Examples of the the word, conveniently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conveniently ), is the 9336 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In boards using DIMM memory. That is, a memory capacity of, for example, is, conveniently , expressed as 1 GiB as opposed to 1.074 GB. Software applications, however
  2. Hear is greater than or equal to 1 trillion. Such large measurement ranges are, conveniently ,expressed in logarithmic units: the base-10 logarithm of one trillion (1012)
  3. A variety of database models, such as the relational model or object model, to, conveniently , describe and support applications. It typically supports query languages, which
  4. Over CO2 in high temperatures. Laboratory preparation Carbon monoxide is, conveniently ,produced in the laboratory by the dehydration of formic acid, for example with
  5. Roods, and perches),even if the number of acres was so large that it might, conveniently ,have been expressed in square miles. For example, a certain landowner might
  6. Anomalous behavior of materials can affect this relation. The quantity that is, conveniently ,measured at constant experimentally controlled pressure, the isobaric volume
  7. The species became more bipedal, specialized feet would prevent the infant from, conveniently ,clinging to the mother - hampering the mother's freedom and thus make her and
  8. For example, byte values can range from 0 to 255 (decimal) but may be more, conveniently ,represented as two hexadecimal digits in the range 00 through FF. Hexadecimal
  9. Keys. ) Twelve tone equal temperament took hold for a variety of reasons. It, conveniently ,fit the existing keyboard design, and permitted total harmonic freedom at the
  10. Site and used only locally in that site. Document-oriented database Utilized to, conveniently ,store, manage,edit and retrieve documents. Embedded database An embedded
  11. Unit was chosen so that the units derived from it in the MESA system would be, conveniently ,sized. The" international ampere" was an early realization of the ampere
  12. Requirements translate to requirements for the respective DBMS, to allow, conveniently ,building a proper database for the given application. If this goal is met by a
  13. The Minnesota Vikings. The older league also announced on August 29 that it had, conveniently ,reversed its position against expansion, and planned to bring NFL expansion
  14. Described themselves as" Captain Ridley's shooting party ". The estate was, conveniently ,located within easy walking distance of Bletchley railway station, where the "
  15. For my honour's sake. And therefore I say again, I will marry as soon as I can, conveniently , if God take not him away with whom I mind marrying, or me, or else some
  16. Frac. Note that every series of repeating consecutive decimals can be, conveniently ,simplified with the following: :0.09090909\lots \; \; \franc \; \; \franc.
  17. Stories about Scrooge, Donald and all people of Duck burg in the '50s (it also, conveniently ,resolves potential continuity problems, such as Scrooge's age). As explained
  18. F may be easily found of the form:: f (z)=\sum_^\left (\franc\right)^, for a, conveniently ,chosen strictly increasing sequence of positive integers n_k. Any such sequence
  19. In an arrangement known as a long-tailed pair. This arrangement is used to, conveniently ,allow the use of negative feedback, which is fed from the output to Q2 via R7
  20. In a manageable and protected way diverse objects that do not fit naturally and, conveniently ,in common databases. It may include email messages, documents,journals
  21. Of electromagnetism, and specifically the need to express and manipulate, conveniently ,certain differential equations. Vector analysis had a certain intuitive appeal
  22. Integers n_k. Any such sequence defines an entire series f (z); and if it is, conveniently ,chosen, the inequality f (x)>g (| x |) also holds, for all real x. Other
  23. Of sine and cosine functions (see Fourier analysis),and these are more, conveniently ,expressed as the real part of exponential functions with imaginary exponents
  24. The effective limit on the width of a brick is set by the distance which can, conveniently ,be spanned between the thumb and fingers of one hand, normally about four
  25. This frequency was the first microwave spectrum to be observed. Ammonia may be, conveniently ,deodorized by reacting it with either sodium bicarbonate or acetic acid. Both
  26. Of work, which is not used in the above rules of calculation. Experimentally, conveniently ,measured coefficients Empirically, it is convenient to measure properties of
  27. To the south of the Oahu Plateau. The Accra-Kumasi-Takoradi triangle also is, conveniently ,linked to the coast by rail and road systems—making this area an important
  28. Went on for around 45 minutes before the sheriffs arrived. The sheriffs were, conveniently ,met by Perry Jones (Vernon's father-in-law) outside Mt. Carmel who said
  29. From that model and network providers started to develop systems and services, conveniently ,accessible on phones. NTT Doom in Japan launched the first mobile Internet
  30. Were buried ceremoniously in several deeply dug pits on the hill, serving, conveniently , as a fill for the artificial plateau created around the classic Parthenon. This
  31. Is effectively so that no one person dominated the stage. Even so, the members, conveniently ,fitted into the convention of having stereotypical personality types (Michael
  32. Of the ratio of measured power to a reference power level. The definitions were, conveniently ,chosen such that 1 TU approximately equaled 1 MSC (specifically,1.056 TU = 1
  33. In decibels. The decibel confers a number of advantages, such as the ability to, conveniently ,represent very large or small numbers, and the ability to carry out
  34. Systems in space The locations of points in three-dimensional space are most, conveniently ,described by three Cartesian or rectangular coordinates, X,Y and Z. Since the
  35. Maximum temperature and pressure. Since only the final products may be analyzed, conveniently , indirect or theoretical methods are often used to determine the maximum
  36. Had the closest links with European politics, trade and culture, because it was, conveniently ,sited for communication with the Continent. In the late 6th century, King
  37. Simply expressed as: \hat H|\Psi\range=E | \Psi\range. The operators can be, conveniently ,expressed in different bases (see next section for the operations used in
  38. Imaginary number: \hat \hat \hat \wedge \hat: ^2 = -1 this path vector can be, conveniently ,written in complex exponential form: \math bf = r \hat ex and the derivative
  39. Continuous. Sequences and nets In several contexts, the topology of a space is, conveniently ,specified in terms of limit points. In many instances, this is accomplished by
  40. Creation, maintenance,and the use of a database. It allows organizations to, conveniently ,develop databases for various applications by database administrators (DBA's)
  41. The ‘ deluge of information ’, has expressed the efforts of work, conveniently ,gaining access inside the house. Although commuting is reduced, ‘ the desire to
  42. Was to pass the stream first and march as far to the other side as could be, conveniently ,done. This line would then form and cover the passage of the horse, leaving
  43. External swell pedal, although the knob technique can enhance showmanship and, conveniently ,eliminate the need for another pedal. * Use of audio feedback to enhance
  44. Health. Soon she fell seriously ill with violent rash, fever and pain, which, conveniently , made her mother accept her wish to join the" Mantel late ", the local
  45. And various other substances. Gelignite was more stable, transportable and, conveniently ,formed to fit into bored holes, like those used in drilling and mining, than
  46. Means that content is affixed onto paper and the content can't be easily or, conveniently ,manipulated by the user. Duplication of printed works is time-consuming and
  47. Between the English and German editions of Guderian's memoirs," he gave a, conveniently ,unhelpful though strictly truthful reply. ('There is nothing about the matter
  48. May be viewed, to some extent, as an extension of Data modeling. It is used to, conveniently ,answer requirements of different end-users from a same database, as well as for
  49. P\, with the same provisos as mentioned just above. The quantity that is, conveniently ,measured at constant experimentally controlled temperature, the isothermal
  50. Of the Thames, from where their stored gunpowder and other supplies could be, conveniently ,rowed across each night. Meanwhile, King James continued with his policies

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