one-sensed animal has touch as its only, sensory ,modality. The more senses a being has, the more they care about its protection.
  31. Involve many other kinds of issues as well. Responses such as disgust show that, sensory ,detection is linked in instinctual ways to facial expressions, and even
  32. Strategic reasoning and" Constructive Conscious Control" because kinesthetic, sensory ,awareness is a relative sense, not a truthful indicator of factual bodily
  33. And III sensory fibers and nociceptors and chemoreceptors by type III and IV, sensory ,fibers. Autonomic nervous system has two kind of peripheral fibers:
  34. Believed that human cognition ought to be based on one's perceptions – one's, sensory ,experiences, such as sight and hearing – instead of imagination or internal
  35. With the spinal cord, contains many small nuclei involved in a wide variety of, sensory ,and motor functions. *The pons lies in the brain stem directly above the medulla
  36. Can therefore be constructed moving from neural impulses arising from, sensory ,perception to basic abstractions such as color or shape to experiential
  37. And mental representations of an external world. In Kantian terms, those, sensory , and mental representations are mere phenomena. Schopenhauer departed from Kant
  38. Types of nerve fibers. Proprietors are innervated by type Ia, Ib and II, sensory ,fibers, mechanoreceptors by type II and III sensory fibers and nociceptors and
  39. As well as autosomal recessive disorders such as Friedreich's ataxia (, sensory ,and cerebellar, with the former predominating) and Riemann Pick disease
  40. As customarily normal, however inefficient. Alexander's term," debauched, sensory ,appreciation" describes how the of a circumstance encourages habit design as a
  41. Judgment Judgments of aesthetic value rely on our ability to discriminate at a, sensory ,level. Aesthetics examines our affective domain response to an object or
  42. S events, the median can achieve a further stage of inner independence from, sensory ,experience, leading to direct contact, and even union, with spiritual beings (
  43. Abnormalities, overlapping cerebellar and sensory ataxia. Causes of isolated, sensory ,ataxia Peripheral naturopathies may cause generalized or localized sensory
  44. Both mind and body — wherein the being is in the mind, and the" body" is all, sensory ,aspects within the being. Heidegger coined the Germanic term" casein" for
  45. The tops and sides of the trunk, numerous transverse linear reliefs, in which, sensory ,endings abound. The dorsal fin, well behind, is very high, short,and is at the
  46. The former predominating) and Riemann Pick disease, ataxia-telangiectasia (, sensory ,and cerebellar, with the latter predominating),and abetalipoproteinaemia. An
  47. Earl of Shaftesbury this was identical to the moral sense, beauty just is the, sensory ,version of moral goodness. For Ludwig Wittgenstein aesthetics consisted in the
  48. First, by perceiving features of the object by our external senses. This, sensory ,information is supplied to the internal senses, which merge all the pieces into
  49. Effects of ayahuasca include visual and auditory stimulation, the mixing of, sensory ,modalities, and psychological introspection that may lead to great elation
  50. By type Ia, Ib and II sensory fibers, mechanoreceptors by type II and III, sensory ,fibers and nociceptors and chemoreceptors by type III and IV sensory fibers.

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