Examples of the the word, pirate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pirate ), is the 6170 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Minister, admiral and politician who in his youth was also a freedom fighter, pirate , privateer and merchantman. Early life He was born and grew up on the island of
  2. 1680 – 22 November 1718),better known as Blackbeard, was a notorious English, pirate ,who operated around the West Indies and the eastern coast of the American
  3. Jonathan More were part-time DJs on the rare groove scene. More also DJed on, pirate ,radio, hosting the Meltdown Show on Kiss FM and worked at the Reckless Records
  4. A small sample of the islands include: *Gracious (Kisses, Chania) the, pirate ,island opposite the Ball lagoon. *Platonism (Chalía),which commemorates a
  5. His own ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, and from 1717 to 1718 became a renowned, pirate , His cognomen, Blackbeard,was derived from his thick black beard and fearsome
  6. About 1716,Teach joined the crew of Captain Benjamin Marigold, a renowned, pirate ,who operated from New Providence's safe waters. In 1716, he placed Teach in
  7. Of a pirate vessel, in which the crew often served by free suffrage. The only, pirate ,ever known to bury treasure was William Kidd, and the only treasure so far
  8. Mayor of New York City from 1946 to 1950. * Grain O'Malley - 16th century, pirate ,queen and chieftain of the clan O’Malley, also known as Granule. * Mary
  9. He also found several items of correspondence, including a letter to the, pirate ,from Tobias Knight. The decapitated corpse was then thrown into the inlet and
  10. Vantage point that Teach first spotted the approaching ship of another English, pirate , Charles Vane. Vane had rejected the pardon brought by Wooden Rogers and
  11. Queen Anne's Revenge as something of a liability; while anchored, news of a, pirate ,fleet would be sent to neighboring towns and colonies, and any vessels nearby
  12. Spots wood arranged for a party of soldiers and sailors to find and capture the, pirate , which they did on 22 November 1718. During a ferocious battle, Teach was
  13. Sailors, he now had a much-reduced crew. Johnson (1724) reported that the, pirate ,had" no more than twenty-five men on board" and that he" gave out to all the
  14. Listeners who were acquainted with Blackburn and other DJs from their days on, pirate ,radio. The first complete record played on Radio 1 was" Flowers in the Rain "
  15. With Marigold that the earliest known report of Teach was made—recorded as a, pirate ,in his own right, and in command of a large crew. In a report made by a Captain
  16. Commodore 64 (introduced in 1982),which was popular among software, pirate ,groups. Popular commercial BBS programs were Blue Board, Ivory BBS,Color64 and
  17. 7:00am on 30 September 1967 as a direct response to the popularity of offshore, pirate ,radio stations such as Radio Caroline, which had been outlawed by Act of
  18. Referred to as" Teach's light" and some recitals claim that the notorious, pirate ,now roams the afterlife searching for his head, for fear that his friends, and
  19. Parade) " by Johnny Dank worth,Blackburn's signature tune carried over from, pirate ,radio). The second single was" Massachusetts" by The Bee Gees. The breakfast
  20. And burying the dead. Teach's loot—sugar, cocoa,indigo and cotton—found" in, pirate ,sloops and ashore in a tent where the sloops lay ", was sold at auction along
  21. With only a minimal picture on each. There is also a family of what seems, pirate ,carts, that look nothing like the others in shape, size or label artwork. The
  22. And specific antibodies. Events *1755 – Commodore William James captures the, pirate ,fortress of Suvarnadurg on west coast of India. *1792 – The Coinage Act is
  23. War II" Pre-Atomic" Submarine made to resemble a penguin, and their three, pirate ,henchmen (Bluebeard, Morgan and Quench),and Batman and Robin must stop them.
  24. NB Some sources give 1585). One tablet records that in 1631 two Altering, pirate ,crews landed in Ireland, sacked Baltimore. The Ketchup mosque (Drama
  25. Prose fiction: *Belt — A self-styled queen of the Black Coast, captain of the, pirate ,ship" Tigress," and Conan's first serious lover (Queen of the Black Coast)
  26. Wealthy owner, and their supposed existence ignores the command structure of a, pirate ,vessel, in which the crew often served by free suffrage. The only pirate ever
  27. Wolves away from their kills. In Yellowstone National Park, brown bears, pirate ,wolf kills so often,Yellowstone's Wolf Project Director Doug Smith wrote,"
  28. Figures such as the 12th century Welsh leader For Bach and the 17th century, pirate ,Henry Morgan to more recent figures such as Roald Dahl, Ken Collect, Griff Rays
  29. Plundered the Spanish ships in the city's harbor. In 1662,English admiral and, pirate ,Christopher Mynas captured and briefly occupied Santiago de Cuba on the eastern
  30. Danish land and gave Godfrey the opportunity to harass Frisian and Flanders with, pirate ,raids. He also subdued the Frank-allied Waltzes and fought the Favorites.
  31. By Khair-ad-Din Barbarossa (see History, below ), who,to accommodated his, pirate ,vessels, caused the island on which was Fort Penn to be connected with the
  32. Much of Vancouver's prosperity and opulence in the 1920s results from this ", pirate ,economy ", although growth in forestry, fishing and mining continued. The end
  33. The first non-communist Prime Minister in 42 years. * 1989 – Raid on offshore, pirate ,station, Radio Caroline in North Sea by British and Dutch governments. * 1989 –
  34. Known about his early life. In 1716, he joined the crew of Benjamin Marigold,a, pirate ,who operated from the Caribbean island of New Providence. He quickly acquired
  35. Command. With Bonnet's permission, Teach took control of his ship Revenge. The, pirate ,flotilla now consisted of three ships; Teach on Revenge, accompanied by his old
  36. Spanish-controlled Samara Bay in Hispaniola, but a cursory search revealed no, pirate ,activity. Captain Hume of HMS Scarborough reported on 6 February that a "
  37. Of being somewhere else, such as in a sanatorium,wizard's castle, or on a, pirate ,ship. In the early days, the file download library consisted of files that the
  38. Raiders challenged the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1997 uniform design, including the, pirate ,logo. The Raiders wanted the courts to bar the Buccaneers and Panthers from
  39. These stories, but that no finds have come to light is not exceptional—buried, pirate ,treasure is often considered a modern myth for which almost no supporting
  40. He roamed throughout the Historian Age nations as a thief, outlaw,mercenary and, pirate , As he grew older, he began commanding larger units of men and escalating his
  41. Reign Danneskjöld One of the original strikers, he is now world-famous as a, pirate , Reign attended Patrick Henry University and became friends with John Salt and
  42. He robbed. Contrary to the modern-day picture of the traditional tyrannical, pirate , he commanded his vessels with the permission of their crews and there are no
  43. And became Protestant. Many Irish people such as Grain O'Malley, the famous, pirate ,queen had close relationships with the English monarchy and the English kings
  44. In the area, and believing that he might know of Teach's whereabouts had the, pirate ,and his two slaves arrested. However, Spotswood had no legal authority to have
  45. 1967 – UK Marine Broadcasting Offenses Act declares participation in offshore, pirate ,radio illegal. *1969 – Operation Banner: British troops are deployed in
  46. Denying, Emperor Rock, Pete Murray, and Bob Holiness. Many of the most popular, pirate ,radio voices, such as Simon Dee, had only a one-hour slot per week, ( " Midday
  47. The war Teach joined the fighting is, like most of his life before he became a, pirate , unknown. New Providence With its history of colonialism, trade and piracy, the
  48. He outlived his usefulness *Fafnir - A mighty red-bearded Vania warrior and, pirate ,captain. At first, he and Conan are enemies, but they soon become allies after
  49. Little or no confirmed registration. Some BBSes, called elite, warez or, pirate ,boards, were exclusively used for distributing pirate d software, phreaking,and
  50. V, Byzantine Emperor (b. 1015) *1217 – Estate the Monk, French mercenary and, pirate ,(b. c.1170) *1540 – Geronimo Francesco Maria Mazola, Italian painter (b.

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