Examples of the the word, boulder , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Rocky material (glacial till) being carried in the glacier. A material called, boulder ,clay is deposited on the floor of the valley. As the ice melts and retreats
  2. Gives a precise description of the feature and the location of the kite, e. g., boulder , 5 m,north side. For experienced oriented the descriptions use symbols (
  3. Yachts. Bubble Rock is what is known as a" glacial erratic" and is a large, boulder ,perched on the edge of Bubble Mountain in Acadia National Park. By analyzing
  4. He was forced to attempt a landing in the desert. The undercarriage hit a, boulder ,and the aircraft crashed, fracturing his skull, smashing his nose, and
  5. The Tuning Mule National Park (Mini, Sarawak,Borneo, Malaysia ), a sloping, boulder ,strewn chamber with an area of approximately and a height of. The nearby
  6. Entirely on the film. Several sequences from the film are reproduced (the, boulder ,run and the showdown with the Cairo Swordsman among them); however, several
  7. Advance and retreat of the ice sheet. The retreat left gravel, sand,clay and, boulder ,deposits. Glacial meltwaters gathered in the Superior basin creating Lake
  8. Is visible reflected in Schmitt's helmet visor. Image: Moon-apollo17-schmitt, boulder , JPG|Schmitt stands next to a large boulder during EVA 3. Image: AS17-145-22224
  9. Is a trivial solution because, for example, an omnipotent being could create a, boulder ,that the strongest human could not lift (it needn't do that anyway since such
  10. Died of cancer. The poet's ashes were buried beside, or beneath,a, boulder ,to the immediate west of where his childhood home (destroyed by fire in 1957)
  11. Silica makes up 30 % of the opal produced,8 % is black and only 2 % is, boulder ,opal. The town of Cooper PED in South Australia is a major source of opal. The
  12. Techniques of polishing, doublet opal produces similar effect of black or, boulder ,opals at a mere fraction of the price. Doublet opal also has the added benefit
  13. My Boulder ". The song features the lyrics," If I'm Obelix, you are my, boulder ,". * On 29 October 2009,the Google homepage of a great number of countries
  14. Fire in 1957) stood; some were also scattered in a stand of blue oaks near the, boulder , There was no marker. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi? Page grid
  15. United States. Some clear topaz crystals from Brazilian pegmatites can reach, boulder ,size and weigh hundreds of pounds. Crystals of this size may be seen in museum
  16. Set into the pavement of Fore Street is the 'Brutus Stone ', a small granite, boulder ,onto which, according to local legend, Brutus first stepped from his ship. As
  17. Buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery, joined later by his wife. His monument is a, boulder ,selected from the moraine of the glacier of the AAR near the site of the old
  18. Previous injury, but Athena managed to overpower him by striking Ares with a, boulder ,(XXI.391–408). Renaissance In Renaissance and Neoclassical works of art, Ares
  19. And breaking and tearing the two bones, after the arm got stuck under a, boulder ,when hiking in Utah. * In 2003,an Australian coal miner amputated his own arm
  20. Visor. Image: Moon-apollo17-schmitt boulder . JPG|Schmitt stands next to a large, boulder ,during EVA 3. Image: AS17-145-22224. JPG|Hernán in the lunar module after EVA
  21. Husband also stands near the High School in Ha warden. *Gladstone Rock—a large, boulder ,about 12 ft high in CWM Plan on the Watkins Path on the south side of Snowden
  22. To move. Smaller boulder s are usually just called rocks or stones. The word, boulder ,comes from Middle English" builder" which was probably of Scandinavian origin
  23. Claiming that his cleverness surpassed Zeus causing the god to make the, boulder ,roll away from Sisyphus binding Sisyphus to an eternity of frustration. * King
  24. The" Phi" scale, which classifies particles by size from" colloid" to ", boulder ,". Composition of sediment can be measured in terms of: This leads
  25. The model jet, causing him to bleed. * The same Estonian agent is crushed by a, boulder ,hurled by Megaton. With this being the first of the three Cinema Shares
  26. South. The rarest type of Australian opal is" pipe" opal, closely related to, boulder ,opal, which forms in sandstone with some iron-ore content, usually as
  27. Turned brilliant red when she saw the risen Christ. The egg represents the, boulder ,of the tomb of Jesus. A different, but not necessarily conflicting legend
  28. Back to the Underworld. In Tartarus, Sisyphus would be forced to roll a large, boulder ,up a mountainside which when he reached the crest, rolled away from Sisyphus
  29. Are also responsive to external circumstances, however: if the same sun-baked, boulder ,happens to host a ground squirrel, the animal's metabolism will adjust to the
  30. On Good Friday, he was buried beside the river Dwyer in Llanystumdwy. A great, boulder ,marks his grave; there is no inscription. However, a monument designed by the
  31. Instead married Acid, a Sicilian mortal, a jealous Polyphemus killed him with a, boulder , Galatea turned Acid' blood into a river of the same name in Sicily. Virgil
  32. And dole rite in the north; from long mountain routes in the Poisoned Glen to, boulder ,challenges of excellent quality in the west and in the Inshore Peninsula.
  33. S, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada * The Rock (Michigan State University),a, boulder ,on the campus of Michigan State University *The Rocks, Inc., US military
  34. Fast current and shallow water. This gives way to a bottom of gravel, rubble or, boulder , Riffles are morning and evening feeding areas. Trout usually spawn just above
  35. To move or roll manually, others are extremely massive. In common usage,a, boulder ,is too large for a person to move. Smaller boulder s are usually just called
  36. Trends. They are buried in Green River Cemetery in Springs with a large, boulder ,marking his grave and a smaller one marking hers. Legacy The Pollock-Krasner
  37. Working in the United States, used the term to describe a" chalky, boulder ,clay" underlying a layer of gravel at Horne, central England, where Chilean
  38. who was condemned to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a, boulder ,up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. The essay concludes," The
  39. Park, in Glen Ellen, California. The simple grave is marked only by a mossy, boulder , Accusations of plagiarism London was vulnerable to accusations of plagiarism
  40. With grain size of usually no less than 256 mm (10 inches) diameter. While a, boulder ,may be small enough to move or roll manually, others are extremely massive. In
  41. Two subtle digital revisions were added. First, a connecting rod from the giant, boulder ,to an off screen guidance track in the opening scene was removed from behind the
  42. New Mill),are also usually in brick. Physical geography Cheshire covers a, boulder ,clay plain separating the hills of North Wales and the Peak District of
  43. http://www.classics.und.ac.za/reviews/2002.htm * In geology,a, boulder ,is a rock with grain size of usually no less than 256 mm (10 inches) diameter
  44. Things Suburbia asked them to do, such as Kong and Godzilla volleying a giant, boulder ,back and forth. But Suburbia wanted to appeal to children's sensibilities and
  45. With a heavy-duty fabric shell. They are opened and placed at the base of a, boulder ,to cover irregularities in the landing and provide some cushion if the climber
  46. Covered by glaciers during the Ice Age and has a superficial layer of glacial, boulder ,clays. Natural resources and environment Despite the spread of built areas
  47. Of deposits that is typical of the southwest of Scotland. There is a mixture of, boulder ,clay and other glacial deposits in the eroded valleys, and raised beach and
  48. In Greenland, once covered all the countries in which unstratified gravel (, boulder ,drift) is found; that this gravel was in general produced by the tribulation
  49. Atlas (light trucks),a vehicle manufacturer in Greece Sport * Atlas Stone,a, boulder ,lifting event in strength events * Club Atlético Atlas, an Argentinian amateur
  50. Depressions in the rock underlying a glacier, caused by the abrasion where a, boulder ,in the ice catches and is then released repetitively as the glacier drags it

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