Examples of the the word, alternatively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alternatively ), is the 6127 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Classified as an Ibero-Romance language) ********Occitano-Romance languages (, alternatively ,classified as an East Iberian language) Catalan bears varying degrees of
  2. Ezra himself, who may also have been the author of the Books of Chronicles, or, alternatively , that the author of Chronicles was also the author of Ezra. More recently it
  3. Shuttle used by the Imperial Navy Al-Qaeda (, translation:" The Base" and, alternatively ,spelled al-Qaida and sometimes alpha'Ida) is a global broad-based militant
  4. Schemas involving the same or different sets of primitive connectives can be, alternatively ,constructed. These axiom schemata are also used in the predicate calculus, but
  5. Useful in Bayesian practice. Indeed, methods for constructing" objective" (, alternatively ," default" or" ignorance" ) priors have been developed by avowed subjective
  6. In favor of foreign ones (a practice which Ezra vehemently condemns) or, alternatively , Malachi could be condemning the practice of divorcing foreign wives in favor
  7. Stated as" f is a morphism from a to b ". The expression HOM (a, b ) —, alternatively ,expressed as HOM (a, b ), or home (a, b ), or for (a, b ), or C (a, b ) —
  8. José. Holders of a Russian passport need a visa authorized by Costa Rica, or, alternatively , Costa Rican authorities will accept Russian nationals with a visa stamp for the
  9. Years, the stories of which feature in his book I'm A Stranger Here Myself, alternatively ,titled Notes from a Big Country in Britain, Canada and Australia. During his
  10. The inspiration for their original name, Paluani Chief. The club is nicknamed, alternatively ,Gialloblu, Mussi vol anti or CEO, and shares the 38,402 seater Marcantonio
  11. Was completed in 1995,the southbound in 1998. *The U. S. 165 Business Bridge (, alternatively , the Gillis Long Bridge, the Red River Bridge or the Jackson Street Bridge)
  12. Those objects as needed. These are called" non-moving" and" moving" ( or, alternatively ," non-compacting" and" compacting" ) garbage collectors, respectively. At
  13. A Barnard student, given that Barnard is a women's college. " The Steps ", alternatively ,known as" Low Steps" or the" Urban Beach ", are a popular meeting area for
  14. Because the indigenous people of this region are primarily dark-skinned, it is, alternatively ,called" Black Africa ". Some criticize the use of the term, because,as it has
  15. Peg array to form designs and then melted together with a clothes iron;, alternatively , they can be strung into necklaces or bracelets, or woven into keychains.
  16. Funeral fire to await Ragnarök when she would be reunited with her husband (, alternatively , she died of grief). Baldr's horse with all its trappings was also burned on
  17. Reaction occurs and white fumes given off as metallic antimony is formed;, alternatively , when rubbed with a pestle in a mortar, a strong detonation occurs. Black
  18. On caterpillar track carrying either a large howitzer or other field gun or, alternatively ,a mortar or some form of rocket or missile launcher. They are usually used for
  19. Its specific classification is as follows: *******Gallo-Romance languages (, alternatively ,classified as an Ibero-Romance language) ********Occitano-Romance languages (
  20. Israelis. Affection orientation (or romantic orientation) is used both, alternatively ,and side-by-side with sexual orientation. It is based on the perspective that
  21. Reading god fur did defile ᛭ (" God for/before you, Theophilus! ", or, alternatively ," God before you, Devil! "). Dated to between AD 660 and 690,it marks the end
  22. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. So far, nine FOCs have taken place, alternatively ,in Zagreb and New Delhi. The last round was held in New Delhi on 6 May 2011.
  23. That is, according to some sources, Gregorian 2006 (Chinese 4703) could, alternatively ,correspond to 4643,or perhaps 4704. Chinese Americans in the United States use
  24. Public without loss of confidentiality. Etymology of“ Cipher” “ Cipher” is, alternatively ,spelled“ cipher ”; similarly“ ciphertext” and“ ciphertext ”, and so forth.
  25. By the referee, each fighter must take a full step back before punching again (, alternatively , the referee may direct the fighters to" punch out" of the clinch). When a
  26. Partners. The studs or ribs can be located on the inside, outside,or both;, alternatively , they are located in specific sections to provide directed stimulation to
  27. Cover (see compost uses). Organic ingredients intended for composting can, alternatively ,be used to generate biogas through anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion is
  28. High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, &c. (, alternatively ,of England, Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
  29. Would then serve as a gateway into France by way of the mountain passes or, alternatively , an invasion with naval support along the Mediterranean coast via Nice and
  30. Defined as the political philosophy which holds the state to be immoral, or, alternatively , as opposing authority in the conduct of human relations. Proponents of
  31. Used to blend to red, green and blue components equally, as in 32-bit RGBA, or, alternatively , there may be three alpha values specified corresponding to each of the primary
  32. Signaling pathways, sometimes coupling the signaling to ciliary motility or, alternatively ,to cell division and differentiation. " * Eukaryotes can move using motile
  33. Field and S is a vector space over that field. An external binary operation may, alternatively ,be viewed as an action; K is acting on S. Note that the dot product of two
  34. Days, the George Cohen restaurant is open providing posh-nosh from Harrods or, alternatively ,there is the Cottage Café, located near to the Cottage itself. (The River Café
  35. Symmetric systems (e.g. AES) and asymmetric systems (e.g. RSA); they may, alternatively ,be grouped according to the central algorithm used (e.g. elliptic curve
  36. Punctuated with shallow down strokes to reach successively higher perches, and, alternatively , to cover longer distances by (mainly) gliding down from cliffs or treetops.
  37. The NHLPA. Early life Bell was born de Bonneville Bell, ( his first name was, alternatively ,spelled as Bonneville, De Bonneville, and Bonneville, ) on February 25
  38. 1980) Mitteleuropa, the German term The German term Mitteleuropa (or, alternatively ,its literal translation into English, Middle Europe) is an ambiguous German
  39. Antarctic Circle. It is surrounded by the southern waters of the World Ocean –, alternatively ,(depending on source),it is washed by the Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean or
  40. While the other particles are said to have positive or even parity (P +1,or, alternatively ,P +). For baryons, the parity is related to the orbital angular momentum by
  41. J~\bold symbol\dot\boldsymbol^ ~\text~ J = \DET (\bold symbol) We can, alternatively ,define the nominal stress tensor \bold symbol which is the transpose of the
  42. The number of bits required to represent n, that is (roughly) long. We could, alternatively ,choose an encoding for Turing machines, where an encoding is a function which
  43. Soil-dwelling bacterium, commonly used as a biological pesticide;, alternatively , the Cry toxin may be extracted and used as a pesticide. B. thuringiensis also
  44. it is too unimportant and nonthreatening to bother asking it to make the vow (, alternatively , it seemed too young to swear). When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this
  45. Such particle types are said to have negative or odd parity (P −1,or, alternatively ,P –),while the other particles are said to have positive or even parity (P
  46. Numbers has the least member. The cofinality of a partially ordered set A can, alternatively ,be defined as the least ordinal x such that there is a function from x to A
  47. Atomic orbitals are the basic building blocks of the electron cloud model (, alternatively ,referred to as the wave mechanics model or atomic orbital model),a modern
  48. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, originally wanted to ask for $2 billion, or, alternatively , the ceding of all of Canada to the United States. When American Secretary of
  49. The breakup of Southern Mon–Khmer—in Ethnologue. The Afroasiatic languages (, alternatively ,Afroasiatic),also known as Hamito-Semitic, The phylum is spoken by 200 to
  50. Black dog" ). * Black market is used to denote the trade of illegal goods, or, alternatively , the illegal trade of otherwise legal items at considerably higher prices, e. g.

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