Examples of the the word, victor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( victor ), is the 6120 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their first match, the World Chess Championship 1984,held in Moscow, with the, victor ,again being the first to win six games outright, Karpov built a commanding 4–0
  2. 1894 demonstration of wireless communication through radio and as the eventual, victor ,in the" War of Currents ", he was widely respected as one of the greatest
  3. Both conferences, is known as the NBA Finals, and is held annually in June. The, victor ,in the NBA Finals wins the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy. Each player and
  4. Of the conflicts. However, the Roman Republic eventually emerged as the, victor , imposing strict treaty conditions and heavy financial penalties against
  5. And San Francisco won the third. In each of the three seasons, the game's, victor ,went on to win the Super Bowl. L. A. /St. Louis Rams The Los Angeles Rams were
  6. Of his success in other areas of physics, he was generally considered to be the, victor ,in the debate over the nature of light. Wave optics was successfully unified
  7. Of Commons and proportional representation. As Labor is traditionally the, victor ,in Scotland under First-past-the-post, this allowed the other 3 main Scottish
  8. The East Germans absorbed the Soviet-made myth that East Germany was the ", victor ,of history" that successfully resisted the fascists. They blamed their western
  9. Delaying them by a day because of poor reception conditions. Nevertheless, the, victor ,'s 1.4 GHz laptop, running his own code, took less than a minute to find the
  10. They have been slain, the seven other kings also will bow their necks to the, victor , In his Commentary on Daniel, he noted,“ Let us not follow the opinion of some
  11. Justification to attack, than like an actual historical figure. That the, victor ,of Age was still alive in 58 BC or, if yes, that he was physically still
  12. War in the Scandinavian part of Sweden brought unrest to Finland, too. The, victor ,of this struggle was Queen Margaret I of Denmark, who brought the three
  13. In an estimated one million deaths before the war ended with the famous" No, victor , no vanquished" speech in 1970. Following the civil war the country turned to
  14. Covering less than 40 km a day. Caesar himself does not appear as a triumphant, victor ,in turn, being unable to pursue the Helvetic for three days,“ both on account
  15. Circle R tail markings of the 6th Bomb Group as a security measure and had its, victor ,changed to" 82" to avoid identification with actual 6th BG aircraft.
  16. Officially banned and was allowed to participate in elections (as SKDL). The, victor ,'s interpretation of" Fascist organizations" turned out to be wide: the
  17. Such as Pompey. Atavism had been pro-Pompey. To clarify his status,the, victor ,of the civil war, Octavian Caesar, had wanted to take the title Romulus (the
  18. Proposes single combat between himself and Menelaus, with Helen to go to the, victor , ending the war. The duel, however,leads to inconclusive results due to
  19. Bomb bay modification and flew to Titian on 6 July. It was originally given the, victor ,number" 12," but on 1 August was given the circle R tail markings of the 6th
  20. Center. World War II The Nola Gay (B-29-45-MO,serial number 44-86292, victor , number 82) was built by the Glenn L. Martin Company (now Lockheed Martin) at
  21. To Yakut Shah). His reign After the Ottoman Interregnum, when Mehmed stood as, victor ,in 1413,he crowned himself sultan in Edible. He restored the empire, moved the
  22. To storm the election center and destroy ballot boxes, declaring himself the, victor , U. S. President Jimmy Carter refused to recognize Balaguer's claim, and
  23. Hector's brother Deifies, deluded Hector. He requests from Achilles that the, victor ,would return the other's body after the duel, but Achilles refuses. Achilles
  24. Of investiture. Then he returned to Germany – crowned emperor and apparent, victor ,over the papacy. The victor y was as short-lived as that of his father, Henry IV
  25. Anti-bug accepted it and ran around the track with it unfurled, beginning the, victor ,'s 'lap of honor' tradition. He missed the 1976 Olympics and a showdown
  26. The Wellington was named for Arthur Wellesley,1st Duke of Wellington, victor ,over Napoleon). In early 2009,Miyazaki returned with a new manga called
  27. Number of fighting men. Caesar's report of the numbers According to the, victor , tablets with lists in Greek characters were found at the Helvetian camp
  28. Set a 60-day residency requirement for all voters. Davenport was again the, victor ,by only two votes. Because the margin of victor y was so close a third election
  29. Et artist intuit arrest Ratio" (" Conquered Greece has conquered the brute, victor ,and brought her arts into rustic Labium" ). Roman art and literature were
  30. Nations. Despite this, mandates were generally seen as de facto colonies of the, victor ,nations. The mandates were divided into three distinct groups based upon the
  31. Battle of Mons Seleucus in southern Gaul, and again, Constantius emerged the, victor , Sole ruler of the empire Constantius spent much of the rest of 353 and early
  32. Nortel's CDMA and LTE assets for $650 million. And Ericsson emerged as the, victor ,in the following auction, with a purchase price of $1.13 billion. Avaya won an
  33. Defense was removed; and some claim the entire spirit of the assembly was ", victor ,'s justice ". The Charter of the International Military Tribunal permitted the
  34. War over leadership of Greece, leaving the Peloponnesian League as the, victor , Discontent with the Spartan hegemony that followed led to the Corinthian War
  35. Were held, with former Congressional president and 2005 nominee, Pepe Logo as, victor , 2010s Inaugurated on January 27, 2010,Pepe Logo and his administration
  36. Held land, if not all property, in common. When groups came into conflict,the, victor ,often appropriated the loser's property. The rights paradigm tended to
  37. The aquarium Saturn, the public treasury. The Senate proposed to Octavian,the, victor ,of Rome's civil wars, that he once again assume command of the provinces. The
  38. Strictly. In an unprecedented move, Rowling also demanded that Coca-Cola,the, victor ,in the race to tie in their products to the film series, donate $18 million to
  39. Character is listed by the kill readout as having been" John Woo'd" by the, victor , *Picking up a second submachine gun in the PC game Shadow Warrior causes the
  40. To represent each clan in the town. A Basic Law was established so that if the, victor ,for mayor was a Catholic, his deputy should be of the Greek Orthodox community.
  41. Forced to bail out by other Mustangs. Some U. S. historians proposed Nowotny's, victor ,was P-51D pilot Lt. Robert W Stevens of the 364th Fighter Group. According to
  42. Founded on her ancient customs as much as on the strength of her sons. "" The, victor ,is not victor ious if the vanquished does not consider himself so" " The idle
  43. However, is now the respondent. In unusual cases the appellant can be the, victor ,in the court below, but still appeal. For example, in Doyle v Colby (
  44. Possession, yea,Sere a possession of its enemies; but Israel is triumphant. A, victor ,issues from Jacob to wipe out what is left of Ir. ” Considering Antaeus ’
  45. The most common atlas figures at Angkor. * Garuda is depicted in the pose of a, victor , often dominating a nāga, as in the gigantic relief sculptures on the outer
  46. Times, it has been noted that peace has sometimes been achieved by the, victor ,over the vanquished by the imposition of ruthless measures. In his book
  47. The age of 106 and 5 months, and that he died on the stage while being crowned, victor , He was certainly alive after 345 BC, for Describes mentions him as alive in
  48. Express a meaning and designate the same object. Examples of this are" the, victor ,in Jena" and" the loser in Waterloo ", or " the equilateral triangle" and "
  49. Divided against itself, and in the general election Cleveland emerged the, victor , with 535,318 votes to Republican nominee Charles J. Folger's 342,464.
  50. The old Paris opera house) in 1859 (the year in which France emerged as a, victor ,in the Second Italian War of Independence, and in the month before the

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