Examples of the the word, dull , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dull ), is the 6130 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gris, ambergrease or gray amber) is a solid, waxy,flammable substance of a, dull ,gray or blackish color produced in the digestive system of and regurgitated or
  2. Pericarditis, and Kawasaki disease. Pain In general, aspirin works well for, dull , throbbing pain; it is ineffective for pain caused by most muscle cramps
  3. Of California, Berkeley—felt that" although he was pedantic, dogmatic,and, dull , Himmler emerged under Hitler as second in actual power. His strength lay in a
  4. Figure of the group, and is" appropriately pragmatic, authoritative,and, dull ,". ). Pier 4,a waterfront warehouse, served as a temporary headquarters after
  5. Harry S. Truman rarely visited Camp David, because his wife Bess found it ", dull ,". * Dwight Eisenhower held the first cabinet meeting there. * John F. Kennedy
  6. Generally characterized by an excess of scriptural language, and today they seem, dull ,and repetitious ". Others point out that" Fox's sermons, rich in biblical
  7. Colonists; all noble, all impoverished, and living a narrow domestic life in, dull , dignified decay. (...) The girls are almost always pretty, ignorant of the
  8. Since it is one of the few things that still brings surprise to his otherwise, dull ,existence. Let has employed a series of folds grown from the cells of Duncan
  9. Album in the early 1970s,leading critic Robert Christian described it as ", dull ,and decadent ... dim-witted, amoral exploitation. " Mainstream: late 1970s and
  10. Melody of the official anthem have been criticized in some quarters as being, dull ,and endearing to the Australian people. National Party Senator Sandy
  11. Winston Churchill referred in 1941 to the invasion of the Soviet Union as" the, dull , drilled, docile brutish masses of the Hun soldiery, plodding on like a swarm
  12. His academic performance in his final year to avoid service in the elite, but, dull , Corps of Engineers. United States Army Stuart was commissioned a brevet second
  13. Large game animals, such as deer, are dichromats, and perceive the orange as a, dull ,color. On the other hand, optical brighteners, commonly used in laundry
  14. They become afraid to take chances. The result: A lot of dull performances in, dull ,pictures ”. Final roles Bogart dropped his asking price to get the role of
  15. The common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very, dull ,we are," — James Branch Cabell, The Cream of the Jest *" In the early part of
  16. To write to Moscow about, the acting middling, and the whole thing a little, dull ,... Mr. Welles's highbrow direction is of that super-clever order which
  17. A package without damaging the contents of the package. When the blade becomes, dull , it can be quickly reversed or switched for a new one. Spare or used blades are
  18. S Far Beyond Driven topped the Billboard chart in 1994—but," In the, dull ,eyes of the mainstream, metal was dead. " Some bands tried to adapt to the new
  19. But the poet Cancer seems to contradict this by describing it as" always, dull ,of eye ". He also says:" From either end protrudes a blunt chin; each is far
  20. Ice. The guard protects the blade from dirt or material on the ground that may, dull ,the blade. Soft blade covers called soakers are used to absorb condensation and
  21. Affect the paint sheen. Matting agents can also be added during manufacture to, dull ,the finish. The artist can mix media with their paints and use topcoats or
  22. Of some grievous mystery ... This grave and lofty melancholy shines with a, dull ,light ... plaintive and profound like a melody by Weber ". Richard Wagner
  23. Barry enjoys spending his wife's money and is unfaithful, keeping his wife in, dull ,seclusion. He later comes to his senses and apologizes to her. Some years later
  24. Great example, as it is my theme!: Though deep yet clear, though gentle yet not, dull ,;: Strong without rage, without o'er flowing full. History The term" heroic
  25. Be perceived as red light, although sources of up to 1050 nm can be seen as a, dull ,red glow in intense sources. The onset of infrared is defined (according to
  26. A long, segmented blade that slides out from it. As the endmost edge becomes, dull , it can be broken off the remaining blade, exposing the next section, which is
  27. John Stuart Mill experienced a several-months-long period of what he called" a, dull ,state of nerves ", when one is" insusceptible to enjoyment or pleasurable
  28. Black but sometimes dark brown, often with well-defined bands of bright and, dull ,material, used primarily as fuel in steam-electric power generation, with
  29. Is washed with washing-up liquid (dishwashing liquid),it will become rough, dull ,and whiter, losing most of its translucency and luster. The purest alabaster is
  30. women's clothes in a shop window. Dr. Alton points out that men's clothes are, dull ,and restrictive, whereas women can adorn themselves with attractive clothing.
  31. Is an area of predominantly serpentine rock (which derives its name from its, dull ,green color and often spotted appearance),extending nearly the length of the
  32. And freedmen. But at the same time they portray him as paranoid and apathetic, dull ,and easily confused. The extant works of Claudius present a different view
  33. Normal saturation modifier or mask found in emerald. A grayish green hue is a, dull ,green. Clarity Emerald tends to have numerous inclusions and surface breaking
  34. Prevented him from offering full supervision in the field, and said," I am so, dull ,that in making use of the eyes of others I am frequently misled. " As a final
  35. In Sweden. Lin is outgoing and popular, but finds her life unsatisfying and, dull , Agnes, by contrast, has no real friends and is constantly depressed. Agnes has
  36. From Al Camp Remembered,1994),Camp and his brother Elliot ducked out of a, dull ,party at Capp's home—leaving Walt Kelly alone to fend for himself entertaining
  37. To top themselves ... they become afraid to take chances. The result: A lot of, dull ,performances in dull pictures ”. Final roles Bogart dropped his asking price to
  38. Still showed a quickness; and maturing time: But mellows what we write to the, dull ,sweets of rhyme. Alexandrines also formed the first line of the couplet form
  39. For Stravinsky. ... When I have said that the 7th symphony of Shostakovich is a, dull ,and unpleasant composition, people have responded: 'Yes, yes,but think of the
  40. So, only help others to see pure light and in doing that, put an end to this, dull ,taste of petty commercialism which is being passed off as Artist Art by the
  41. Building completed in 1726. Alexander Pope implied the architecture is rather, dull , lacking either the vigor of the baroque style which was fading from fashion
  42. Hero, Lucius (" shining, light "),changes his name and persona to Brutus (", dull , stupid" ), playing the role of a fool to avoid the fate of his father and
  43. Causing one Australian newspaper to use the headline" Agnetha's bottom tops, dull ,show ". When asked about this at a news conference, she replied:" Don't they
  44. Formatters, and Pitchfork Media) derided it as sounding under produced, dull ,and lackluster. In March 2001 Depeche Mode held a press conference at the
  45. But warned of the possibility that" his posturings will soon seem not merely, dull ,but irrelevant ". The album's title track would become an anthem for anti-war
  46. In the atmosphere to yield a thin, impermeable,tenacious and quite insoluble, dull ,gray layer of zinc carbonate which adheres extremely well to the underlying
  47. To obtain another son in case something should happen to Edward. Anne proved a, dull , unattractive woman and Henry declined to consummate the marriage. He quickly
  48. Or moral advancement. I loathe it, for it is made up of mediocrity, hate,and, dull ,conceit. It is this attitude which today gives birth to these ridiculous books
  49. Louise Jermaine de Staël wrote," I had never seen anything in pictures except, dull ,and lifeless colors; it was his imagination that gave them relief and life
  50. 槑 (U+69D1),which means 'plum ', is used to represent double of '呆' (, dull ,), or further magnitude of dull ness. In Chinese, normally full characters (as

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