Examples of the the word, wheelchair , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wheelchair ), is the 6169 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Play inline sledge hockey, unlike the situation with other team sports such as, wheelchair ,basketball and wheelchair rugby. Inline sledge hockey is being developed to
  2. Behind the UK and other countries on issues such as disability allowances and, wheelchair ,access to both private and government buildings. http://www.disability.gi/ WWW.
  3. Wheelchair floor ball Originally developed for players with disabilities, wheelchair ,floor ball is played with exactly the same rules as" regular" floor ball.
  4. Between the teams. Special needs in curling has been adapted for, wheelchair ,users and people otherwise unable to throw the stone from the hack. These
  5. Surgeries within the final months of his life, and at one point he used a, wheelchair , By September 1989 his cancer was declared terminal. He produced scenes for the
  6. With the show, appearing with his leg in a cast and cavorting on stage from a, wheelchair , He had done much the same on his television show in 1964 when his right leg
  7. Pinochet returned to Chile in March 2000. Upon descending the plane on his, wheelchair , he stood up and saluted the cheering crowd of supporters, including an army
  8. Based on the drug infusion pump technology),and an all-terrain electric, wheelchair ,known as the bot, using many of the same gyroscopic balancing technologies
  9. Two photographs are known to exist of FDR which were taken while he was in his, wheelchair ,; only four seconds of film exist of the" walk" he achieved after his illness.
  10. As a pocket watch. Just as Dr. Strange love miraculously gets up from his, wheelchair , takes a couple of steps and shouts," Man Führer! I can walk!," the Doomsday
  11. Skipper, American professional wrestler *1969 – Chantal Petitclerc, Canadian, wheelchair , athlete * 1970 – Lawrence Funderburke, American basketball player *1971 – Are
  12. A. R. Alexander also taught his brother's technique, despite being in a, wheelchair , The Technique The Teaching Process F. M. Alexander's approach emphasizes the
  13. Former Batgirl Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's daughter who, now using a, wheelchair ,due to a gunshot wound inflicted by the Joker, serves the superhero community
  14. Party for her, and Agnes is afraid no one will come. Viktoria, a girl in a, wheelchair , shows up and Agnes shouts at her in front of her parents, telling her they are
  15. Said FDR's biographer Jean Edward Smith in 2007," He lifted himself from a, wheelchair ,to lift the nation from its knees. " Both during and after his terms, critics
  16. Or hydraulically extended under-floor ramps to provide level access for, wheelchair ,users and people with baby carriages. Prior to more general use of such
  17. Dates to at least 1800 BC. and the modern, lightweight,steel, collapsible, wheelchair , was created by Harry Jennings and his disabled friend Herbert Everest, in 1933.
  18. Fence all three weapons. The most apparent change is that each fencer sits in a, wheelchair ,fastened to a frame. Footwork is replaced by torso or arm movement, depending
  19. In Prague, Czech Republic. In addition to this, there is also an electric, wheelchair ,variation. Competitions In addition to the world floor ball championships, there
  20. The ones that were included did not provide sight lines that would enable the, wheelchair ,user to view the playing area while the spectators in front of them were
  21. To provide clarification on the distribution requirements for accessible, wheelchair ,locations in large assembly spaces. While Section 4.33.3 of ADAYG makes
  22. Think tank had dismissed it as being too dangerous to be practical. From his, wheelchair , Strange love explains the technology behind the Doomsday Machine and why it is
  23. Slipped and broke the base of his spine. Following the accident, he would use a, wheelchair ,for the rest of his life, putting an end to any hopes of him directing another
  24. Ball, and goaltenders are also allowed to play. The first ever IFF-sanctioned, wheelchair ,floor ball matches were played between the men's teams of the Czech Republic
  25. Vehicles modified with Height adjustable suspension, to allow, wheelchair ,entry to the vehicle * Robot-aided rehabilitation is a sensory-motor
  26. Additional 135 accessible seats in clubhouses to go along with the existing 88, wheelchair , seats. This case was significant because it set a precedent for the uniform
  27. The three spent a day and a night in York, where,escorting Anne around in a, wheelchair , they did some shopping, and at Anne's request, visited York Minster. However
  28. S small campground offers a quiet camping experience. The park also features a, wheelchair ,accessible camping cabin.; Trails The park's extensive trail system features
  29. Position while maintaining/improving their health (standing frame, standing, wheelchair , active stander). * Walking products to aid people with disabilities who are
  30. Also be designed to be usable by the visually impaired. Coaches generally use, wheelchair ,lifts instead of low floor designs. In some countries vehicles are required to
  31. He turned most state functions over to Ramie Asia. In his final days he was a, wheelchair ,user and was suffering from diabetes, which he had suffered from since 1948
  32. The camera shots were planned, so television viewers did not see Kaye in his, wheelchair , In 1976,he played the role of Mister Ghetto in a television musical
  33. The anti-mutant riots occurring in the city, Xavier appears (back in his, wheelchair ,) in the company of Norman Osborn and publicly denounces Cyclops' actions and
  34. In a Stanley Cup victory, to Konstantinos, who came out onto the ice in his, wheelchair ,on victory night to touch the Cup. The Wings won the Cup finals in another
  35. PVA” ) v. Elder Becket Architects and Engineers, Inc., was focused on the, wheelchair ,accessibility of a stadium project that was still in the design Phase, MCI
  36. Such as Fintroll's convenience store, Dimmu Burger,Gorgoroth's electric, wheelchair ,store, Carpathian Forest High School,Marduk's Putt & Stuff,Burzum's
  37. S home: When the time came to end the visit, Fenneman lifted Grouchy from his, wheelchair , put his arms around his torso, and began to" walk" the frail comedian
  38. Grey, but does not pursue it due to his feeling inadequate about being in a, wheelchair , and the age difference and sacredness of the teacher-student relationship.
  39. Swiveling his torso while supporting himself with a cane. In private, he used a, wheelchair , but he was careful never to be seen in it in public. Great care was also taken
  40. Of the law. It is revealed at the end of Curtain that he fakes his need for a, wheelchair ,(he wants to fool people into believing that he is suffering from arthritis to
  41. Minister, died in 1878,and was remembered by Russell as a kindly old man in a, wheelchair , As a result, his widow, the Countess Russell (née Lady Frances Elliot),was
  42. Designed wheelchair s for the physically impaired. The world governing body of, wheelchair ,basketball is the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWF).;
  43. Designed by Elder Becket Architects & Engineers, was designed with too few, wheelchair ,and companion seats, and the ones that were included did not provide sight
  44. People with baby carriages. Prior to more general use of such technology these, wheelchair ,users could only use specialist para transit mobility buses. Accessible vehicles
  45. Session was held on December 3,1973,with Wills leading the band from his, wheelchair , That night, he suffered another massive stroke in his sleep; the stroke left
  46. By the design and manufacture of inline sledges by RGK, Europe’s premier sports, wheelchair ,maker. There is no classification point system dictating who can play inline
  47. In tank-like" Mark III travel machines" partly based on the design of his, wheelchair , He later names these creatures Dales, an anagram of Keyless. Davos quickly
  48. Which was settled in March 2008. The settlement required the stadium to add 329, wheelchair , seats throughout the stadium by 2010,and an additional 135 accessible seats in
  49. Award in 1972. By 1977,he had difficulty communicating, and was using a, wheelchair , Chaplin died in his sleep in Vevey, Switzerland on Christmas Day 1977. Chaplin
  50. Most residential interior doors are 2'-6" wide except when designed to allow, wheelchair ,access, then 3'-0 ". Residential doors are often 6'-8' high, as are many smalls

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